

Package: Doctrine\DBAL\Plateform License: LGPL 2.1 Author: Roman BORSCHEL Version: PHPBoost 5.2 - last update: 2016 10 28 Since: PHPBoost 4.0 - 2013 01 01 Link: Contributor: Julien BRISWALTER Located at: io/db/dbms/Doctrine/DBAL/Platform/SqlitePlatform.php

The SqlitePlatform class describes the specifics and dialects of the SQLite database platform.

Extended by SqlitePlatform
Methods summary
# __construct( )

the constructor

public static string
# md5Impl( mixed $data )

Returns the md5 sum of the data that SQLite's md5() function receives.

public static string
# modImpl( integer $dividend, integer $divisor )

Returns the modules of the data that SQLite's mod() function receives.

public static string
# locateImpl( string $substr, string $str )

locate returns the position of the first occurrence of substring $substr in string $str that SQLite's locate() function receives

public static
# sha1Impl( $str )
public static
# ltrimImpl( $str )
public static
# rtrimImpl( $str )
public static
# trimImpl( $str )
public string
# getRegexpExpression( )

returns the regular expression operator

public string
# getSoundexExpression( string $value )

Returns a string to call a function to compute the soundex encoding of a string

public string
# getNowExpression( $type = 'timestamp' )

Return string to call a variable with the current timestamp inside an SQL statement There are three special variables for current date and time.

public string
# getRandomExpression( )

return string to call a function to get random value inside an SQL statement

public string
# getSubstringExpression( string $value, integer $position, integer $length = null )

return string to call a function to get a substring inside an SQL statement

# _getTransactionIsolationLevelSql( integer $level )

Get sql for transaction isolation level Connection constant

# getSetTransactionIsolationSql( integer $level )

Get sql to set the transaction isolation level

public boolean
public string
# getBooleanTypeDeclarationSql( array $field )
public string
# getIntegerTypeDeclarationSql( array $field )
public string
# getBigIntTypeDeclarationSql( array $field )
# getTinyIntTypeDeclarationSql( array $field )
public string
# getSmallIntTypeDeclarationSql( array $field )
# getMediumIntTypeDeclarationSql( array $field )
public string
# getDateTimeTypeDeclarationSql( array $fieldDeclaration )
public string
# getDateTypeDeclarationSql( array $fieldDeclaration )
protected string
# _getCommonIntegerTypeDeclarationSql( array $columnDef )
# getCreateTableSql( string $name, array $fields, array $options = array() )

create a new table

# getVarcharTypeDeclarationSql( array $field )

Gets the SQL snippet used to declare a VARCHAR column type.

# getClobTypeDeclarationSql( array $field )

Gets the SQL snippet used to declare a CLOB column type.

public boolean
# supportsForeignKeyConstraints( )

SQLite does support foreign key constraints, but only in CREATE TABLE statements... This really limits their usefulness and requires SQLite specific handling, so we simply say that SQLite does NOT support foreign keys for now...

public string
# getName( )

Get the platform name for this instance

Methods inherited from AbstractPlatform
convertBooleans(), fixSchemaElementName(), getAcosExpression(), getAdvancedForeignKeyOptionsSql(), getAlterTableSql(), getAvgExpression(), getBetweenExpression(), getCharsetFieldDeclaration(), getCheckDeclarationSql(), getColumnCharsetDeclarationSql(), getColumnCollationDeclarationSql(), getColumnDeclarationListSql(), getColumnDeclarationSql(), getConcatExpression(), getCosExpression(), getCountExpression(), getCreateConstraintSql(), getCreateDatabaseSql(), getCreateForeignKeySql(), getCreateIndexSql(), getCreateSequenceSql(), getCreateTemporaryTableSnippetSql(), getCurrentDateSql(), getCurrentTimeSql(), getCurrentTimestampSql(), getDateFormatString(), getDateTimeFormatString(), getDecimalTypeDeclarationSql(), getDefaultTransactionIsolationLevel(), getDefaultValueDeclarationSql(), getDropConstraintSql(), getDropDatabaseSql(), getDropForeignKeySql(), getDropIndexSql(), getDropSequenceSql(), getDropTableSql(), getEmptyIdentityInsertSql(), getFloatTypeDeclarationSql(), getForUpdateSql(), getForeignKeyBaseDeclarationSql(), getForeignKeyDeclarationSql(), getForeignKeyReferentialActionSql(), getIdentifierQuoteCharacter(), getIdentityColumnNullInsertSql(), getInExpression(), getIndexDeclarationSql(), getIndexFieldDeclarationListSql(), getIsNotNullExpression(), getIsNullExpression(), getLengthExpression(), getListDatabasesSql(), getListFunctionsSql(), getListTableForeignKeysSql(), getListTriggersSql(), getListUsersSql(), getLocateExpression(), getLowerExpression(), getLtrimExpression(), getMatchPatternExpression(), getMaxExpression(), getMd5Expression(), getMinExpression(), getModExpression(), getNotExpression(), getPiExpression(), getRoundExpression(), getRtrimExpression(), getSequenceNextValSql(), getSetCharsetSql(), getShowDatabasesSql(), getSinExpression(), getSqlCommentEndString(), getSqlCommentStartString(), getSqlResultCasing(), getSumExpression(), getTemporaryTableSql(), getTimeFormatString(), getTrimExpression(), getUniqueFieldDeclarationSql(), getUpperExpression(), getVarcharMaxLength(), getWildcards(), modifyLimitQuery(), prefersSequences(), quoteIdentifier(), supportsGettingAffectedRows(), supportsIdentityColumns(), supportsIndexes(), supportsPrimaryConstraints(), supportsSavepoints(), supportsSchemas(), supportsSequences(), supportsTransactions(), writeLimitClause()