
File content/category/controllers/AbstractCategoriesManageController.class.php

File content/category/controllers/AbstractCategoriesManageController.class.php

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 * @package     Content
 * @subpackage  Category\controllers
 * @copyright   &copy; 2005-2019 PHPBoost
 * @license GNU/GPL-3.0
 * @author      Kevin MASSY <>
 * @version     PHPBoost 5.2 - last update: 2017 08 22
 * @since       PHPBoost 4.0 - 2013 02 11
 * @contributor Julien BRISWALTER <>
 * @contributor Arnaud GENET <>
 * @contributor janus57 <>

abstract class AbstractCategoriesManageController extends ModuleController
    protected $lang;
    protected $tpl;

    public function execute(HTTPRequestCustom $request)




        return $this->generate_response($this->tpl);

    private function init()
        $this->lang = LangLoader::get('categories-common');
        $this->tpl = new FileTemplate('default/framework/content/categories/manage.tpl');

    private function build_view()
        $categories_cache = $this->get_categories_manager()->get_categories_cache()->get_class();
        $categories = $categories_cache::load()->get_categories();

        $number_categories = count($categories);

            'C_NO_CATEGORIES' => $number_categories <= 1,
            'C_MORE_THAN_ONE_CATEGORY' => $number_categories > 2, // Root category is not displayed, but taken into account in the calculation
            'FIELDSET_TITLE' => $this->get_title()

        $this->build_children_view($this->tpl, $categories, Category::ROOT_CATEGORY);

    private function build_children_view($template, $categories, $id_parent)
        foreach ($categories as $id => $category)
            if ($category->get_id_parent() == $id_parent && $id != Category::ROOT_CATEGORY)
                $description = '';
                if (method_exists($category, 'get_description'))
                    $description = FormatingHelper::second_parse($category->get_description());
                    $description = TextHelper::strlen($description) > 250 ? TextHelper::cut_string(@strip_tags($description, '<br><br/>'), 250) . '...' : $description;

                $description_exists = method_exists($category, 'get_description');
                $category_view = new FileTemplate('default/framework/content/categories/category.tpl');
                    'C_DESCRIPTION' => !empty($description),
                    'C_ALLOWED_TO_HAVE_CHILDS' => $category->is_allowed_to_have_childs(),
                    'U_DISPLAY' => $this->get_display_category_url($category)->rel(),
                    'U_EDIT' => $this->get_edit_category_url($category)->rel(),
                    'U_DELETE' => $this->get_delete_category_url($category)->rel(),
                    'ID' => $id,
                    'NAME' => $category->get_name(),
                    'DESCRIPTION' => $description,
                    'DELETE_CONFIRMATION_MESSAGE' => StringVars::replace_vars($this->get_delete_confirmation_message(), array('name' => $category->get_name()))

                $this->build_children_view($category_view, $categories, $id);

                $template->assign_block_vars('children', array('child' => $category_view->render()));

    private function update_positions(HTTPRequestCustom $request)
        if ($request->get_postvalue('submit', false))
            $categories = json_decode(TextHelper::html_entity_decode($request->get_value('tree')));
            $categories_cache = $this->get_categories_manager()->get_categories_cache();

            foreach ($categories as $position => $tree)
                $id = $tree->id;
                $children = $tree->children[0];
                $category = $categories_cache->get_category($id);

                $this->get_categories_manager()->update_position($category, Category::ROOT_CATEGORY, ($position +1));

                $this->update_children_positions($children, $category->get_id());


            $this->tpl->put('MSG', MessageHelper::display(LangLoader::get_message('message.success.position.update', 'status-messages-common'), MessageHelper::SUCCESS, 5));

    private function update_children_positions($categories, $id_parent)
        if (!empty($categories))
            foreach ($categories as $position => $tree)
                if (is_int($position))
                    $id = $tree->id;
                    $children = $tree->children[0];
                    $category = $this->get_categories_manager()->get_categories_cache()->get_category($id);

                    $this->get_categories_manager()->update_position($category, $id_parent, ($position +1));

                    $this->update_children_positions($children, $category->get_id());

     * @return string Page title
    protected function get_title()
        return $this->lang[''];

     * @return string Delete category confirmation message
    protected function get_delete_confirmation_message()
        return $this->lang['category.message.delete_confirmation'];

     * @param View $view
     * @return Response
    protected function generate_response(View $view)
        $response = new SiteDisplayResponse($view);

        $graphical_environment = $response->get_graphical_environment();
        $graphical_environment->set_page_title($this->get_title(), $this->get_module_home_page_title());

        $breadcrumb = $graphical_environment->get_breadcrumb();
        $breadcrumb->add($this->get_module_home_page_title(), $this->get_module_home_page_url());

        $breadcrumb->add($this->get_title(), $this->get_categories_management_url());

        return $response;

     * @return CategoriesManager
    abstract protected function get_categories_manager();

     * @param int $category Category
     * @return Url
    abstract protected function get_display_category_url(Category $category);

     * @param int $category Category
     * @return Url
    abstract protected function get_edit_category_url(Category $category);

     * @param int $category Category
     * @return Url
    abstract protected function get_delete_category_url(Category $category);

     * @return Url
    abstract protected function get_categories_management_url();

     * @return Url
    abstract protected function get_module_home_page_url();

     * @return string module home page title
    abstract protected function get_module_home_page_title();

     * @return boolean Authorization to manage categories
    abstract protected function check_authorizations();