

Package: PHPBoost\Member\authorization Deprecated Copyright: © 2005-2019 PHPBoost License: GNU/GPL-3.0 Author: Regis VIARRE Version: PHPBoost 5.2 - last update: 2018 11 05 Since: PHPBoost 2.0 - 2008 07 26 Contributor: Benoit SAUTEL Contributor: Julien BRISWALTER Contributor: Arnaud GENET Located at: phpboost/member/authorization/Authorizations.class.php

This class contains only static methods, it souldn't be instantiated.

Methods summary
public static array
# build_auth_array_from_form( )

Returns an array with the authorizations given by variable number of arrays passed in argument. This returned array is used to be serialized.

public static Array
# auth_array_simple( integer $bit_value, string $idselect, boolean $admin_auth_default = true )

Returns an array with the authorizations given by variable number of arrays passed in argument.

public static String
# generate_select( integer $auth_bit, array $array_auth = array(), array $array_ranks_default = array(), string $idselect = '', integer $disabled = false, boolean $disabled_advanced_auth = false, mixed[] $disabled_ranks = array() )

Generate a multiple select field for the form which create authorization for ranks, groups and members.

public static boolean
# check_auth( integer $type, integer $value, array $array_auth, integer $bit )

Check authorizations for a member, a group or a rank

public static array
# merge_auth( array $parent, array $child, integer $auth_bit, integer $mode )

Merge two authorizations array, first is the parent, second is the inherited child.

public static array
# capture_and_shift_bit_auth( array $auth, integer $original_bit, integer $final_bit = 1 )

Capture authorizations and shift a particular bit to an another bit (1 is used by default).

Constants summary
# 0x01
# 0x02