
File util/Url.class.php

File util/Url.class.php

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 * This class offers a simple way to transform an absolute or relative link
 * to a relative one to the website root.
 * It can also deals with absolute url and will convert only those from this
 * site into relatives ones.
 * Usage :
 * <ul>
 *   <li>In content, get the url with the absolute() method. It will allow content include at multiple level</li>
 *   <li>In forms, get the url with the relative() method. It's a faster way to display url</li>
 * </ul>
 * @package     Util
 * @copyright   &copy; 2005-2019 PHPBoost
 * @license GNU/GPL-3.0
 * @author      Loic ROUCHON <>
 * @version     PHPBoost 5.2 - last update: 2019 01 22
 * @since       PHPBoost 2.0 - 2009 01 14
 * @contributor Julien BRISWALTER <>
 * @contributor Arnaud GENET <>
 * @contributor mipel <>
 * @contributor janus57 <>


class Url
    const FORBID_JS_REGEX = '(?!javascript:)';
    const PROTOCOL_REGEX = '[a-z0-9-_]+(?::[a-z0-9-_]+)*://';
    const USER_REGEX = '[a-z0-9-_]+(?::[a-z0-9-_]+)?@';
    const DOMAIN_REGEX = '(?:[a-z0-9-_~]+\.)*[a-z0-9-_~]+(?::[0-9]{1,5})?/';
    const FOLDERS_REGEX = '/*(?:[A-Za-z0-9~_\.+@,-]+/+)*';
    const FILE_REGEX = '[A-Za-z0-9-+_,~:/\.\%!=]+';
    const ARGS_REGEX = '(/([\w/_\.#-]*(\?)?(\S+)?[^\.\s])?)?';

    const STATUS_OK = 200;
    const STATUS_FOUND = 302;

    private static $root = TPL_PATH_TO_ROOT;
    private static $server = SERVER_URL;

    private $url = '';
    private $is_relative = false;
    private $path_to_root = '';
    private $server_url = '';

     * Build a Url object. By default, builds an Url object representing the current path.
     * If the url is empty, no computation is done and an empty string will be returned
     * when asking for both relative and absolute form of the url.
     * @param string $url the url string relative to the current path,
     * to the website root if beginning with a "/" or an absolute url
     * @param string $path_to_root url context. default is PATH_TO_ROOT
    public function __construct($url = '.', $path_to_root = null, $server_url = null)
        if (!empty($url))
            if ($path_to_root !== null)
                $this->path_to_root = $path_to_root;
                $this->path_to_root = self::$root;

            if ($server_url !== null)
                $this->server_url = $server_url;
                $this->server_url = self::$server;

            $anchor = '';
            if (($pos = TextHelper::strpos($url, '#')) !== false)
                // Backup url arguments in order to restore them after compression
                if ($pos == 0)
                    // anchor to the current page
                    $this->url = $url;
                    $this->is_relative = false; // forbids all url transformations
                    $anchor = TextHelper::substr($url, $pos);
                    $url = TextHelper::substr($url, 0, $pos);

            if (preg_match('`^[a-z0-9]+\:(?!//).+`iuU', $url) > 0)
            {   // This is a special protocol link and we don't try to convert it.
                $this->url = $url;
            else if (TextHelper::strpos($url, 'www.') === 0)
            {   // If the url begins with 'www.', it's an absolute one
                $url = 'http://' . $url;

            $url = preg_replace('`^https?://' . AppContext::get_request()->get_site_domain_name() . GeneralConfig::load()->get_site_path() . '`uUi', '', self::compress($url));
            if (!TextHelper::strpos($url, '://') && TextHelper::substr($url, 0, 2) != '//')
                $this->is_relative = true;
                if (TextHelper::substr($url, 0, 1) == '/')
                {   // Relative url from the website root (good form)
                    $this->url = $url;
                {   // The url is relative to the current folder
                    $this->url = $this->root_to_local() . $url;
                $this->is_relative = false;
                $this->url = $url;
            $this->url = self::compress($this->url) . $anchor;

     * @return bool true if the url is a relative one
    public function is_relative()
        return $this->is_relative;

     * Returns the root relative url if defined, else the absolute one
     * @return string the root relative url if defined, else the absolute one
    public function relative()
        if ($this->is_relative())
            return $this->url;
            return $this->absolute();

     * Returns the relative url if defined, else the absolute one
     * @return string the relative url if defined, else the absolute one
    public function rel()
        if ($this->is_relative())
            return TPL_PATH_TO_ROOT . '/' . ltrim($this->relative(), '/');
            return $this->absolute();

     * Returns the absolute url
     * @return string the absolute url
    public function absolute()
        if ($this->is_relative())
            return self::compress($this->get_absolute_root() . $this->url);
            return $this->url;

     * Returns the relative path from the website root to the current path if working on a relative url
     * @return string the relative path from the website root to the current path if working on a relative url
    public function root_to_local()
        $local_path = $this->server_url;
        $local_path = TextHelper::substr(trim($local_path, '/'), TextHelper::strlen(trim(GeneralConfig::load()->get_site_path(), '/')));
        $file_begun = TextHelper::strrpos($local_path, '/');
        if ($file_begun >= 0)
            $local_path = TextHelper::substr($local_path, 0, $file_begun) . '/';

        return '/' . ltrim($local_path, '/');

     * Prepares a string for it to be used in an URL (with only a-z, 0-9 and - characters).
     * @param string $string String to encode.
     * @return string The encoded string.
    public static function encode_rewrite($url)
        $url = utf8_decode(TextHelper::html_entity_decode($url));
        $url = TextHelper::strtolower(strtr($url, utf8_decode('²ÀÁÂÃÄÅàáâãäåÒÓÔÕÖØòóôõöø°ÈÉÊËèéêëÇçÌÍÎÏìíîïÙÚÛÜùúûüÿÑñ()[]\'"~$&%*@ç!?;,:/\^¨€{}<>«»`|+.= #'),  '2aaaaaaaaaaaaoooooooooooooeeeeeeeecciiiiiiiiuuuuuuuuynn    --      c  ---    e         --- '));
        $url = str_replace(' ', '', $url);
        $url = str_replace('---', '-', $url);
        $url = str_replace('--', '-', $url);
        $url = trim($url,'-');

        return $url;

     * Checks the status of an url.
     * @param string $url Url to check.
     * @return int The status of the url.
    public static function check_url_validity($url)
        if (empty($url))
            return false;

        $status = 0;

        if (!($url instanceof Url))
            if ($url[0] == '/' && file_exists(PATH_TO_ROOT . $url))
                return true;

            $url = new Url($url);

        $file = new File($url->relative());
        if ($file->exists())
            return true;

        $folder = new Folder($url->relative());
        if ($folder->exists())
            return true;

        if ($url->absolute())
            if (function_exists('stream_context_set_default'))
                stream_context_set_default(array('http' => array('method' => 'HEAD', 'timeout' => 1)));

            if (function_exists('get_headers'))
                $file_headers = @get_headers($url->absolute(), true);

                if (isset($file_headers[0]))
                    if(preg_match('/^HTTP\/[12]\.[01] (\d\d\d)/u', $file_headers[0], $matches))
                        $status = (int)$matches[1];
                    $status = self::STATUS_OK;
                $status = self::STATUS_OK;

        return in_array($status, array(self::STATUS_OK, self::STATUS_FOUND));

     * Retrieves the size of a file in url.
     * @param string $url Url to check.
     * @return int The size of the url file.
    public static function get_url_file_size($url)
        $file_size = 0;

        if (!($url instanceof Url))
            $url = new Url($url);

        $file = new File($url->rel());
        if ($file->exists())
            $file_size = $file->get_file_size();

        if (empty($file_size) && $url->absolute())
            if (function_exists('stream_context_set_default'))
                stream_context_set_default(array('http' => array('method' => 'HEAD', 'timeout' => 1)));

            if (function_exists('get_headers'))
                $file_headers = @get_headers($url->absolute(), true);
                if (isset($file_headers[0]))
                    $status = 0;
                    if(preg_match('/^HTTP\/[12]\.[01] (\d\d\d)/u', $file_headers[0], $matches))
                        $status = (int)$matches[1];

                    if ($status == self::STATUS_OK && isset($file_headers['Content-Length']))
                        $file_size = $file_headers['Content-Length'];

        return $file_size;

     * Compress a url by removing all "folder/.." occurrences
     * @param string $url the url to compress
     * @return string the compressed url
    public static function compress($url)
        $args = '';
        if (($pos = TextHelper::strpos($url, '?')) !== false)
            // Backup url arguments inn order to restore them after compression
            $args = TextHelper::substr($url, $pos);
            $url = TextHelper::substr($url, 0, $pos);
        $url = preg_replace(array('`([^:]|^)/+`u', '`(?<!\.)\./`u'), array('$1/', ''), $url);

            $url = preg_replace('`/?[^/]+/\.\.`u', '', $url);

        while (preg_match('`/?[^/]+/\.\.`u', $url) > 0);
        return $url . $args;

     * Returns the absolute website root Url
     * @return string the absolute website root Url
    public static function get_absolute_root()
        $config = GeneralConfig::load();
        return trim($config->get_complete_site_url(), '/');

     * Returns the HTML text with only absolutes urls
     * @param string $html_text The HTML text in which we gonna search for
     * root relatives urls (only those beginning by '/') to convert into absolutes ones.
     * @param string $path_to_root Path to root of the page to which you want to fit the URL.
     * @param string $server_url Path from the site root of the page to which you want to fit the URL.
     * @return string The HTML text with only absolutes urls
    public static function html_convert_root_relative2absolute($html_text, $path_to_root = PATH_TO_ROOT, $server_url = SERVER_URL)
        $path_to_root_bak = self::$root;
        $server_url_bak = self::$server;

        self::$root = $path_to_root;
        self::$server = $server_url;

        $result = preg_replace_callback(self::build_html_match_regex(true),
        array('Url', 'convert_url_to_absolute'), $html_text);

        self::$root = $path_to_root_bak;
        self::$server = $server_url_bak;

        return $result;

     * Returns the HTML text with only relatives urls
     * @param string $html_text The HTML text in which we gonna search for absolutes urls to convert into relatives ones.
     * @param string $path_to_root Path to root of the page to which you want to fit the URL.
     * @param string $server_url Path from the site root of the page to which you want to fit the URL.
     * @return string The HTML text with only absolutes urls
    public static function html_convert_absolute2root_relative($html_text, $path_to_root = PATH_TO_ROOT, $server_url = SERVER_URL)
        $path_to_root_bak = self::$root;
        $server_url_bak = self::$server;

        self::$root = $path_to_root;
        self::$server = $server_url;

        $result = preg_replace_callback(self::build_html_match_regex(),
        array('Url', 'convert_url_to_root_relative'), $html_text);

        self::$root = $path_to_root_bak;
        self::$server = $server_url_bak;

        return $result;

     * Transforms the relative URL whose base is the site root (for instance /images/mypic.png) to the real relative path fited to the current page.
     * @param string $html_text The HTML text in which you want to replace the paths
     * @param string $path_to_root Path to root of the page to which you want to fit the URL.
     * @param string $server_url Path from the site root of the page to which you want to fit the URL.
     * @return string The transformed string
    public static function html_convert_root_relative2relative($html_text, $path_to_root = PATH_TO_ROOT, $server_url = SERVER_URL)
        $path_to_root_bak = self::$root;
        $server_url_bak = self::$server;

        self::$root = $path_to_root;
        self::$server = $server_url;

        $result = preg_replace_callback(self::build_html_match_regex(true),
        array('Url', 'convert_url_to_relative'), $html_text);

        self::$root = $path_to_root_bak;
        self::$server = $server_url_bak;

        return $result;

     * @param string $url the url to "relativize"
     * @param string $path_to_root Path to root of the page to which you want to fit the URL
     * @param string $server_url Path from the site root of the page to which you want to fit the URL.
     * @return string the relative url of the $url parameter
    public static function get_relative($url, $path_to_root = null, $server_url = null)
        $o_url = new Url($url, $path_to_root, $server_url);
        return $o_url->relative();

     * Returns the regex matching the requested url form
     * @param int $protocol REGEX_MULTIPLICITY_OPTION for the protocol sub-regex
     * @param int $user REGEX_MULTIPLICITY_OPTION for the user:password@ sub-regex
     * @param int $domain REGEX_MULTIPLICITY_OPTION for the domain sub-regex
     * @param int $folders REGEX_MULTIPLICITY_OPTION for the folders sub-regex
     * @param int $file REGEX_MULTIPLICITY_OPTION for the file sub-regex
     * @param int $args REGEX_MULTIPLICITY_OPTION for the arguments sub-regex
     * @param int $anchor REGEX_MULTIPLICITY_OPTION for the anchor sub-regex
     * @param bool $forbid_js true if you want to forbid javascript uses in urls
     * @return the regex matching the requested url form
     * @see RegexHelper::REGEX_MULTIPLICITY_ALL
     * @see RegexHelper::REGEX_MULTIPLICITY_NOT_USED
    public static function get_wellformness_regex($protocol = RegexHelper::REGEX_MULTIPLICITY_OPTIONNAL,
    $args = RegexHelper::REGEX_MULTIPLICITY_OPTIONNAL, $forbid_js = true)
        if ($forbid_js)
            $protocol_regex_secured = self::FORBID_JS_REGEX . self::PROTOCOL_REGEX;
            $protocol_regex_secured = self::PROTOCOL_REGEX;

        $regex = RegexHelper::set_subregex_multiplicity($protocol_regex_secured, $protocol) .
        RegexHelper::set_subregex_multiplicity(self::USER_REGEX, $user) .
        RegexHelper::set_subregex_multiplicity(self::DOMAIN_REGEX, $domain) .
        RegexHelper::set_subregex_multiplicity(self::FOLDERS_REGEX, $folders) .
        RegexHelper::set_subregex_multiplicity(self::FILE_REGEX, $file);
        $regex .= RegexHelper::set_subregex_multiplicity(self::ARGS_REGEX, $args);

        return $regex;

     * Returns true if the url match the requested url form
     * @param int $protocol REGEX_MULTIPLICITY_OPTION for the protocol sub-regex
     * @param int $user REGEX_MULTIPLICITY_OPTION for the user:password@ sub-regex
     * @param int $domain REGEX_MULTIPLICITY_OPTION for the domain sub-regex
     * @param int $folders REGEX_MULTIPLICITY_OPTION for the folders sub-regex
     * @param int $file REGEX_MULTIPLICITY_OPTION for the file sub-regex
     * @param int $args REGEX_MULTIPLICITY_OPTION for the arguments sub-regex
     * @param int $anchor REGEX_MULTIPLICITY_OPTION for the anchor sub-regex
     * @param bool $forbid_js true if you want to forbid javascript uses in urls
     * @return true if the url match the requested url form
     * @see RegexHelper::REGEX_MULTIPLICITY_ALL
     * @see RegexHelper::REGEX_MULTIPLICITY_NOT_USED
    public static function check_wellformness($url, $protocol = RegexHelper::REGEX_MULTIPLICITY_OPTIONNAL,
    $args = RegexHelper::REGEX_MULTIPLICITY_OPTIONNAL, $anchor = RegexHelper::REGEX_MULTIPLICITY_OPTIONNAL, $forbid_js = true)
        return (bool) preg_match('`^' . self::get_wellformness_regex($protocol, $user, $domain,
        $folders, $file, $args, $anchor, $forbid_js) . '$`iu', $url);

     * replace a relative url by the corresponding absolute one
     * @param string[] $url_params Array containing the attributes containing the url and the url
     * @return string the replaced url
    private static function convert_url_to_absolute($url_params)
        $url = new Url($url_params[2]);
        $url_params[2] = $url->absolute();
        return $url_params[1] . $url_params[2] . $url_params[3];

     * replace an absolute url by the corresponding root relative one if possible
     * @param string[] $url_params Array containing the attributes containing the url and the url
     * @return string the replaced url
    private static function convert_url_to_root_relative($url_params)
        $url = new Url($url_params[2]);
        $url_params[2] = $url->relative();
        return $url_params[1] . $url_params[2] . $url_params[3];

     * replace an absolute url by the corresponding relative one if possible
     * @param string[] $url_params Array containing the attributes containing the url and the url
     * @return string the replaced url
    private static function convert_url_to_relative($url_params)
        $url = new Url($url_params[2]);
        if ($url->is_relative())
            $url_params[2] = self::compress(self::$root . $url->relative());
        return $url_params[1] . $url_params[2] . $url_params[3];

    private static function build_html_match_regex($only_match_relative = false)
        static $regex_match_all = null;
        static $regex_only_match_relative = null;

        // regex cache is empty, builds it
        if ((!$only_match_relative && $regex_match_all === null) || ($only_match_relative && $regex_only_match_relative === null))
            $regex = array();
            $nodes =      array('a',    'img', 'form',   'object', 'param name="movie"');
            $attributes = array('href', 'src', 'action', 'data',   'value');

            $nodes_length = count($nodes);
            for ($i = 0; $i < $nodes_length; $i++)
                $a_regex = '`(<' . $nodes[$i] . ' [^>]*(?<= )' . $attributes[$i] . '=")(';
                if ($only_match_relative)
                    $a_regex .= '/';
                $a_regex .= '[^"]+)(")`isuU';
                $regex[] = $a_regex;

            $regex[] = '`(<script><!--\s*insert(?:Sound|Movie|Swf|Youtube)Player\\(")(' . ($only_match_relative ? '/' : '') . '[^"]+)("\\)\s*--></script>)`isuU';

            // Update regex cache
            if ($only_match_relative)
                $regex_only_match_relative = $regex;
                $regex_match_all = $regex;

        if ($only_match_relative)
            return $regex_only_match_relative;
            return $regex_match_all;

     * Returns an url relative from the server root
     * @param mixed $url the url representation. Could be a string or an Url object
     * @return string an url relative from the server root
    public static function to_rel($url)
        if (!($url instanceof Url))
            $url = new Url($url);
        return $url->rel();

     * Returns an url relative from PHPBoost root
     * @param mixed $url the url representation. Could be a string or an Url object
     * @return string an url relative from PHPBoost root
    public static function to_relative($url)
        if (!($url instanceof Url))
            $url = new Url($url);
        return $url->relative();

     * Returns an absolute url
     * @param mixed $url the url representation. Could be a string or an Url object
     * @return string an absolute url
    public static function to_absolute($url)
        if (!($url instanceof Url))
            $url = new Url($url);
        return $url->absolute();

     * Returns true if $check_url is current url
     * @param string $check_url check url
     * @param bool $real_url true if check real url or false for verificate $check_url is containing in current url
    public static function is_current_url($check_url, $real_url = false)
        $general_config = GeneralConfig::load();

        $site_path = $general_config->get_default_site_path();
        $current_url = str_replace($site_path, '', REWRITED_SCRIPT);

        $other_home_page = trim($general_config->get_other_home_page(), '/');
        $path = trim($current_url, '/');

        if (!empty($path) || (!empty($other_home_page) && $path == $other_home_page))
            $module_name = explode('/', $path);
            $running_module_name = $module_name[0];
            $module_home_page = $general_config->get_module_home_page();
            if (empty($other_home_page) && !empty($module_home_page))
                $running_module_name = $module_home_page;
                $running_module_name = '';

        $current_url = ($current_url == '/' && $running_module_name) ? '/' . $running_module_name . '/' : $current_url;

        if ($real_url)
            return $current_url == $check_url;
        return TextHelper::strpos($current_url, $check_url) !== false;