Package Doctrine\DBAL\Types
ArrayType | Type that maps a PHP array to a clob SQL type. |
BigIntType | Type that maps a database BIGINT to a PHP string. |
BooleanType | Type that maps an SQL boolean to a PHP boolean. |
DateTimeType | Type that maps an SQL DATETIME/TIMESTAMP to a PHP DateTime object. |
DateType | Type that maps an SQL DATE to a PHP Date object. |
DecimalType | Type that maps an SQL DECIMAL to a PHP double. |
FloatType | Type that maps an SQL FLOAT to a PHP double. |
IntegerType | |
ObjectType | Type that maps a PHP object to a clob SQL type. |
SmallIntType | Type that maps a database SMALLINT to a PHP integer. |
StringType | Type that maps an SQL VARCHAR to a PHP string. |
TextType | Type that maps an SQL CLOB to a PHP string. |
TimeType | Type that maps an SQL TIME to a PHP DateTime object. |
Type | The base class for so-called Doctrine mapping types.
A Type object is obtained by calling the static |