AjaxImagePreviewController Package: Ajax\Controllers Copyright: © 2005-2019 PHPBoost License: GNU/GPL-3.0 Author: Kevin MASSY reidlos@phpboost.com Version: PHPBoost 5.2 - last update: 2016 04 28 Since: PHPBoost 3.0 - 2012 06 25 Contributor: Julien BRISWALTER j1.seth@phpboost.com Located at: ajax/controllers/AjaxImagePreviewController.class.php AbstractController implements Controller AjaxImagePreviewController Methods summary public Response # execute( HTTPRequestCustom $request ) execute the controller and returns the response execute the controller and returns the response Parameters $request the request received Returns Responsethe controller response Methods inherited from AbstractController get_right_controller_regarding_authorizations()