
File core/lang/LangLoader.class.php

File core/lang/LangLoader.class.php

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 * @package     Core
 * @subpackage  Lang
 * @copyright   &copy; 2005-2019 PHPBoost
 * @license GNU/GPL-3.0
 * @author      Loic ROUCHON <>
 * @version     PHPBoost 5.2 - last update: 2018 10 30
 * @since       PHPBoost 3.0 - 2009 09 29
 * @contributor Julien BRISWALTER <>

class LangLoader
    private static $locale = '';

     * @var CacheFactory
    private static $ram_cache = null;

     * sets the language locale
     * @param string $locale the locale
    public static function set_locale($locale)
        self::$locale = in_array($locale, self::get_available_langs()) ? $locale : self::get_default_lang();

     * Returns the current language locale
     * @return string the current language locale
    public static function get_locale()
        return self::$locale ? self::$locale : self::get_default_lang();

    public static function get_available_langs()
        $langs_folder = new Folder(PATH_TO_ROOT . '/lang');
        $langs_list = $langs_folder->get_folders();

        $available_langs = array();
        foreach ($langs_list as $lang)
            $available_langs[] = $lang->get_name();

        return $available_langs;

    public static function get_default_lang()
        $langs = self::get_available_langs();
        return $langs[0];

     * @param string $message_id the language message identifier
     * @param string $filename the language filename
     * @param string $module the module to look for languages files in
     * @return string the localized message
    public static function get_message($message_id, $filename, $module = '')
        $lang = self::get($filename, $module);
        if (!isset($lang[$message_id]))
            $lang = self::get($filename, $module, 'real_lang');
            if (!isset($lang[$message_id]))
                $lang = self::get($filename, $module, 'default');
        return $lang[$message_id];

     * Retrieves the language file <code>$filename</code> in
     * <code>/$module/lang/$locale/$filename.php</code>
     * If module is empty, the kernel lang folder will be used
     * @param string $filename the language filename
     * @param string $module the module to look for languages files in
     * @param string $forced_file the language filename to return inevitably
     * @return string[string] the lang array which keys are languages identifiers and values the
     * translated messages
    public static function get($filename, $module = '', $forced_file = '')
        $module_name = trim($module, '/');
        return self::get_raw($module_name, $filename, $forced_file);

    private static function get_raw($folder, $filename, $forced_file = '')
        $lang_id = $folder . '/' . $filename;
        $ram_cache = self::get_ram_cache();
        if (!$ram_cache->contains($lang_id))
            self::load($lang_id, $folder, $filename, $forced_file);
        return $ram_cache->get($lang_id);

    private static function load($lang_id, $folder, $filename, $forced_file = '')
        $lang = array();
        include self::get_real_lang_path($folder, $filename, $forced_file);
        if (empty($lang) && !empty($LANG) && is_array($LANG))
            $lang = $LANG;
        self::get_ram_cache()->store($lang_id, $lang);

     * returns the real language file path, trying first to load the localized language file
     * and if it's not possible, use the default locale one.
     * @param string $folder the folder to look in
     * @param string $filename the language filename
     * @param string $forced_file the language filename to return inevitably
     * @return string the real language file path
    private static function get_real_lang_path($folder, $filename, $forced_file = '')
        $real_folder = PATH_TO_ROOT . (!empty($folder) ? '/' . $folder : '') . '/lang/';
        $filename_with_extension = '/' . $filename . '.php';

        if (!empty($folder) && empty($forced_file))
            // Module - Langs priority order
            //      /lang/$lang/modules/$module/$file.php
            //      /$module/lang/$lang/$file.php
            $real_lang_file = PATH_TO_ROOT . '/lang/' . self::$locale . '/modules/' . $folder . $filename_with_extension;
            if (file_exists($real_lang_file))
                return $real_lang_file;

        if (empty($forced_file) || $forced_file = 'real_lang')
            $real_lang_file = $real_folder . self::$locale . $filename_with_extension;
            if (file_exists($real_lang_file))
                return $real_lang_file;

        // Get default lang file if nothing else is found
        if (empty($forced_file) || $forced_file = 'default')
            $real_lang_file = $real_folder . self::get_default_lang() . $filename_with_extension;
            if (file_exists($real_lang_file))
                return $real_lang_file;

        throw new LangNotFoundException($folder, $filename);

     * clear the lang cache (for unit test only)
    public static function clear_lang_cache()
        self::$ram_cache = null;

     * @return RAMDataStore
    private static function get_ram_cache()
        if (self::$ram_cache === null)
            self::$ram_cache = new RAMDataStore('lang');
        return self::$ram_cache;