
File phpboost/update/Application.class.php

File phpboost/update/Application.class.php

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 * @package     PHPBoost
 * @subpackage  Update
 * @copyright   &copy; 2005-2019 PHPBoost
 * @license GNU/GPL-3.0
 * @author      Loic ROUCHON <>
 * @version     PHPBoost 5.2 - last update: 2019 03 26
 * @since       PHPBoost 2.0 - 2008 08 17
 * @contributor Julien BRISWALTER <>
 * @contributor Arnaud GENET <>

class Application
    private $id = '';
    private $name = '';
    private $language = '';
    private $localized_language = '';
    private $type = '';

    private $repository = '';

    private $version = '';
    private $compatibility_min = '';
    private $compatibility_max = '';
    private $pubdate = null;
    private $priority = null;
    private $security_update = false;

    private $download_url = '';
    private $update_url = '';
    private $autoupdate_url = '';

    private $authors = array();

    private $description = '';
    private $new_features = array();
    private $improvements = array();
    private $bug_corrections = array();
    private $security_improvements = array();

    private $warning_level = '';
    private $warning = '';

    const KERNEL_TYPE = 'kernel';
    const MODULE_TYPE = 'module';
    const TEMPLATE_TYPE = 'template';

     * constructor of the class
     * @param $id
     * @param $language
     * @param $type  see APPLICATION_TYPE_xxx constants
     * @param $version
     * @param $repository
    public function __construct($id, $language, $type = self::MODULE_TYPE, $version = 0, $repository = '')
        $this->id = $id;
        $this->name = $id;
        $this->language = $language;
        $this->type = $type;

        $this->repository = $repository;

        $this->version = $version;

        $this->pubdate = new Date();
     * Loads an XML description
     * @param $xml_desc reference to xml description
    public function load($xml_desc)
        $attributes = $xml_desc->attributes();

        $name = self::get_attribute($xml_desc, 'name');
        $this->name = !empty($name) ? $name : $this->id;

        $this->language = self::get_attribute($xml_desc, 'language');

        $language = self::get_attribute($xml_desc, 'localized_language');
        $this->localized_language = !empty($language) ? ($language) : $this->language;

        $this->version = self::get_attribute($xml_desc, 'num');

        $this->compatibility_min = self::get_attribute($xml_desc, 'min', 'compatibility');
        $this->compatibility_max = self::get_attribute($xml_desc, 'max', 'compatibility');

        $pubdate = self::get_attribute($xml_desc, 'pubdate');
        if (!empty($pubdate))
            $this->pubdate = new Date($pubdate);
            $this->pubdate = new Date();

        $this->security_update = self::get_attribute($xml_desc, 'security-update');
        $this->security_update = TextHelper::strtolower($this->security_update) == 'true';

        $this->priority = self::get_attribute($xml_desc, 'priority');
        switch ($this->priority)
            case 'high':
                $this->priority = AdministratorAlert::ADMIN_ALERT_HIGH_PRIORITY;
            case 'medium':
                $this->priority = AdministratorAlert::ADMIN_ALERT_MEDIUM_PRIORITY;
                $this->priority = AdministratorAlert::ADMIN_ALERT_LOW_PRIORITY;
        if ($this->security_update)

        $this->download_url = self::get_attribute($xml_desc, 'url', 'download');
        $this->update_url = self::get_attribute($xml_desc, 'url', 'update');
        $this->autoupdate_url = self::get_attribute($xml_desc, 'url', 'autoupdate');

        $this->authors = array();
        $authors_elts = $xml_desc->xpath('authors/author');
        foreach ($authors_elts as $author)
            $this->authors[] = array(
                'name' => self::get_attribute($author, 'name'),
                'email' => self::get_attribute($author, 'email')

        $this->description = $xml_desc->xpath('description');
        $this->description = (string) $this->description[0];

        $this->new_features = array();
        $this->improvements = array();
        $this->bug_corrections = array();
        $this->security_improvements = array();

        $novelties = $xml_desc->xpath('whatsnew/new');
        foreach ($novelties  as $novelty )
            $attributes = $novelty->attributes();
            $type = isset($attributes['type']) ? $attributes['type'] : 'feature';
            switch ($type)
                case 'improvement':
                    $this->improvements[] = (string) $novelty;
                case 'bug':
                    $this->bug_corrections[] = (string) $novelty;
                case 'security':
                    $this->security_improvements[] = (string) $novelty;
                    $this->new_features[] = (string) $novelty;

        $this->warning_level = self::get_attribute($xml_desc, 'level', 'warning');
        if (!empty($this->warning_level))
            $this->warning = $xml_desc->xpath('warning');
            $this->warning = (string) $this->warning[0];
     * Gets an identifier of the application
     * @return string identifier
    public function get_identifier()
        return md5($this->type . '_' . $this->id . '_' . $this->version . '_' . $this->language);
     * Checks compatibility with limits
     * @return boolean TRUE if compatible FALSE if not
    public function check_compatibility()
        $current_version = $this->get_installed_version();

        if ($current_version == '0')
            return false;

        $phpboost_version = Environment::get_phpboost_version();

        return version_compare($current_version, $this->get_version(), '<') > 0 &&
        (($phpboost_version >= $this->compatibility_min) && ($this->compatibility_max == null ||
        ($phpboost_version <= $this->compatibility_max && $this->compatibility_max >= $this->compatibility_min)));

     * Accessor of id
    public function get_id() { return $this->id; }
     * Accessor of name
    public function get_name() { return $this->name; }
     * Accessor of Language
    public function get_language() { return $this->language; }
     * Accessor of Localized language
    public function get_localized_language() { return !empty($this->localized_language) ? $this->localized_language : $this->language; }
     * Accessor of Type
    public function get_type() { return $this->type; }
     * Accessor of Repository
    public function get_repository() { return $this->repository; }
     * Accessor of Version
    public function get_version() { return $this->version; }
     * Accessor of Compatibility min value
    public function get_compatibility_min() { return $this->compatibility_min; }
     * Accessor of Compatibility Max value
    public function get_compatibility_max() { return $this->compatibility_max; }
     * Accessor of Publication Date
    public function get_pubdate() { return !empty($this->pubdate) && is_object($this->pubdate) ? $this->pubdate->format(Date::FORMAT_DAY_MONTH_YEAR, Timezone::USER_TIMEZONE) : ''; }
     * Accessor of Priority
    public function get_priority() { return $this->priority; }
     * Accessor of Security Update
    public function get_security_update() { return $this->security_update; }
     * Accessor of Download URL
    public function get_download_url() { return $this->download_url; }
     * Accessor of Update URL
    public function get_update_url() { return $this->update_url; }
     * Accessor of Auto Update URL
    public function get_autoupdate_url() { return $this->autoupdate_url; }
     * Accessor of Authors
    public function get_authors() { return $this->authors; }
     * Accessor of Description Text
    public function get_description() { return $this->description; }
     * Accessor of New Features Text
    public function get_new_features() { return $this->new_features; }
     * Accessor of improvements Text
    public function get_improvements() { return $this->improvements; }
     * Accessor of Bug Corrections Text
    public function get_bug_corrections() { return $this->bug_corrections; }
     * Accessor of Security improvements
    public function get_security_improvements() { return $this->security_improvements; }
     * Accessor of Warning level
    public function get_warning_level() { return $this->warning_level; }
     * Accessor of Warning
    public function get_warning() { return $this->warning; }

     * Get attribute of xml token
     * @param xdoc reference to xml document
     * @param attibute_name name of the attribute
     * @param xpath_query
     * @return string attrbute value
    private function get_attribute($xdoc, $attibute_name, $xpath_query = '.')
        $elements = $xdoc->xpath($xpath_query);
        if (count($elements) > 0)
            $attributes = $elements[0]->attributes();
            return isset($attributes[$attibute_name]) ? (string) $attributes[$attibute_name] : '';
        return '';

     * Get the number of the installed version
     * @return string version
    private function get_installed_version()
        switch ($this->type)
            case self::KERNEL_TYPE:
                return Environment::get_phpboost_version();
            case self::MODULE_TYPE:
                if (ModulesManager::is_module_installed($this->id))
                    return ModulesManager::get_module($this->id)->get_configuration()->get_version();
                return '0';
            case self::TEMPLATE_TYPE:
                if (ThemesManager::get_theme_existed($this->id))
                    return ThemesManager::get_theme($this->id)->get_configuration()->get_version();
                return '0';
                return '0';