
File phpboost/event/ContributionService.class.php

File phpboost/event/ContributionService.class.php

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 * This service allows developers to manage their contributions.
 * @package     PHPBoost
 * @subpackage  Event
 * @copyright   &copy; 2005-2019 PHPBoost
 * @license GNU/GPL-3.0
 * @author      Benoit SAUTEL <>
 * @version     PHPBoost 5.2 - last update: 2016 10 30
 * @since       PHPBoost 2.0 - 2008 07 21
 * @contributor Arnaud GENET <>
 * @contributor Julien BRISWALTER <>

class ContributionService
    const CONTRIBUTION_TYPE = 0;

    private static $db_querier;

    public static function __static()
        self::$db_querier = PersistenceContext::get_querier();

     * Finds a contribution with its identifier.
     * @param int $id_contrib Id of the contribution.
     * @return Contribution The contribution you wanted. If it doesn't exist, it will return null.
    public static function find_by_id($id_contrib)
        $result = self::$db_querier->select("SELECT id, entitled, fixing_url, module, current_status, creation_date, fixing_date, auth, poster_id, fixer_id, id_in_module, identifier, type, poster_member.display_name poster_login, poster_member.level poster_level, poster_member.groups poster_groups, fixer_member.display_name fixer_login, fixer_member.level fixer_level, fixer_member.groups fixer_groups, description
        FROM " . DB_TABLE_EVENTS  . " c
        LEFT JOIN " . DB_TABLE_MEMBER . " poster_member ON poster_member.user_id = c.poster_id
        LEFT JOIN " . DB_TABLE_MEMBER . " fixer_member ON fixer_member.user_id = c.poster_id
        WHERE id = :id AND contribution_type = :contribution_type
        ORDER BY creation_date DESC", array(
            'id' => $id_contrib,
            'contribution_type' => self::CONTRIBUTION_TYPE

        $properties = $result->fetch();


        if ((int)$properties['id'] > 0)
            $contribution = new Contribution();
            $contribution->build($properties['id'], $properties['entitled'], $properties['description'], $properties['fixing_url'], $properties['module'], $properties['current_status'], new Date($properties['creation_date'], Timezone::SERVER_TIMEZONE), new Date($properties['fixing_date'], Timezone::SERVER_TIMEZONE), TextHelper::unserialize($properties['auth']), $properties['poster_id'], $properties['fixer_id'], $properties['id_in_module'], $properties['identifier'], $properties['type'], $properties['poster_login'], $properties['fixer_login'], $properties['poster_level'], $properties['fixer_level'], $properties['poster_groups'], $properties['fixer_groups']);
            return $contribution;
            return null;

     * Gets all the contributions of the table. You can sort the list.
     * @param string $criteria Criteria according to which they are ordered.
     * It can be id, entitled, fixing_url, auth, current_status, module, creation_date, fixing_date, poster_id, fixer_id,
     * poster_member.login poster_login, fixer_member.login fixer_login, identifier, id_in_module, type, description.
     * @param string $order desc or asc.
     * @return Contribution[] The list of the contributions.
    public static function get_all_contributions($criteria = 'creation_date', $order = 'desc')
        $array_result = array();

        //On liste les contributions
        $result = self::$db_querier->select("SELECT id, entitled, fixing_url, auth, current_status, module, creation_date, fixing_date, poster_id, fixer_id, poster_member.display_name poster_login, poster_member.level poster_level, poster_member.groups poster_groups, fixer_member.display_name fixer_login, fixer_member.level fixer_level, fixer_member.groups fixer_groups, identifier, id_in_module, type, description
        FROM " . DB_TABLE_EVENTS  . " c
        LEFT JOIN " . DB_TABLE_MEMBER . " poster_member ON poster_member.user_id = c.poster_id
        LEFT JOIN " . DB_TABLE_MEMBER . " fixer_member ON fixer_member.user_id = c.fixer_id
        WHERE contribution_type = :contribution_type
        ORDER BY " . $criteria . " " . TextHelper::strtoupper($order) . ", creation_date DESC", array(
            'contribution_type' => self::CONTRIBUTION_TYPE
        while ($row = $result->fetch())
            $contri = new Contribution();

            $contri->build($row['id'], $row['entitled'], $row['description'], $row['fixing_url'], $row['module'], $row['current_status'], new Date($row['creation_date'], Timezone::SERVER_TIMEZONE), new Date($row['fixing_date'], Timezone::SERVER_TIMEZONE), TextHelper::unserialize($row['auth']), $row['poster_id'], $row['fixer_id'], $row['id_in_module'], $row['identifier'], $row['type'], $row['poster_login'], $row['fixer_login'], $row['poster_level'], $row['fixer_level'], $row['poster_groups'], $row['fixer_groups']);
            $array_result[] = $contri;

        return $array_result;

     * Builds a list of the contributions matching the required criteria(s). All the parameters represent the criterias you can use.
     * If you don't want to use a criteria, let the null value. The returned contribution match all the criterias (it's a AND condition).
     * @param string $module The module identifier.
     * @param int $id_in_module The id in module field.
     * @param string $type The contribution type.
     * @param string $identifier The contribution identifier.
     * @param int $poster_id The poster.
     * @param int $fixer_id The fixer.
     * @return Contribution[] The list of the contributions matching all the criterias.
    public static function find_by_criteria($module, $id_in_module = null, $type = null, $identifier = null, $poster_id = null, $fixer_id = null)
        $criterias = array();

        //The module parameter must be specified and of string type, otherwise we can't continue
        if (empty($module) || !is_string($module))
            return array();

        $criterias[] = "module = '" . TextHelper::strprotect($module) . "'";

        if ($id_in_module != null)
            $criterias[] = "id_in_module = '" . intval($id_in_module) . "'";

        if ($type != null)
            $criterias[] = "type = '" . TextHelper::strprotect($type) . "'";

        if ($identifier != null)
            $criterias[] = "identifier = '" . TextHelper::strprotect($identifier). "'";

        if ($poster_id != null)
            $criterias[] = "poster_id = '" . intval($poster_id) . "'";

        if ($fixer_id != null)
            $criterias[] = "fixer_id = '" . intval($fixer_id) . "'";

        $array_result = array();

        $result = self::$db_querier->select("SELECT id, entitled, fixing_url, auth, current_status, module, creation_date, fixing_date, poster_id, fixer_id, poster_member.display_name poster_login, fixer_member.display_name fixer_login, identifier, id_in_module, type, description
        FROM " . DB_TABLE_EVENTS  . " c
        LEFT JOIN " . DB_TABLE_MEMBER . " poster_member ON poster_member.user_id = c.poster_id
        LEFT JOIN " . DB_TABLE_MEMBER . " fixer_member ON fixer_member.user_id = c.fixer_id
        WHERE contribution_type = '" . self::CONTRIBUTION_TYPE . "' AND " . implode(" AND ", $criterias));

        while ($row = $result->fetch())
            $contri = new Contribution();
            $contri->build($row['id'], $row['entitled'], $row['description'], $row['fixing_url'], $row['module'], $row['current_status'], new Date($row['creation_date'], Timezone::SERVER_TIMEZONE), new Date($row['fixing_date']), TextHelper::unserialize($row['auth']), $row['poster_id'], $row['fixer_id'], $row['id_in_module'], $row['identifier'], $row['type'], $row['poster_login'], $row['fixer_login']);
            $array_result[] = $contri;

        return $array_result;

     * Create or update a contribution in the database.
     * @param Contribution $contribution The contribution to synchronize with the data base.
    public static function save_contribution($contribution)
        // If it exists already in the data base
        if ($contribution->get_id() > 0)
            //We write it for PHP 4 which doesn't understand (object->get_object()->method())
            $creation_date = $contribution->get_creation_date();
            $fixing_date = $contribution->get_fixing_date();

            self::$db_querier->update(DB_TABLE_EVENTS, array('entitled' => $contribution->get_entitled(), 'description' => $contribution->get_description(), 'fixing_url' => $contribution->get_fixing_url(), 'module' => $contribution->get_module(), 'current_status' => $contribution->get_status(), 'creation_date' => $creation_date->get_timestamp(), 'fixing_date' => $fixing_date->get_timestamp(), 'auth' => TextHelper::serialize($contribution->get_auth()), 'poster_id' => $contribution->get_poster_id(), 'fixer_id' => $contribution->get_fixer_id(), 'id_in_module' => $contribution->get_id_in_module(), 'identifier' => $contribution->get_identifier(), 'type' => $contribution->get_type()), 'WHERE id = :id', array('id' => $contribution->get_id()));
        else //We create it
            $creation_date = $contribution->get_creation_date();
            $result = self::$db_querier->insert(DB_TABLE_EVENTS, array('entitled' => $contribution->get_entitled(), 'description' => $contribution->get_description(), 'fixing_url' => $contribution->get_fixing_url(), 'module' => $contribution->get_module(), 'current_status' => $contribution->get_status(), 'creation_date' => $creation_date->get_timestamp(), 'fixing_date' => 0, 'auth' => TextHelper::serialize($contribution->get_auth()), 'poster_id' => $contribution->get_poster_id(), 'fixer_id' => $contribution->get_fixer_id(), 'id_in_module' => $contribution->get_id_in_module(), 'identifier' => $contribution->get_identifier(), 'type' => $contribution->get_type(), 'contribution_type' => self::CONTRIBUTION_TYPE));

        //Regeneration of the member cache file
        if ($contribution->get_must_regenerate_cache())

     * Deletes a contribution in the database.
     * @param Contribution $contribution The contribution to delete in the data base.
    public static function delete_contribution($contribution)
        //If it exists in database
        if ($contribution->get_id() > 0)
            self::$db_querier->delete(DB_TABLE_EVENTS, 'WHERE id = :id', array('id' => $contribution->get_id()));
            //We reset the id

            //Regeneration of the member cache file

     * Delete all contributions of a module
     * @param string $module_id the module identifier
    public static function delete_contribution_module($module_id)
        self::$db_querier->delete(DB_TABLE_EVENTS, 'WHERE module = :module_id', array('module_id' => $module_id));

     * Generates the contribution cache file.
    public static function generate_cache()

     * Computes the number of contributions available for each profile.
     * It will count the contributions for the administrator, the moderators, the members, for each group and for each member who can have some special authorizations.
     * @return int[] A map containing the values for each profile:
     * <ul>
     *  <li>r2 => for the administrator</li>
     *  <li>r1 => for the moderators</li>
     *  <li>r0 => for the members</li>
     *  <li>gi => for the group whose id is i</li>
     *  <li>mi => for the member whose id is i</li>
     * </ul>
    public static function compute_number_contrib_for_each_profile()
        $array_result = array('r2' => 0, 'r1' => 0, 'r0' => 0);

        $result = self::$db_querier->select("SELECT auth FROM " . DB_TABLE_EVENTS  . "
        WHERE current_status = :current_status AND contribution_type = :contribution_type", array(
            'current_status' => Event::EVENT_STATUS_UNREAD,
            'contribution_type' => self::CONTRIBUTION_TYPE
        while ($row = $result->fetch())
            if (!($this_auth = TextHelper::unserialize($row['auth'])))
                $this_auth = array();

            //We can count only for ranks. For groups and users we can't generalize because there can be intersection problems. Yet, we know the maximum number of contributions they can see, and we can be sure if they have at least 1.

            //Administrators can see everything

            //For moderators ?
            if (Authorizations::check_auth(RANK_TYPE, User::MODERATOR_LEVEL, $this_auth, Contribution::CONTRIBUTION_AUTH_BIT))

            //For members ?
            if (Authorizations::check_auth(RANK_TYPE, User::MEMBER_LEVEL, $this_auth, Contribution::CONTRIBUTION_AUTH_BIT))

            foreach ($this_auth as $profile => $auth_profile)
                if (is_numeric($profile))
                    //If this member has not already an entry and he can see that contribution
                    if (empty($array_result[$profile]) && Authorizations::check_auth(GROUP_TYPE, (int)$profile, $this_auth, Contribution::CONTRIBUTION_AUTH_BIT))
                        $array_result['g' . $profile] = 1;
                elseif (TextHelper::substr($profile, 0, 1) == 'm')
                    //If this member has not already an entry and he can see that contribution
                    if (empty($array_result[$profile]) && Authorizations::check_auth(USER_TYPE, (int)TextHelper::substr($profile, 1), $this_auth, Contribution::CONTRIBUTION_AUTH_BIT))
                        $array_result[$profile] = 1;

        return $array_result;