

Package: Doctrine\DBAL\Plateform License: LGPL 2.1 Author: Roman Borschel Version: PHPBoost 5.2 - last update: 2018 08 27 Since: 2.0 Contributor: Julien BRISWALTER Contributor: Arnaud GENET Located at: io/db/dbms/Doctrine/DBAL/Platform/MySqlPlatform.php
Extended by MySqlPlatform
Methods summary
# __construct( )

Creates a new MySqlPlatform instance.

public string
# getIdentifierQuoteCharacter( )

Gets the character used for identifier quoting.

public string
# getRegexpExpression( )

Returns the regular expression operator.

public string
# getRandomExpression( )

return string to call a function to get random value inside an SQL statement

public string
# getMatchPatternExpression( array $pattern, string $operator = null, string $field = null )

Builds a pattern matching string.

public string
# getGuidExpression( )

Returns global unique identifier

public string
# getConcatExpression( )

Returns a series of strings concatinated

# getListViewsSql( $database = null )
# getVarcharTypeDeclarationSql( array $field )

Gets the SQL snippet used to declare a VARCHAR column on the MySql platform.

# getClobTypeDeclarationSql( array $field )
public string
# getCharsetFieldDeclaration( string $charset )

Obtain DBMS specific SQL code portion needed to set the CHARACTER SET of a field declaration to be used in statements like CREATE TABLE.

public string
# getDateTimeTypeDeclarationSql( array $fieldDeclaration )
public string
# getDateTypeDeclarationSql( array $fieldDeclaration )
public string
# getBooleanTypeDeclarationSql( array $field )
public string
# getCollationFieldDeclaration( string $collation )

Obtain DBMS specific SQL code portion needed to set the COLLATION of a field declaration to be used in statements like CREATE TABLE.

public boolean
# prefersIdentityColumns( )

Whether the platform prefers identity columns for ID generation. MySql prefers "autoincrement" identity columns since sequences can only be emulated with a table.

public boolean
# supportsIdentityColumns( )

Whether the platform supports identity columns. MySql supports this through AUTO_INCREMENT columns.

public boolean
# supportsSavepoints( )

Whether the platform supports savepoints. MySql does not.

public unknown
# getShowDatabasesSql( )

Get sql query to show a list of database

public string
# getCreateDatabaseSql( string $name )

create a new database

public string
# getDropDatabaseSql( string $name )

drop an existing database

# getCreateTableSql( string $name, array $fields, array $options = array() )

create a new table

public string
# getColumnDeclarationSql( string $name, array $field )

Obtain DBMS specific SQL code portion needed to declare a generic type field to be used in statements like CREATE TABLE.

public boolean
# getAlterTableSql( string $name, array $changes, boolean $check = false )

Gets the SQL to alter an existing table.

public string
# getIntegerTypeDeclarationSql( array $field, string $field,… )

Obtain DBMS specific SQL code portion needed to declare an integer type field to be used in statements like CREATE TABLE.

public string
# getBigIntTypeDeclarationSql( array $field )
public string
# getSmallIntTypeDeclarationSql( array $field )
protected string
# _getCommonIntegerTypeDeclarationSql( array $columnDef )
public string
# getIndexDeclarationSql( string $name, array $definition )

Obtain DBMS specific SQL code portion needed to set an index declaration to be used in statements like CREATE TABLE.

public string
# getIndexFieldDeclarationListSql( array $fields )

Obtain DBMS specific SQL code portion needed to set an index declaration to be used in statements like CREATE TABLE.

public string
# getAdvancedForeignKeyOptionsSql( array $definition )

Return the FOREIGN KEY query section dealing with non-standard options as MATCH, INITIALLY DEFERRED, ON UPDATE, ...

# getDropIndexSql( string $table, string $name )

Gets the SQL to drop an index of a table.

# getDropTableSql( string $table )

Gets the SQL to drop a table.

# getSetTransactionIsolationSql( integer $level )

Get sql to set the transaction isolation level

public string
# getName( )

Get the platform name for this instance.

Methods inherited from AbstractPlatform
_getTransactionIsolationLevelSql(), convertBooleans(), fixSchemaElementName(), getAcosExpression(), getAvgExpression(), getBetweenExpression(), getCheckDeclarationSql(), getColumnCharsetDeclarationSql(), getColumnCollationDeclarationSql(), getColumnDeclarationListSql(), getCosExpression(), getCountExpression(), getCreateConstraintSql(), getCreateForeignKeySql(), getCreateIndexSql(), getCreateSequenceSql(), getCreateTemporaryTableSnippetSql(), getCurrentDateSql(), getCurrentTimeSql(), getCurrentTimestampSql(), getDateFormatString(), getDateTimeFormatString(), getDecimalTypeDeclarationSql(), getDefaultTransactionIsolationLevel(), getDefaultValueDeclarationSql(), getDropConstraintSql(), getDropForeignKeySql(), getDropSequenceSql(), getEmptyIdentityInsertSql(), getFloatTypeDeclarationSql(), getForUpdateSql(), getForeignKeyBaseDeclarationSql(), getForeignKeyDeclarationSql(), getForeignKeyReferentialActionSql(), getIdentityColumnNullInsertSql(), getInExpression(), getIsNotNullExpression(), getIsNullExpression(), getLengthExpression(), getListFunctionsSql(), getListTriggersSql(), getLocateExpression(), getLowerExpression(), getLtrimExpression(), getMaxExpression(), getMd5Expression(), getMinExpression(), getModExpression(), getNotExpression(), getNowExpression(), getPiExpression(), getRoundExpression(), getRtrimExpression(), getSequenceNextValSql(), getSetCharsetSql(), getSinExpression(), getSqlCommentEndString(), getSqlCommentStartString(), getSqlResultCasing(), getSubstringExpression(), getSumExpression(), getTemporaryTableSql(), getTimeFormatString(), getTrimExpression(), getUniqueFieldDeclarationSql(), getUpperExpression(), getVarcharMaxLength(), getWildcards(), modifyLimitQuery(), prefersSequences(), quoteIdentifier(), supportsForeignKeyConstraints(), supportsGettingAffectedRows(), supportsIndexes(), supportsPrimaryConstraints(), supportsSchemas(), supportsSequences(), supportsTransactions(), writeLimitClause()