
File content/category/CategoriesManager.class.php

File content/category/CategoriesManager.class.php

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 * This class allows you to easily integrate a complete system of categories in its script.
 * It needs to have its first instantiation of a parameter child object CategoriesCache and as the second parameter to have a CategoriesItemsParameters object.
 * @package     Content
 * @subpackage  Category
 * @copyright   &copy; 2005-2019 PHPBoost
 * @license GNU/GPL-3.0
 * @author      Kevin MASSY <>
 * @version     PHPBoost 5.2 - last update: 2016 10 24
 * @since       PHPBoost 4.0 - 2013 01 29
 * @contributor Julien BRISWALTER <>
 * @contributor Arnaud GENET <>

class CategoriesManager
     * @var string module identifier.
    private $module_id;

     * @var string table name where are stocked the categories to manage.
    private $table_name;

     * @var CategoriesCache The cached data class.
    private $categories_cache;

     * @var CategoriesItemsParameters
    private $categories_items_parameters;

     * @var DBQuerier
    private $db_querier;

    const STANDARD_CATEGORY_CLASS = 'Category';
    const RICH_CATEGORY_CLASS = 'RichCategory';

     * @param CategoriesCache $categories_cache A child object of the class CategoriesCache
     * @param CategoriesItemsParameters $categories_items_parameters
    public function __construct(CategoriesCache $categories_cache, CategoriesItemsParameters $categories_items_parameters)
        $this->module_id = $categories_cache->get_module_identifier();
        $this->table_name = $categories_cache->get_table_name();
        $this->categories_cache = $categories_cache;
        $this->categories_items_parameters = $categories_items_parameters;

        $this->db_querier = PersistenceContext::get_querier();

     * @param Category $category
    public function add(Category $category)
        $id_parent = $category->get_id_parent();

        $max_order = $this->db_querier->get_column_value($this->table_name, 'MAX(c_order)', 'WHERE id_parent=:id_parent', array('id_parent' => $id_parent));
        $max_order = NumberHelper::numeric($max_order);

        if ($this->get_categories_cache()->category_exists($id_parent))
            $order = $category->get_order();
            if ($order <= 0 || $order > $max_order)
                $category->set_order(($max_order + 1));

                $result = $this->db_querier->insert($this->table_name, $category->get_properties());
                return $result->get_last_inserted_id();
                $result = PersistenceContext::get_querier()->select_rows($this->table_name, array('id', 'c_order'), 'WHERE id_parent=:id_parent AND c_order >= :order', array('id_parent' => $id_parent, 'order' => $category->get_order()));
                while ($row = $result->fetch())
                    $this->db_querier->update($this->table_name, array('c_order' => ($row['c_order'] + 1), 'WHERE id=:id', array('id' => $row['id'])));

                $result = $this->db_querier->insert($this->table_name, $category->get_properties());
                return $result->get_last_inserted_id();
            throw new CategoryNotFoundException($id_parent);

     * @param Category $category
    public function update(Category $category)
        $id = $category->get_id();
        $id_parent = $category->get_id_parent();
        if ($this->get_categories_cache()->category_exists($id))
            $last_id_parent = $this->get_categories_cache()->get_category($id)->get_id_parent();
            if ($id_parent != $last_id_parent)
                $this->move_into_another($category, $id_parent);

            $this->db_querier->update($this->table_name, $category->get_properties(), 'WHERE id=:id', array('id' => $id));
            throw new CategoryNotFoundException($id_parent);

     * Moves a category and items into another category. You can specify its future position in its future parent category.
     * @param Category $category
     * @param int $id_parent
     * @param int $position
    public function move_into_another(Category $category, $id_parent, $position = 0)
        $id = $category->get_id();
        if ($this->get_categories_cache()->category_exists($id) && $this->get_categories_cache()->category_exists($id_parent))
            $options = new SearchCategoryChildrensOptions();
            $children = $this->get_children($id, $options);
            $children[$id] = $category;
            if (!array_key_exists($id_parent, $children))
                $max_order = $this->db_querier->get_column_value($this->table_name, 'MAX(c_order)', 'WHERE id_parent=:id_parent', array('id_parent' => $id_parent));
                $max_order = NumberHelper::numeric($max_order);

                if ($position <= 0 || $position > $max_order)
                    $this->db_querier->update($this->table_name, array('id_parent' => $id_parent, 'c_order' => ($max_order + 1)), 'WHERE id=:id', array('id' => $id));

                    //Update items
                    $this->move_items_into_another($category, $id_parent);

                    $result = PersistenceContext::get_querier()->select_rows($this->table_name, array('id', 'c_order'), 'WHERE id_parent=:id_parent AND c_order > :order', array('id_parent' => $category->get_id_parent(), 'order' => $category->get_order()));
                    while ($row = $result->fetch())
                        $this->db_querier->update($this->table_name, array('c_order' => ($row['c_order'] - 1)), 'WHERE id=:id', array('id' => $row['id']));
                    $result = PersistenceContext::get_querier()->select_rows($this->table_name, array('id', 'c_order'), 'WHERE id_parent=:id_parent AND c_order >= :order', array('id_parent' => $id_parent, 'order' => $position));
                    while ($row = $result->fetch())
                        $this->db_querier->update($this->table_name, array('c_order' => ($row['c_order'] + 1)), 'WHERE id=:id', array('id' => $row['id']));

                    $this->db_querier->update($this->table_name, array('id_parent' => $id_parent, 'c_order' => $position), 'WHERE id=:id', array('id' => $id));

                    //Update items
                    $this->move_items_into_another($category, $id_parent);

                    $result = PersistenceContext::get_querier()->select_rows($this->table_name, array('id', 'c_order'), 'WHERE id_parent=:id_parent AND c_order > :order', array('id_parent' => $category->get_id_parent(), 'order' => $category->get_order()));
                    while ($row = $result->fetch())
                        $this->db_querier->update($this->table_name, array('c_order' => ($row['c_order'] - 1)), 'WHERE id=:id', array('id' => $row['id']));

                throw new IllegalArgumentException('You can not move this category is one of its childs category !');
            if (!$this->get_categories_cache()->category_exists($id_parent))
                throw new CategoryNotFoundException($id_parent);
            elseif (!$this->get_categories_cache()->category_exists($id))
                throw new CategoryNotFoundException($id);

     * Moves items into another category.
     * @param Category $category
     * @param int $id_parent
    public function move_items_into_another(Category $category, $id_parent)
        if ($this->get_categories_cache()->category_exists($category->get_id()) && $this->get_categories_cache()->category_exists($id_parent))
            $this->db_querier->update($this->categories_items_parameters->get_table_name_contains_items(), array($this->categories_items_parameters->get_field_name_id_category() => $id_parent), 'WHERE '.$this->categories_items_parameters->get_field_name_id_category().'=:old_id_category', array('old_id_category' => $category->get_id()));

     * Update category and items position.
     * @param Category $category
     * @param int $id_parent
     * @param int $position
    public function update_position(Category $category, $id_parent, $position)
        $id = $category->get_id();
        if ($this->get_categories_cache()->category_exists($id) && $this->get_categories_cache()->category_exists($id_parent) && !($category->get_id_parent() == $id_parent && $category->get_order() == $position))
            $options = new SearchCategoryChildrensOptions();
            $children = $this->get_children($id, $options);
            $children[$id] = $category;
            if (!array_key_exists($id_parent, $children))
                $max_order = $this->db_querier->get_column_value($this->table_name, 'MAX(c_order)', 'WHERE id_parent=:id_parent', array('id_parent' => $id_parent));
                $max_order = NumberHelper::numeric($max_order);

                if ($position <= 0 || $position > $max_order)
                    $this->db_querier->update($this->table_name, array('id_parent' => $id_parent, 'c_order' => ($max_order + 1)), 'WHERE id=:id', array('id' => $id));
                    $this->db_querier->update($this->table_name, array('id_parent' => $id_parent, 'c_order' => $position), 'WHERE id=:id', array('id' => $id));


     * Deletes a category and items.
     * @param int $id Id of the category to delete.
    public function delete($id)
        if (!$this->get_categories_cache()->category_exists($id) || $id == Category::ROOT_CATEGORY)
            throw new CategoryNotFoundException($id);

        $category = $this->get_categories_cache()->get_category($id);
        $this->db_querier->delete($this->table_name, 'WHERE id=:id', array('id' => $id));

        //Delete items
        $this->db_querier->delete($this->categories_items_parameters->get_table_name_contains_items(), 'WHERE '.$this->categories_items_parameters->get_field_name_id_category().'=:id_category', array('id_category' => $id));

        $result = PersistenceContext::get_querier()->select_rows($this->table_name, array('id', 'c_order'), 'WHERE id_parent=:id_parent AND c_order > :order', array('id_parent' => $category->get_id_parent(), 'order' => $category->get_order()));
        while ($row = $result->fetch())
            $this->db_querier->update($this->table_name, array('c_order' => ($row['c_order'] - 1)), 'WHERE id=:id', array('id' => $row['id']));


     * Category[string] the children Categories map (id => category) for category id
     * @param int $id_category
     * @param SearchCategoryChildrensOptions $search_category_children_options
    public function get_children($id_category, SearchCategoryChildrensOptions $search_category_children_options, $add_this = false)
        if (!$this->get_categories_cache()->category_exists($id_category))
            throw new CategoryNotFoundException($id_category);

        $categories = $this->categories_cache->get_categories();
        $root_category = $categories[Category::ROOT_CATEGORY];
        $children_categories = array();

        if ($add_this)
            $children_categories[$id_category] = $this->categories_cache->get_category($id_category);

        if (($search_category_children_options->is_excluded_categories_recursive() && $search_category_children_options->category_is_excluded($root_category)) || !$search_category_children_options->check_authorizations($root_category))
            return array();

        if ($id_category == Category::ROOT_CATEGORY && !$search_category_children_options->category_is_excluded($root_category))
            $children_categories[Category::ROOT_CATEGORY] = $root_category;

        return $this->build_children_map($id_category, $categories, $id_category, $search_category_children_options, $children_categories);

     * Category[string] the parents Categories map (id => category) for category id
     * @param int $id_category
     * @param bool $add_this Add category in the map
    public function get_parents($id_category, $add_this = false)
        $parents_categories = array();

        if ($id_category != Category::ROOT_CATEGORY)
            if (!$this->get_categories_cache()->category_exists($id_category))
                throw new CategoryNotFoundException($id_category);

            if ($add_this)
                $parents_categories[$id_category] = $this->categories_cache->get_category($id_category);

            if ($id_category > 0)
                while ((int)$this->categories_cache->get_category($id_category)->get_id_parent() != Category::ROOT_CATEGORY)
                    $id_parent = $this->categories_cache->get_category($id_category)->get_id_parent();
                    $parents_categories[$id_parent] = $this->categories_cache->get_category($id_parent);
                    $id_category = $id_parent;
                $parents_categories[Category::ROOT_CATEGORY] = $this->categories_cache->get_category(Category::ROOT_CATEGORY);
            if ($add_this)
                $parents_categories[$id_category] = $this->categories_cache->get_category($id_category);

        return $parents_categories;

     * Computes the global authorization level of the whole parent categories. The result corresponds to all the category's parents merged.
     * @param int $id_category Id of the category for which you want to know what is the global authorization
     * @param int $bit The autorization bit you want to check
     * @param int $mode Merge mode. If it corresponds to a read autorization, use Authorizations::AUTH_PARENT_PRIORITY which will disallow for example all the subcategories of a category to which you can't access, or Authorizations::AUTH_CHILD_PRIORITY if you want to work in write mode, each child will be able to redifine the authorization.
     * @return mixed[] The merged array that you can use only for the bit $bit.
    public function get_heritated_authorizations($id_category, $bit, $mode)
        $categories = array_reverse($this->get_parents($id_category, true));

        $result = $this->categories_cache->get_root_category()->get_authorizations();
        if (!empty($categories))
            foreach ($categories as $category)
                if ($category->get_id() !== Category::ROOT_CATEGORY)
                    $result = Authorizations::merge_auth($result, $category->has_special_authorizations() ? $category->get_authorizations() : $result, $bit, $mode);
        return $result;

    public function get_select_categories_form_field($id, $label, $value, SearchCategoryChildrensOptions $search_category_children_options, array $field_options = array())
        return new FormFieldCategoriesSelect($id, $label, $value, $search_category_children_options, $field_options, $this->get_categories_cache());

     * @return FeedsCategoriesModule
    public function get_feeds_categories_module()
        return new FeedsCategoriesModule($this);

    public function regenerate_cache()
        $class = get_class($this->get_categories_cache());
        call_user_func(array($class, 'invalidate'));

     * @return CategoriesCache
    public function get_categories_cache() { return $this->categories_cache; }

     * @return string module identifier.
    public function get_module_id() { return $this->module_id; }

     * @return CategoriesItemsParameters
    public function get_categories_items_parameters() { return $this->categories_items_parameters; }

    private function build_children_map($id_category, $categories, $id_parent, $search_category_children_options, &$children_categories = array(), $node = 1)
        foreach ($categories as $id => $category)
            if ($category->get_id_parent() == $id_parent && $id != Category::ROOT_CATEGORY)
                if ($search_category_children_options->check_authorizations($category) && !$search_category_children_options->category_is_excluded($category))
                    $children_categories[$id] = $category;

                if ($search_category_children_options->check_authorizations($category) && ($search_category_children_options->is_excluded_categories_recursive() ? !$search_category_children_options->category_is_excluded($category) : true) && $search_category_children_options->is_enabled_recursive_exploration())
                    $this->build_children_map($id_category, $categories, $id, $search_category_children_options, $children_categories, ($node+1));
        return $children_categories;