FeedItemEnclosure Package: Content\Feed Copyright: © 2005-2019 PHPBoost License: GNU/GPL-3.0 Author: Kevin MASSY reidlos@phpboost.com Version: PHPBoost 5.2 - last update: 2014 12 22 Since: PHPBoost 4.0 - 2013 04 16 Located at: content/feed/FeedItemEnclosure.class.php Contains meta-informations and informations about a feed item enclosure Methods summary public # set_lenght( integer $lenght ) Defines the lenght (in bytes) of the media file Defines the lenght (in bytes) of the media file Parameters $lenght public # get_lenght( ) public # set_type( string $type ) Defines the type of media file Defines the type of media file Parameters $type public # get_type( ) public # set_url( mixed $url ) Defines the URL to the media file Defines the URL to the media file Parameters $url a string url or an Url object public # get_url( )