
File phpboost/member/authorization/Authorizations.class.php

File phpboost/member/authorization/Authorizations.class.php

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 * This class contains only static methods, it souldn't be instantiated.
 * @deprecated
 * @package     PHPBoost
 * @subpackage  Member\authorization
 * @copyright   &copy; 2005-2019 PHPBoost
 * @license GNU/GPL-3.0
 * @author      Regis VIARRE <>
 * @version     PHPBoost 5.2 - last update: 2018 11 05
 * @since       PHPBoost 2.0 - 2008 07 26
 * @contributor Benoit SAUTEL <>
 * @contributor Julien BRISWALTER <>
 * @contributor Arnaud GENET <>

class Authorizations
    const AUTH_PARENT_PRIORITY = 0x01;  // Generally read mode
    const AUTH_CHILD_PRIORITY = 0x02;   // Generally write mode

     * Returns an array with the authorizations given by variable number of arrays passed in argument.
     * This returned array is used to be serialized.
     * @return array The array of authorizations.
     * @static
    public static function build_auth_array_from_form()
        $array_auth_all = array();
        $sum_auth = 0;
        $nbr_arg = func_num_args();

        //Si le nom du formulaire select est passé en paramètre, c'est le dernier
        $idselect = '';
        if (gettype(func_get_arg($nbr_arg - 1)) == 'string')
            $idselect = func_get_arg(--$nbr_arg);

        //Récupération du dernier argument, si ce n'est pas un tableau => booléen demandant la sélection par défaut de l'admin.
        $admin_auth_default = true;
        if ($nbr_arg > 1)
            $admin_auth_default = func_get_arg($nbr_arg - 1);
            if (!is_bool($admin_auth_default))
                $admin_auth_default = true;
                $nbr_arg--; //On diminue de 1 le nombre d'argument, car le denier est le flag.
        //On balaye les tableaux passés en argument.
        for ($i = 0; $i < $nbr_arg; $i++)
            self::get_auth_array(func_get_arg($i), $idselect, $array_auth_all, $sum_auth);

        ksort($array_auth_all); //Tri des clés du tableau par ordre alphabétique, question de lisibilité.

        return $array_auth_all;

     * Returns an array with the authorizations given by variable number of arrays passed in argument.
     * @param int $bit_value The bit emplacement in the authorization array.
     * @param string $idselect Html id of the html select field of authorizations (in most case the same value as $bit_value).
     * @param boolean $admin_auth_default Give authorization for the administrator by default.
     * @return Array with the authorization for the bit specified.
    * @static
    public static function auth_array_simple($bit_value, $idselect, $admin_auth_default = true)
        $array_auth_all = array();
        $sum_auth = 0;

        //Récupération du tableau des autorisation.
        self::get_auth_array($bit_value, $idselect, $array_auth_all, $sum_auth);

        //Admin tous les droits dans n'importe quel cas.
        if ($admin_auth_default)
            $array_auth_all['r2'] = $sum_auth;
        ksort($array_auth_all); //Tri des clées du tableau par ordre alphabétique, question de lisibilité.

        return $array_auth_all;

     * Generate a multiple select field for the form which create authorization for ranks, groups and members.
     * @param int $auth_bit The bit emplacement used to set it.
     * @param array $array_auth Array of authorization, allow you to select value authorized for this bit.
     * @param array $array_ranks_default Array of ranks selected by default.
     * @param string $idselect Html id used for the select.
     * @param int $disabled Disabled all options for the select. Set to true to disable all options.
     * @param boolean $disabled_advanced_auth Disable advanced authorizations.
     * @param mixed[] $disabled_ranks The ranks to disable in select.
     * @return String The formated select.
     * @static
    public static function generate_select($auth_bit, $array_auth = array(), $array_ranks_default = array(), $idselect = '', $disabled = false, $disabled_advanced_auth = false, $disabled_ranks = array())
        $lang = LangLoader::get('main');

        //Récupération du tableau des rangs.
        $array_ranks = array(
            User::VISITOR_LEVEL => $lang['guest'],
            User::MEMBER_LEVEL => $lang['member'],
            User::MODERATOR_LEVEL => $lang['modo'],
            User::ADMIN_LEVEL => $lang['admin']

        //Identifiant du select, par défaut la valeur du bit de l'autorisation.
        $idselect = ((string)$idselect == '') ? $auth_bit : $idselect;

        $tpl = new FileTemplate('framework/groups_auth.tpl');

            'C_ADVANCED_AUTH' => !$disabled_advanced_auth,
            'IDSELECT' => $idselect,
            'DISABLED_SELECT' => (empty($disabled) ? 'if (disabled == 0)' : ''),
            'L_USERS' => $lang['member_s'],
            'L_ADD_USER' => $lang['add_member'],
            'L_REQUIRE_PSEUDO' => $lang['require_pseudo'],
            'L_RANKS' => $lang['ranks'],
            'L_GROUPS' => $lang['groups'],
            'L_GO' => $lang['go'],
            'L_ADVANCED_AUTHORIZATION' => $lang['advanced_authorization'],
            'L_SELECT_ALL' => $lang['select_all'],
            'L_SELECT_NONE' => $lang['select_none'],
            'L_EXPLAIN_SELECT_MULTIPLE' => $lang['explain_select_multiple']

        ##### Génération d'une liste à sélection multiple des rangs et membres #####
        //Liste des rangs
        $j = -1;
        foreach ($array_ranks as $idrank => $group_name)
            //Si il s'agit de l'administrateur, il a automatiquement l'autorisation
            if ($idrank == 2)
                $tpl->assign_block_vars('ranks_list', array(
                    'ID' => $j,
                    'IDRANK' => $idrank,
                    'RANK_NAME' => $group_name,
                    'DISABLED' => '',
                    'SELECTED' => ' selected="selected"'
                $selected = '';
                if ( array_key_exists('r' . $idrank, $array_auth) && ((int)$array_auth['r' . $idrank] & (int)$auth_bit) !== 0 && empty($disabled))
                    $selected = ' selected="selected"';
                $selected = (isset($array_ranks_default[$idrank]) && $array_ranks_default[$idrank] === true && empty($disabled)) ? 'selected="selected"' : $selected;

                $tpl->assign_block_vars('ranks_list', array(
                    'C_DISABLED' => !empty($disabled) || in_array($idrank, $disabled_ranks),
                    'ID'         => $j,
                    'IDRANK'     => $idrank,
                    'RANK_NAME'  => $group_name,
                    'SELECTED'   => $selected

        //Liste des groupes.
        $groups_name = GroupsService::get_groups_names();
        foreach ($groups_name as $idgroup => $group_name)
            $selected = '';
            if (array_key_exists($idgroup, $array_auth) && ((int)$array_auth[$idgroup] & (int)$auth_bit) !== 0 && empty($disabled))
                $selected = ' selected="selected"';

            $tpl->assign_block_vars('groups_list', array(
                'C_DISABLED'   => !empty($disabled),
                'IDGROUP'      => $idgroup,
                'GROUP_NAME'   => $group_name,
                'SELECTED'     => $selected

        ##### Génération du formulaire pour les autorisations membre par membre. #####
        //Recherche des membres autorisé.
        $array_auth_members = array();
        if (is_array($array_auth))
            foreach ($array_auth as $type => $auth)
                if (TextHelper::substr($type, 0, 1) == 'm')
                    if (array_key_exists($type, $array_auth) && ((int)$array_auth[$type] & (int)$auth_bit) !== 0)
                        $array_auth_members[$type] = $auth;
        $advanced_auth = count($array_auth_members) > 0;

            'C_ADVANCED_AUTH_OPEN' => $advanced_auth,
            'C_NO_GROUP' => count($groups_name) == 0

        //Listing des membres autorisés.
        if ($advanced_auth)
            $result = PersistenceContext::get_querier()->select_rows(DB_TABLE_MEMBER, array('user_id, display_name'), 'WHERE user_id IN :user_ids', array('user_ids' => str_replace('m', '', array_keys($array_auth_members))));
            while ($row = $result->fetch())
                $tpl->assign_block_vars('members_list', array(
                    'USER_ID' => $row['user_id'],
                    'LOGIN' => $row['display_name']


        return $tpl->render();

     * Check authorizations for a member, a group or a rank
     * @param int $type Type of check, used RANK_TYPE for ranks, GROUP_TYPE for groups and USER_TYPE for users.
     * @param int $value Value int the authorization array to check.
     * @param array $array_auth Array of authorization.
     * @param int $bit Bit emplacement for the check
     * @return boolean True if authorized, false otherwise.
     * @static
    public static function check_auth($type, $value, $array_auth, $bit)
        if (!is_int($value))
            return false;

        switch ($type)
            case RANK_TYPE:
                if ($value <= 2 && $value >= -1)
                    return @$array_auth['r' . $value] & $bit;
                    return false;
            case GROUP_TYPE:
                if ($value >= 1)
                    return !empty($array_auth[$value]) ? $array_auth[$value] & $bit : false;
                    return false;
            case USER_TYPE:
                if ($value >= 1)
                    return !empty($array_auth['m' . $value]) ? $array_auth['m' . $value] & $bit : false;
                    return false;
                return false;

     * Merge two authorizations array, first is the parent, second is the inherited child.
     * @param array $parent Array of authorizations.
     * @param array $child Array of authorizations.
     * @param int $auth_bit Bit emplacement for the merge.
     * @param int $mode Mode used for the merge. Use Authorizations::AUTH_PARENT_PRIORITY to give to the parent the priority for the authorization, Authorizations::AUTH_CHILD_PRIORITY otherwise.
     * @return array The new array merged.
     * @static
    public static function merge_auth($parent, $child, $auth_bit, $mode)
        //Parcours des différents types d'utilisateur
        $merged = array();

        if (!is_array($child))
            return $parent;

        if ($mode == self::AUTH_PARENT_PRIORITY)
            $parent_guest_auth = isset($parent['r-1']) ? $parent['r-1'] : 0;
            $parent_member_auth = isset($parent['r0']) ? $parent['r0'] : 0;

            foreach ($parent as $key => $value)
                if ($bit = ($value & $auth_bit) || $parent_guest_auth || $parent_member_auth)
                    if (!empty($child[$key]) || ($parent_guest_auth && !empty($child['r-1'])) || ($parent_guest_auth && !empty($child['r-1']) && $parent_member_auth && !empty($child['r0'])))
                        $merged[$key] = $auth_bit;
                        $merged[$key] = 0;
                    $merged[$key] = $bit;
            foreach ($child as $key => $value)
                if (!empty($value) || ($parent_guest_auth && !empty($merged['r-1'])))
                    $merged[$key] = $parent_guest_auth;
                if (!empty($value) || ($parent_guest_auth && !empty($merged['r-1']) && $parent_member_auth && !empty($merged['r0'])))
                    $merged[$key] = $parent_member_auth;
        elseif ($mode == self::AUTH_CHILD_PRIORITY)
            foreach ($parent as $key => $value)
                $merged[$key] = $value & $auth_bit;
            foreach ($child as $key => $value)
                $merged[$key] = $value & $auth_bit;
        return $merged;

     * Capture authorizations and shift a particular bit to an another bit (1 is used by default).
     * @param array $auth Array of authorizations.
     * @param int $original_bit The bit to shift.
     * @param int $final_bit Bit distination (1 is used by default).
     * @return array The new authorization array.
     * @static
    public static function capture_and_shift_bit_auth($auth, $original_bit, $final_bit = 1)
        if ($final_bit == 0)
            die('<strong>Error :</strong> The destination bit must not be void.');

        $result = $auth;

        if ($original_bit > $final_bit)
            //De combien doit-on se décaler à droite (Combien de divisions par 2) ?
            $quotient = log($original_bit / $final_bit, 2);

            foreach ($auth as $user_kind => $auth_values)
                $result[$user_kind] = ($auth_values & $original_bit) >> $quotient;
        elseif ($original_bit < $final_bit)
            //De combien doit-on se décaler à gauche (combien de multiplications par 2) ?
            $quotient = log($final_bit / $original_bit, 2);

            foreach ($auth as $user_kind => $auth_values)
                $result[$user_kind] = ($auth_values & $original_bit) << $quotient;
            foreach ($auth as $user_kind => $auth_values)
                $result[$user_kind] = $auth_values & $original_bit;
        return $result;

    //Récupération du tableau des autorisations.
     * Get authorization array from the form.
     * @param int $bit_value The bit emplacement in the authorization array used to set it.
     * @param string $idselect Html id used for the select.
     * @param array $array_auth_all Array where the authorizations collected are stored.
     * @param array $sum_auth Sum up all authorizations for the authorization array.
     * @static
    private static function get_auth_array($bit_value, $idselect, &$array_auth_all, &$sum_auth)
        $idselect = ($idselect == '') ? $bit_value : $idselect; //Identifiant du formulaire.

        ##### Niveau et Groupes #####
        $array_auth_groups = !empty($_REQUEST['groups_auth' . $idselect]) ? $_REQUEST['groups_auth' . $idselect] : '';
        if (!empty($array_auth_groups)) //Récupération du formulaire.
            $sum_auth += $bit_value;
            if (is_array($array_auth_groups))
                //Ajout des autorisations supérieures si une autorisations inférieure est autorisée. Ex: Membres autorisés implique modérateurs autorisés.
                $array_level = array(0 => 'r-1', 1 => 'r0', 2 => 'r1');
                $min_auth = 3;
                foreach ($array_level as $level => $key)
                    if (in_array($key, $array_auth_groups))
                        $min_auth = $level;
                        if ($min_auth < $level)
                            $array_auth_groups[] = $key;

                //Ajout des autorisations au tableau final.
                foreach ($array_auth_groups as $value)
                    if ($value == "" || $value == 'r2')
                    if (isset($array_auth_all[$value]))
                        $array_auth_all[$value] += $bit_value;
                        $array_auth_all[$value] = $bit_value;

        ##### Membres (autorisations avancées) ######
        $array_auth_members = !empty($_REQUEST['members_auth' . $idselect]) ? $_REQUEST['members_auth' . $idselect] : '';
        if (!empty($array_auth_members)) //Récupération du formulaire.
            if (is_array($array_auth_members))
                //Ajout des autorisations au tableau final.
                foreach ($array_auth_members as $key => $value)
                    if ($value == "")
                    if (isset($array_auth_all['m' . $value]))
                        $array_auth_all['m' . $value] += $bit_value;
                        $array_auth_all['m' . $value] = $bit_value;