
File phpboost/cache/UnreadContributionsCache.class.php

File phpboost/cache/UnreadContributionsCache.class.php

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 * This cache is used to know if there are unread contributions.
 * If there are, it's able to tell us how much there are for the administrator, and for the other
 * types of users, it's only able to tell if there are unread contributions.
 * @package     PHPBoost
 * @subpackage  Cache
 * @copyright   &copy; 2005-2019 PHPBoost
 * @license GNU/GPL-3.0
 * @author      Benoit SAUTEL <>
 * @version     PHPBoost 5.2 - last update: 2016 10 28
 * @since       PHPBoost 3.0 - 2009 11 10
 * @contributor Julien BRISWALTER <>
 * @contributor Arnaud GENET <>

class UnreadContributionsCache implements CacheData
    private $admin = 0;
    private $moderators = false;
    private $members = false;
    private $groups = array();
    private $users = array();

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function synchronize()
        $result = ContributionService::compute_number_contrib_for_each_profile();


     * Tells whether there are unread contributions
     * @return bool true if there are, false otherwise
    public function are_there_unread_contributions()
        return $this->get_admin_unread_contributions_number() > 0;

     * Tells how much contributions there are for administrators.
     * @return int The number of contributions.
    public function get_admin_unread_contributions_number()
        return $this->admin;

     * Sets the number of unread contributions for the administrator.
     * This method should be private but is public for unit tests.
     * @param int $number The number
    public function set_admin_unread_contributions_number($number)
        $this->admin = $number;

     * Tells whether moderators have unread contributions.
     * @return bool true if they have, false otherwise
    public function have_moderators_unread_contributions()
        return $this->moderators;

     * Tells whether a user has unread contributions (it only deals with user-specific contributions
     * and not with rank or group contributions).
     * @param int $user_id The id if the user
     * @return bool true if the user has, false if it doesn't
    public function has_user_unread_contributions($user_id)
        return in_array($user_id, $this->get_users_with_unread_contributions());

     * Tells whether a group has unread contributions (it only deals with user-specific contributions
     * and not with rank or group contributions).
     * @param int $group_id The id of the group
     * @return bool true if the group has, false otherwise
    public function has_group_unread_contributions($group_id)
        return in_array($group_id, $this->get_groups_with_unread_contributions());

     * Sets whether there are unread contributions for moderators.
     * This method should be private but is public for unit tests.
     * @param bool $have true if there are, false otherwise
    public function set_moderators_have_unread_contributions($have)
        $this->moderators = $have;

     * Tells whether members have unread contributions.
     * @return bool true if they have, false otherwise
    public function have_members_unread_contributions()
        return $this->members;

     * Sets whether there are unread contributions for members.
     * This method should be private but is public for unit tests.
     * @param bool $have true if there are, false otherwise
    public function set_members_have_unread_contributions($have)
        $this->members = $have;

     * Returns the list of the groups which have unread contributions.
     * @return int[] The list of their ids
    public function get_groups_with_unread_contributions()
        return $this->groups;

     * Ass a group to the list of groups which have unread contributions.
     * This method should be private but is public for unit tests.
     * @param int $id The id of the group
    public function add_group_with_unread_contributions($id)
        $this->add_unique_item_in_list($this->groups, $id);

     * Returns the list of the users who have unread contributions.
     * @return int[] The list of their ids.
    public function get_users_with_unread_contributions()
        return $this->users;

     * Ass a group to the list of users who have unread contributions.
     * This method should be private but is public for unit tests.
     * @param int $id The id of the user
    public function add_user_with_unread_contributions($id)
        $this->add_unique_item_in_list($this->users, $id);

     * Sets the values from the method of ContributionService which returns the number of
     * unread contributions for which profile.
     * @param array $numbers The array returned by
     * ContributionService::compute_number_contrib_for_each_profile
     * This method should be private but is public for unit tests.
    public function set_values(array $numbers)


        foreach ($numbers as $profile => $number)
            if ($number > 0)
                if ($profile[0] == 'g')
                    $this->add_group_with_unread_contributions((int) TextHelper::substr($profile, 1));
                else if ($profile[0] == 'm')
                    $this->add_user_with_unread_contributions((int) TextHelper::substr($profile, 1));

     * Loads and returns the unread contribution cached data.
     * @return UnreadContributionsCache The cached data
    public static function load()
        return CacheManager::load(__CLASS__, 'kernel', 'unread-contributions');

     * Invalidates the current modules css files cached data.
    public static function invalidate()
        CacheManager::invalidate('kernel', 'unread-contributions');

    private function add_unique_item_in_list(&$list, $item)
        if (!in_array($item, $list))
            $list[] = $item;