

Package: Content\Notation Copyright: © 2005-2019 PHPBoost License: GNU/GPL-3.0 Author: Kevin MASSY Version: PHPBoost 5.2 - last update: 2019 02 14 Since: PHPBoost 3.0 - 2010 02 14 Contributor: Julien BRISWALTER Contributor: Arnaud GENET Located at: content/notation/NotationService.class.php

This class represents the rating system and its parameters

Methods summary
public static
# __static( )
public static
# display_static_image( Notation $notation, boolean $average_notes,… )

This function required object Notation containing the module_name, id in module and notation_scale.

public static
# display_active_image( Notation $notation )

This function required object Notation containing the module_name, id_in_module, user_id, note and notation_scale.

public static
# update_notation_scale( string $module_name, string $old_notation_scale, string $new_notation_scale )

This fonction update notation scale by module_name

public static
# delete_notes_id_in_module( string $module_name, string $id_in_module )

This fonction delete all notes by id module and id in module element

public static
# delete_notes_module( string $module_name )

This fonction delete all notes by module

public static
# get_number_notes( Notation $notation )

This function required object Notation containing the module_name and id_in_module.

public static
# get_average_notes( Notation $notation )

This function required object Notation containing the module_name and id_in_module.

public static
# get_informations_note( Notation $notation )

This function required object Notation containing the module_name, id_in_module and user_id.