
File phpboost/event/AdministratorAlertService.class.php

File phpboost/event/AdministratorAlertService.class.php

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 * This static class allows you to handler easily the administrator alerts which can be made in PHPBoost.
 * @package     PHPBoost
 * @subpackage  Event
 * @copyright   &copy; 2005-2019 PHPBoost
 * @license GNU/GPL-3.0
 * @author      Benoit SAUTEL <>
 * @version     PHPBoost 5.2 - last update: 2019 03 26
 * @since       PHPBoost 2.0 - 2008 08 29
 * @contributor mipel <>
 * @contributor Julien BRISWALTER <>
 * @contributor Arnaud GENET <>

 //Flag which distinguishes an alert and a contribution in the database

class AdministratorAlertService
    private static $db_querier;

    public static function __static()
        self::$db_querier = PersistenceContext::get_querier();
     * Builds an alert knowing its id.
     * @param int $alert_id Id of the alert.
     * @return AdministratorAlert The wanted alert. If it's not found, it returns null.
    public static function find_by_id($alert_id)
        //Selection query
        $result = self::$db_querier->select("SELECT id, entitled, fixing_url, current_status, id_in_module, identifier, type, priority, creation_date, description
        FROM " . DB_TABLE_EVENTS  . "
        WHERE id = :alert_id
        ORDER BY creation_date DESC", array(
            'alert_id' => $alert_id

        $properties = $result->fetch();


        if ((int)$properties['id'] > 0)
            //Creation of the object we are going to return
            $alert = new AdministratorAlert();
            $alert->build($properties['id'], $properties['entitled'], $properties['description'], $properties['fixing_url'], $properties['current_status'], new Date($properties['creation_date'], Timezone::SERVER_TIMEZONE), $properties['id_in_module'], $properties['identifier'], $properties['type'], $properties['priority']);
            return $alert;
            return null;

     * Builds a list of alerts matching the required criteria(s). You can specify many criterias. When you use several of them, it's a AND condition.
     * It will only return the alert which match all the criterias.
     * @param int $id_in_module Id in the module.
     * @param string $type Alert type.
     * @param string $identifier Alert identifier.
     * @return AdministratorAlert[] The list of the matching alerts.
    public static function find_by_criteria($id_in_module = null, $type = null, $identifier = null)
        $criterias = array();

        if ($id_in_module != null)
            $criterias[] = "id_in_module = '" . intval($id_in_module) . "'";

        if ($type != null)
            $criterias[] = "type = '" . TextHelper::strprotect($type) . "'";

        if ($identifier != null)
            $criterias[] = "identifier = '" . TextHelper::strprotect($identifier). "'";

        //Restrictive criteria
        if (!empty($criterias))
            $array_result = array();
            $result = self::$db_querier->select("SELECT id, entitled, fixing_url, current_status, creation_date, identifier, id_in_module, type, priority, description
            FROM " . DB_TABLE_EVENTS  . "
            WHERE contribution_type = '" . ADMINISTRATOR_ALERT_TYPE . "' AND " . implode($criterias, " AND "));

            while ($row = $result->fetch())
                $alert = new AdministratorAlert();
                $alert->build($row['id'], $row['entitled'], $row['description'], $row['fixing_url'], $row['current_status'], new Date($row['creation_date'], Timezone::SERVER_TIMEZONE), $row['id_in_module'], $row['identifier'], $row['type'], $row['priority']);
                $array_result[] = $alert;

            return $array_result;
        //There is no criteria, we return all alerts
            return AdministratorAlertCache::load()->get_all_alerts_number();

     * Builds a list of unread alerts.
     * @return AdministratorAlert[] The list of the matching alerts.
    public static function get_unread_alerts()
        $array_result = array();
        $result = self::$db_querier->select("SELECT id, entitled, fixing_url, current_status, creation_date, identifier, id_in_module, type, priority, description
            FROM " . DB_TABLE_EVENTS  . "
            WHERE contribution_type = :contribution_type AND current_status = :current_status", array(
                'contribution_type' => ADMINISTRATOR_ALERT_TYPE,
                'current_status' => AdministratorAlert::ADMIN_ALERT_STATUS_UNREAD

        while ($row = $result->fetch())
            $alert = new AdministratorAlert();
            $alert->build($row['id'], $row['entitled'], $row['description'], $row['fixing_url'], $row['current_status'], new Date($row['creation_date'], Timezone::SERVER_TIMEZONE), $row['id_in_module'], $row['identifier'], $row['type'], $row['priority']);
            $array_result[] = $alert;

        return $array_result;

     * Finds an alert knowing its identifier and maybe its type.
     * @param string $identifier The identifier of the alerts you look for.
     * @param string $type The type of the alert you look for.
     * @return AdministratorAlert[] The list of the matching alerts.
    public static function find_by_identifier($identifier, $type = '')
        $result = self::$db_querier->select("SELECT id, entitled, fixing_url, current_status, creation_date, id_in_module, priority, identifier, type, description
            FROM " . DB_TABLE_EVENTS  . "
            WHERE identifier = :identifier" . (!empty($type) ? " AND type = :type" : '') . " ORDER BY creation_date DESC
            LIMIT 1;", array(
                'identifier' => $identifier,
                'type' => $type

        if ($row = $result->fetch())
            $alert = new AdministratorAlert();
            $alert->build($row['id'], $row['entitled'], $row['description'], $row['fixing_url'], $row['current_status'], new Date($row['creation_date'], Timezone::SERVER_TIMEZONE), $row['id_in_module'], $row['identifier'], $row['type'], $row['priority']);

            return $alert;

        return null;

     * Lists all the alerts of the site. You can order them. You can also choose how much alerts you want.
     * @param string $criteria The criteria according to which you want to order. It can be id, entitled, fixing_url,
     * current_status, creation_date, identifier, id_in_module, type, priority, description.
     * @param string $order asc or desc.
     * @param int $begin You want all the alert from the ($begin+1)(th).
     * @param int $number The number of alerts you want.
     * @return AdministratorAlerts[] The list of the alerts.
    public static function get_all_alerts($criteria = 'creation_date', $order = 'desc', $begin = 0, $number = 20)
        $array_result = array();

        //On liste les alertes
        $result = self::$db_querier->select("SELECT id, entitled, fixing_url, current_status, creation_date, identifier, id_in_module, type, priority, description
        FROM " . DB_TABLE_EVENTS  . "
        WHERE contribution_type = " . ADMINISTRATOR_ALERT_TYPE . "
        ORDER BY " . $criteria . " " . TextHelper::strtoupper($order) . "
        LIMIT :pagination_number OFFSET :display_from", array(
            'pagination_number' => $number,
            'display_from' => $begin
        while ($row = $result->fetch())
            $alert = new AdministratorAlert();
            $alert->build($row['id'], $row['entitled'], $row['description'], $row['fixing_url'], $row['current_status'], new Date($row['creation_date'], Timezone::SERVER_TIMEZONE), $row['id_in_module'], $row['identifier'], $row['type'], $row['priority']);
            $array_result[] = $alert;

        return $array_result;

     * Create or updates an alert in the database. It creates it whether it doesn't exist or updates it if it already exists.
     * @param AdministratorAlert $alert The alert to create or update.
    public static function save_alert($alert)
        // If it exists already in the data base
        if ($alert->get_id() > 0)
            self::$db_querier->update(DB_TABLE_EVENTS, array('entitled' => $alert->get_entitled(), 'description' => $alert->get_properties(), 'fixing_url' => $alert->get_fixing_url(), 'current_status' => $alert->get_status(), 'creation_date' => $alert->get_creation_date()->get_timestamp(), 'id_in_module' => $alert->get_id_in_module(), 'identifier' => $alert->get_identifier(), 'type' => $alert->get_type(), 'priority' => $alert->get_priority()), 'WHERE id = :id', array('id' => $alert->get_id()));

            //Regeneration of the member cache file
            if ($alert->get_must_regenerate_cache())
        else //We create it
            $creation_date = new Date();
            $result = self::$db_querier->insert(DB_TABLE_EVENTS, array('entitled' => $alert->get_entitled(), 'description' => $alert->get_properties(), 'fixing_url' => $alert->get_fixing_url(), 'current_status' => $alert->get_status(), 'creation_date' => $creation_date->get_timestamp(), 'id_in_module' => $alert->get_id_in_module(), 'identifier' => $alert->get_identifier(), 'type' => $alert->get_type(), 'priority' => $alert->get_priority()));

            //Cache regeneration

     * Deletes an alert from the database.
     * @param AdministratorAlert $alert The alert to delete.
    public static function delete_alert($alert)
        // If it exists in the data base
        if ($alert->get_id() > 0)
            self::$db_querier->delete(DB_TABLE_EVENTS, 'WHERE id = :id', array('id' => $alert->get_id()));
        //Else it's not present in the database, we have nothing to delete

     * Returns the number of unread alerts.
     * @return int The number of unread alerts.
    public static function get_number_unread_alerts()
        return AdministratorAlertCache::load()->get_unread_alerts_number();

     * Returns the number of alerts.
     * @return int The number of alerts.
    public static function get_number_alerts()
        return AdministratorAlertCache::load()->get_all_alerts_number();