
File mvc/model/DAO.class.php

File mvc/model/DAO.class.php

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 * Describes a simple way to interact with a table
 * @package     MVC
 * @subpackage  Model
 * @copyright   &copy; 2005-2019 PHPBoost
 * @license GNU/GPL-3.0
 * @author      Loic ROUCHON <>
 * @version     PHPBoost 5.2 - last update: 2014 12 22
 * @since       PHPBoost 3.0 - 2009 10 02

interface DAO
    const FIND_ALL = 0;
    const WHERE_ALL = 'WHERE 1';

     * Saves <code>$object</code> in the table.
     * If the object does not exist, it is created, else,  just updated
     * @param PropertiesMapInterface $object the object to save
    function save(PropertiesMapInterface $object);

     * Update all fields in the table to the given value if row match the where clause.
     * @param mixed[string] $fields keys are the fields names to update, values, their new value
     * @param string $where the part of the query that came just after the from
     * @param string[string] $parameters the query vars to inject into the <code>$where</code>
    function update(array $fields, $where = DAO::WHERE_ALL, array $parameters = array());

     * Deletes <code>$object</code> from the table.
     * If the object does not exist, nothing is done
     * @param PropertiesMapInterface $object the object to delete
    function delete(PropertiesMapInterface $object);

     * Deletes all object matching the where clause from the table.
     * @param string $where the part of the query that came just after the from
     * @param string[string] $parameters the query vars to inject into the <code>$where</code>
    function delete_all($where = DAO::WHERE_ALL, array $parameters = array());

     * Count the number of object in the table matching the <code>$where</code> clause
     * @param string $where the part of the query that came just after the from
     * @param string[string] $parameters the query vars to inject into the <code>$where</code>
    function count($where = DAO::WHERE_ALL, array $parameters = array());

     * retrieves the object with the <code>$id</code> primary identifier
     * @param mixed $id the object primary identifier (shoudl always be an integer)
     * @return PropertiesMapInterface the objet retrieved from the table
     * @throws ObjectNotFoundException if no objects with this id are found in the table
    function find_by_id($id);

     * retrieves the <code>$limit</code> first objects from the <code>$offset</code> one.
     * If <code>$order_by</code> is specified, objects will be sorted in the <code>$way</code> way
     * @param int $limit the maximum number of objets to retrieve
     * @param int $offset the offset from which retrieves objects
     * @param string[mixed][] $order_by the column(s) on which sort will be done.
     * This parameter is an array with nested associative subarrays for each column:
     * <code>array(array('column' => $column1, 'way' => $way1), ...)</code>
     * <code>$column1</code> must be a column name or an alias and <code>$way</code> could be
     * ascending (<code>SQLQuerier::ORDER_BY_ASC</code>) or descending (<code>SQLQuerier::ORDER_BY_DESC</code>)
     * @return QueryResultMapper the objects list
    function find_all($limit = 100, $offset = 0, $order_by = array());

     * retrieves all the objects in the table matching the <code>$criteria</code>
     * @param string $criteria the part of the query that came just after the from
     * @param string[string] $parameters the query vars to inject into the <code>$criteria</code>
     * @return QueryResultMapper the objects list
    function find_by_criteria($criteria, $parameters = array());