
File content/category/controllers/AbstractDeleteCategoryController.class.php

File content/category/controllers/AbstractDeleteCategoryController.class.php

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 * @package     Content
 * @subpackage  Category\controllers
 * @copyright   &copy; 2005-2019 PHPBoost
 * @license GNU/GPL-3.0
 * @author      Kevin MASSY <>
 * @version     PHPBoost 5.2 - last update: 2018 10 29
 * @since       PHPBoost 4.0 - 2013 02 06
 * @contributor Julien BRISWALTER <>
 * @contributor Arnaud GENET <>

abstract class AbstractDeleteCategoryController extends ModuleController
     * @var HTMLForm
    protected $form;
     * @var FormButtonSubmit
    private $submit_button;

    private $lang;

    public function execute(HTTPRequestCustom $request)


        try {
            $category = $this->get_category();
        } catch (CategoryNotFoundException $e) {
            $controller = PHPBoostErrors::unexisting_page();

        $children = $this->get_category_children($category);
        if (empty($children) && !$this->get_category_items_exists($category))
            AppContext::get_response()->redirect($this->get_categories_management_url(), StringVars::replace_vars($this->get_success_message(), array('name' => $this->get_category()->get_name())));

        $tpl = new StringTemplate('# INCLUDE FORM #');

        if ($this->submit_button->has_been_submited() && $this->form->validate())
            if ($this->form->get_value('delete_category_and_content'))
                foreach ($children as $id => $category)
                $id_parent = $this->form->get_value('move_in_other_cat')->get_raw_value();
                $this->get_categories_manager()->move_items_into_another($category, $id_parent);

                $children = $this->get_category_children($category, false);
                foreach ($children as $id => $category)
                    $this->get_categories_manager()->move_into_another($category, $id_parent);

                $categories_cache = $this->get_categories_manager()->get_categories_cache()->get_class();
            AppContext::get_response()->redirect($this->get_categories_management_url(), StringVars::replace_vars($this->get_success_message(), array('name' => $this->get_category()->get_name())));

        $tpl->put('FORM', $this->form->display());

        return $this->generate_response($tpl);

    private function init()
        $this->lang = LangLoader::get('categories-common');

    private function build_form()
        $form = new HTMLForm(__CLASS__);

        $fieldset = new FormFieldsetHTMLHeading('delete_category', $this->get_title());

        $fieldset->add_field(new FormFieldCheckbox('delete_category_and_content', $this->lang['delete.category_and_content'], FormFieldCheckbox::UNCHECKED, array('events' => array('click' => '
        if (HTMLForms.getField("delete_category_and_content").getValue()) {
        } else {

        $options = new SearchCategoryChildrensOptions();
        $fieldset->add_field($this->get_categories_manager()->get_select_categories_form_field('move_in_other_cat', $this->lang['delete.move_in_other_cat'], $this->get_category()->get_id_parent(), $options));

        $this->submit_button = new FormButtonDefaultSubmit();
        $form->add_button(new FormButtonReset());

        $this->form = $form;

    private function get_category_children(Category $category, $enable_recursive_exploration = true)
        $options = new SearchCategoryChildrensOptions();
        return $this->get_categories_manager()->get_children($category->get_id(), $options);

    private function get_category_items_exists(Category $category)
        return PersistenceContext::get_querier()->row_exists(
        'WHERE '.$this->get_categories_manager()->get_categories_items_parameters()->get_field_name_id_category().'=:id_category',
        array('id_category' => $category->get_id()

    private function get_category()
        $id_category = $this->get_id_category();
        if (!empty($id_category) && $this->get_categories_manager()->get_categories_cache()->category_exists($id_category))
            return $this->get_categories_manager()->get_categories_cache()->get_category($id_category);
        throw new CategoryNotFoundException($id_category);

     * @return string Page title
    protected function get_title()
        return $this->lang['category.delete'];

     * @return string delete description
    protected function get_description()
        return $this->lang['delete.description'];

     * @return string delete success message
    protected function get_success_message()
        return $this->lang['category.message.success.delete'];

     * @return Clear elements cache if any
    protected function clear_cache()
        return true;

     * @param View $view
     * @return Response
    protected function generate_response(View $view)
        $response = new SiteDisplayResponse($view);

        $graphical_environment = $response->get_graphical_environment();
        $graphical_environment->set_page_title($this->get_title(), $this->get_module_home_page_title());

        $breadcrumb = $graphical_environment->get_breadcrumb();
        $breadcrumb->add($this->get_module_home_page_title(), $this->get_module_home_page_url());

        $breadcrumb->add($this->get_title(), $this->get_delete_category_url($this->get_category()));

        return $response;

     * @return string id of the category to edit / delete
    abstract protected function get_id_category();

     * @return CategoriesManager
    abstract protected function get_categories_manager();

     * @return Url
    abstract protected function get_categories_management_url();

     * @param int $category Category
     * @return Url
    abstract protected function get_delete_category_url(Category $category);

     * @return Url
    abstract protected function get_module_home_page_url();

     * @return string module home page title
    abstract protected function get_module_home_page_title();

     * @return boolean Authorization to manage categories
    abstract protected function check_authorizations();