MenusCache Package: PHPBoost\Cache Copyright: © 2005-2019 PHPBoost License: GNU/GPL-3.0 Author: Kevin MASSY Version: PHPBoost 5.2 - last update: 2014 12 22 Since: PHPBoost 4.1 - 2014 08 10 Located at: phpboost/cache/MenusCache.class.php MenusCache implements CacheData Methods summary public # synchronize( ) This method is called when the data needs to be sychronized. For instance, This method is called when the data needs to be sychronized. For instance, Implementation of CacheData::synchronize() public # get_menus( ) public static MenusCache # load( ) Loads and returns the menus cached data. Loads and returns the menus cached data. Returns MenusCacheThe cached data public static # invalidate( ) Invalidates the current menus cached data. Invalidates the current menus cached data.