
File io/template/loader/FileTemplateLoader.class.php

File io/template/loader/FileTemplateLoader.class.php

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 * This loader is the most used. It takes a file identifier as input. This identifier corresponds
 * to a file that can be different from the user's theme. In fact, when it loads a template, its looks for
 * it at several places. For a module template, it can be the default one which is in the /module/templates directory,
 * but if the file is specialized by the theme, it loads it from the theme directory. All that is explained
 * in the {@link FileTemplate} class description.
 * This loader supports caching and stores cache files in the /cache/tpl directory, their name are related to
 * their source's real path.
 * @package     IO
 * @subpackage  Template\loader
 * @copyright   &copy; 2005-2019 PHPBoost
 * @license GNU/GPL-3.0
 * @author      Loic ROUCHON <>
 * @version     PHPBoost 5.2 - last update: 2017 04 25
 * @since       PHPBoost 3.0 - 2009 06 18
 * @contributor Julien BRISWALTER <>
 * @contributor Arnaud GENET <>

class FileTemplateLoader implements TemplateLoader
    private $filepath;
    private $real_filepath = '';
    private $cache_filepath = '';
    private $pictures_data_path = '';

    private $module;
    private $file;

    private $templates_folder;
    private $default_templates_folder;
    private $theme_templates_folder;

     * Constructs a {@link FileTemplateLoader} from the file's identifier.
     * @param string $identifier The file's identifier
     * @param TemplateData $data The data which is associated to the loader. It is used to assign
     * the PICTURES_DATA_PATH variable that corresponds the the module's pictures data path (it depends on
     * whether the theme redefines them or not).
    public function __construct($identifier, TemplateData $data)
        $this->filepath = $identifier;
        $data->put('PICTURES_DATA_PATH', $this->pictures_data_path);

    private function compute_cache_file_path()
        $template_folder = new Folder(PATH_TO_ROOT . '/cache/tpl/' . AppContext::get_current_user()->get_theme());
        if (!$template_folder->exists())
            mkdir(PATH_TO_ROOT . '/cache/tpl/' . AppContext::get_current_user()->get_theme());

        $this->cache_filepath = PATH_TO_ROOT . '/cache/tpl/' . AppContext::get_current_user()->get_theme() . '/' . trim(str_replace(
        array('/', '.', '..', 'tpl', 'templates'),
        array('_', '', '', '', 'tpl'),
        ), '_') . '.php';


     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function load()
        if (!$this->is_cache_file_up_to_date())

        return $this->get_file_cache_content();

    private function is_cache_file_up_to_date()
        if (file_exists($this->cache_filepath))
            return @filemtime($this->real_filepath) <= @filemtime($this->cache_filepath) && @filesize($this->cache_filepath) !== 0;
        return false;

    private function generate_cache_file()
        $real_file_content = @file_get_contents($this->real_filepath);
        if ($real_file_content === false)
            throw new FileTemplateLoadingException($this->filepath, $this->real_filepath);

        $parser = new TemplateSyntaxParser();
        $result = $parser->parse($real_file_content);

            $cache_file = new File($this->cache_filepath);
        catch(IOException $ex)
            throw new TemplateLoadingException('The template file cache couldn\'t been written due to this problem :' . $ex->getMessage());

    private function get_file_cache_content()
        return @file_get_contents($this->cache_filepath);

     * Computes the path of the file to load dinamycally according to the user theme and the kind of file (kernel, module, menu or framework file).
     * @return string The path to load.
    private function compute_real_file_path()
        if (TextHelper::strpos($this->filepath, '/') === 0)
            // Load the file from its absolute location
            // (Not overlaodable)
            if (file_exists(PATH_TO_ROOT . $this->filepath))
                $this->get_template_real_filepaths_and_data_path(array(PATH_TO_ROOT . $this->filepath));

         Samples :
         $this->filepath = /forum/forum_topic.tpl
         $this->filepath = forum/forum_topic.tpl
         $module = forum
         $filename = forum_topic.tpl
         $file = forum_topic.tpl

        $i = TextHelper::strpos($this->filepath, '/');
        $this->module = TextHelper::substr($this->filepath, 0, $i);
        $this->file = trim(TextHelper::substr($this->filepath, $i), '/');
        $this->filename = trim(TextHelper::substr($this->filepath, TextHelper::strrpos($this->filepath, '/')));

        $this->templates_folder = PATH_TO_ROOT . '/templates/';
        $this->default_templates_folder = $this->templates_folder . 'default/';
        $this->theme_templates_folder = $this->templates_folder . AppContext::get_current_user()->get_theme() . '/';

        if (empty($this->module) || !TextHelper::strpos($this->filepath, '/'))
        else if (!in_array($this->module, array('default', 'admin', 'framework')))
            // Module - Templates priority order
            //      /templates/$theme/modules/$module/$file.tpl
            //      /$module/templates/$file.tpl
            // Kernel - Templates priority order
            //      /templates/$theme/default/.../$file.tpl
            //      /templates/default/.../$file.tpl

    private function get_template_paths()
            $this->theme_templates_folder . $this->filepath,
            $this->theme_templates_folder . 'default/' . $this->filepath,
            $this->default_templates_folder . $this->filepath

    private function get_kernel_paths()
            $this->theme_templates_folder . 'default/' . str_replace('default/', '', $this->filepath),
            ($this->module == 'default' ? $this->templates_folder : $this->default_templates_folder) . $this->filepath

    private function get_module_paths()
            $this->theme_templates_folder . 'modules/' . $this->module . '/' . $this->file,
            PATH_TO_ROOT . '/' . $this->module . '/templates/' . $this->file

    private function get_template_real_filepaths_and_data_path($paths)
        foreach ($paths as $path)
            $dirpath = dirname($path);
            if (file_exists($dirpath . '/images'))
                $this->pictures_data_path = $this->convert_to_tpl_path($dirpath);

        foreach ($paths as $path)
            if (file_exists($path))
                $this->real_filepath = $path;

        if (empty($this->real_filepath) && count($paths) > 0)
        {   // Adds the default path looking for in the exception trace
            $this->real_filepath = $paths[count($paths) - 1];

    private function convert_to_tpl_path($path_to_root_filepath)
        return TPL_PATH_TO_ROOT . TextHelper::substr($path_to_root_filepath, TextHelper::strlen(PATH_TO_ROOT));

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function supports_caching()
        return true;

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function get_cache_file_path()
        if (!$this->is_cache_file_up_to_date())
        return $this->cache_filepath;

    public function get_pictures_data_path() {
        return $this->pictures_data_path;