
File mvc/model/SQLDAO.class.php

File mvc/model/SQLDAO.class.php

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 * Implements common access to a sql based datastore for CRUD operations on
 * objects attached to the given <code>MappingModel</code>.
 * @package     MVC
 * @subpackage  Model
 * @copyright   &copy; 2005-2019 PHPBoost
 * @license GNU/GPL-3.0
 * @author      Loic ROUCHON <>
 * @version     PHPBoost 5.2 - last update: 2014 12 22
 * @since       PHPBoost 3.0 - 2009 10 02

abstract class SQLDAO implements DAO
     * @var DBQuerier the sql querier that will interact with the database
    protected $querier;

     * @var MappingModel the model on which services are based
    protected $model;

     * @var string the name of the table in which objects will be stored
    protected $table;

     * @var string the primary key database field name (prefixed by the table name)
    protected $pk_db_field;

     * @var string the primary key property
    protected $pk_property;

     * @var string the primary key getter method name
    protected $pk_getter;

     * @var string the primary key setter method name
    protected $pk_setter;

     * @var string[string] $fields_mapping[$property] => $db_field_name
    protected $fields_mapping = array();

     * @var string the delete prepared query
    protected $delete_query;

     * @var string the insert prepared query
    protected $insert_query;

     * @var string the update prepared query
    protected $update_query;

     * @var string the find by id prepared query
    protected $find_by_id_query;

     * @var string the find by criteria prepared query
    protected $find_by_criteria_query;

     * initialize the dao
     * @param DBQuerier $querier the querier that will be used to interact with the database
     * @param MappingModel $model the model on which rely to provides services
    public function __construct(MappingModel $model, SQLQuerier $querier = null)
        $this->model = $model;
        if ($querier == null)
            $this->querier = PersistenceContext::get_querier();
            $this->querier = $querier;

    public function save(PropertiesMapInterface $object)
        $pk_value = $object->{$this->pk_getter}();
        if (empty($pk_value))
            $result = $this->raw_insert($object);
            $this->raw_update($object, $pk_value);

    public function update(array $fields, $where = DAO::WHERE_ALL, array $parameters = array())
        $this->querier->update($this->table, $fields, $where, $parameters);

    public function delete(PropertiesMapInterface $object)
        if ($this->delete_query === null)
            $this->delete_query = 'DELETE FROM ' . $this->table .
                ' WHERE ' . $this->pk_db_field . '=:pk_value;';
        $prepared_vars = array('pk_value' => $object->{$this->pk_getter}());
        $this->querier->inject($this->delete_query, $prepared_vars);

    // TODO delete_by_id

    public function delete_all($where = DAO::WHERE_ALL, array $parameters = array())
        $this->querier->delete($this->table, $where, $parameters);

    public function count($where = DAO::WHERE_ALL, array $parameters = array())
        $this->querier->count($this->table, $where, $parameters);

    public function find_by_id($id)
        $parameters = array('id' => $id);
        $query_result = $this->querier->select($this->find_by_id_query, $parameters);
        if ($query_result->valid())
            return $this->model->new_instance($query_result->current());
        throw new ObjectNotFoundException($this->model->get_class_name(), $id);

    public function find_all($limit = DAO::FIND_ALL, $offset = 0, $order_by = array())
        $query = '';
        if (!empty($order_by))
            $order_clause = '';
            foreach ($order_by as $order)
                $order_clause .= ', ' . $order['column'] . ' ' . $order['way'];
            $query .= 'ORDER BY' . ltrim($order_clause, ',');

        if ($limit != DAO::FIND_ALL)
            $query .= ' LIMIT ' . $limit . ' OFFSET ' . $offset;

        return $this->find_by_criteria($query . ';');

    public function find_by_criteria($criteria, $parameters = array())
        $full_query = $this->find_by_criteria_query . $criteria;
        $result = $this->querier->select($full_query, $parameters);
        return new SelectQueryResultMapper($result, $this->model);

    private function cache_model()
        $this->table = $this->model->get_table_name();

        $primary_key = $this->model->get_primary_key();
        $this->pk_property = $primary_key->get_property_name();
        $this->pk_db_field = $this->table . '.' . $primary_key->get_db_field_name();
        $this->pk_getter = $primary_key->getter();
        $this->pk_setter = $primary_key->setter();

        foreach ($this->model->get_fields() as $field)
            $this->fields_mapping[$field->get_property_name()] = $this->table .
                '.' . $field->get_db_field_name();

     * @param PropertiesMapInterface $object
     * @return InjectQueryResult
    private function raw_insert(PropertiesMapInterface $object)
        $prepared_vars = $this->model->get_raw_value($object);
        return $this->querier->inject($this->insert_query, $prepared_vars);

     * @param PropertiesMapInterface $object
     * @return InjectQueryResult
    private function raw_update(PropertiesMapInterface $object, $pk_value)
        $prepared_vars = $this->model->get_raw_value($object);
        $prepared_vars['pk_value'] = $pk_value;
        return $this->querier->inject($this->update_query, $prepared_vars);

    private function compute_find_by_id_query()
        if ($this->find_by_id_query === null)
            $this->find_by_id_query = $this->find_by_criteria_query .
                'WHERE ' . $this->pk_db_field . '=:id;';

    private function compute_find_by_criteria_query()
        if ($this->find_by_criteria_query === null)
            $this->find_by_criteria_query = 'SELECT ' . $this->pk_db_field . ' AS ' .

            $left_joins = $this->compute_joins();

            $this->find_by_criteria_query .= ' FROM ' . $this->table . ' ' .
            implode(' ', $left_joins) . ' ';

    private function compute_insert_query()
        if ($this->insert_query === null)
            $fields_list = array_keys($this->fields_mapping);

            $this->insert_query = 'INSERT INTO ' . $this->table .
                ' (' . implode(', ', $fields_list) .
                 ') VALUES(:'  . implode(', :', $fields_list) . ');';

    private function compute_update_query()
        if ($this->update_query === null)
            $fields_list = array();
            foreach ($this->fields_mapping as $property => $field)
                $fields_list[] = $field . '=:' . $property;

            $this->update_query = 'UPDATE ' . $this->table . ' SET ' . implode(', ', $fields_list) .
                ' WHERE ' . $this->pk_db_field . '=:pk_value;';

    private function add_select_columns($fields_mapping)
        foreach ($fields_mapping as $property => $db_field)
            $this->find_by_criteria_query .= ', ' . $db_field . ' AS ' . $property;

    private function compute_joins()
        $left_joins = array();
        foreach ($this->model->get_joins() as $join)
            $fields = array();
            $table_name = $join->get_table_name();
            $left_joins[] = 'LEFT JOIN ' . $table_name . ' ON ' . $table_name . '.' .
            $join->get_primary_key()->get_db_field_name() . '=' . $join->get_fk_db_field_name();
            foreach ($join->get_fields() as $field)
                $fields[$field->get_property_name()] = $table_name . '.' .
        return $left_joins;