
File content/formatting/parser/ContentFormattingParser.class.php

File content/formatting/parser/ContentFormattingParser.class.php

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 * This class is abstract. It contains tools that are usefull for implement a content parser.
 * @package     Content
 * @subpackage  Formatting\parser
 * @copyright   &copy; 2005-2019 PHPBoost
 * @license GNU/GPL-3.0
 * @author      Benoit SAUTEL <>
 * @version     PHPBoost 5.2 - last update: 2018 03 29
 * @since       PHPBoost 2.0 - 2008 08 10
 * @contributor Julien BRISWALTER <>
 * @contributor Arnaud GENET <>
 * @contributor mipel <>

abstract class ContentFormattingParser extends AbstractParser
     * @var string[] Authorization of the HTML BBCode tag.
    protected $html_auth = array();
     * @var string[] List of the BBCode forbidden tags
    protected $forbidden_tags = array();

     * Buils a ContentFormattingParser object.
    public function __construct()

        $content_formatting_config = ContentFormattingConfig::load();
        $this->forbidden_tags = $content_formatting_config->get_forbidden_tags();
        $this->html_auth = $content_formatting_config->get_html_tag_auth();

     * Parses the content of the parser
     * @return void You will find the result by using the get_content method
    public function parse()
        $this->content = Url::html_convert_absolute2root_relative($this->content, $this->path_to_root, $this->page_path);

     * Sets the tags which mustn't be parsed.
     * @param string[] $forbidden_tags list of the name of the tags which mustn't be parsed.
    public function set_forbidden_tags(array $forbidden_tags)
        if (is_array($forbidden_tags))
            $this->forbidden_tags = $forbidden_tags;

     * Gets the forbidden tags.
     * @return string[] List of the forbidden tags
    public function get_forbidden_tags()
        return $this->forbidden_tags;

     * Sets the required authorizations that are necessary to post some HTML code which
     * will be displayed by the web browser.
     * @param mixed[] $array_auth authorization array
    public function set_html_auth(array $array_auth)
        $this->html_auth = $array_auth;

     * Returns the HTML tag auth
     * @return mixed[]
    public function get_html_auth()
        return $this->html_auth;

     * Splits a string accorting to a tag name.
     * Works also with nested tags.
     * @param string $content Content to split, will be converted in a string[] variable containing the following pattern:
     * <ul>
     *  <li>The content between two tags (or at the begening or the end of the content)</li>
     *  <li>The parameter of the tag</li>
     *  <li>The content of the tag. If it contains a nested tag, it will be parsed according to the same pattern.</li>
     * </ul>
     * @param string $tag Tag name
     * @param string $attributes Regular expression of the attribute form
    protected function split_imbricated_tag(&$content, $tag, $attributes)
        $content = self::preg_split_safe_recurse($content, $tag, $attributes);
        //1 élément représente les inter tag, un les attributs tag et l'autre le contenu
        $nbr_occur = count($content);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $nbr_occur; $i++)
            //C'est le contenu d'un tag, il contient un sous tag donc on éclate
            if (($i % 3) === 2 && preg_match('`\[' . $tag . '(?:' . $attributes . ')?\].+\[/' . $tag . '\]`su', $content[$i]))
                self::split_imbricated_tag($content[$i], $tag, $attributes);

     * Splits a string according to a regular expression. The matched pattern can be nested and must follow the BBCode syntax,
     * i.e matching [tag=args]content of the tag[/tag].
     * It returns an array
     * For example, il you have this: $my_str = '[tag=1]test1[/tag]test2[tag=2]test3[tag=3]test4[/tag]test5[/tag]?est6';
     * You call it like that: ContentFormattingParser::preg_split_safe_recurse($my_str, 'tag', '[0-9]');
     * It will return you array('', '1', 'test1', 'test2', '2', array('test3', '3', 'test4', 'test5'), 'test6').
     * @param $content string Content into which you want to search the pattern
     * @param $tag string BBCode tage name
     * @param $attributes string The regular expression (PCRE syntax) corresponding to the arguments which you want to match.
     * There mustn't be any matching parenthesis into that regular expression
     * @return string[] the split string
    protected static function preg_split_safe_recurse($content, $tag, $attributes)
        // Définitions des index de position de début des tags valides
        $index_tags = self::index_tags($content, $tag, $attributes);
        $size = count($index_tags);
        $parsed = array();

        // Stockage de la chaîne avant le premier tag dans le cas ou il y a au moins une balise ouvrante
        if ($size >= 1)
            array_push($parsed, TextHelper::substr($content, 0, $index_tags[0]));
            array_push($parsed, $content);

        for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++)
            $current_index = $index_tags[$i];
            // Calcul de la sous-chaîne pour l'expression régulière
            if ($i == ($size - 1))
                $sub_str = TextHelper::substr($content, $current_index);
                $sub_str = TextHelper::substr($content, $current_index, $index_tags[$i + 1] - $current_index);

            // Mise en place de l'éclatement de la sous-chaine
            $mask = '`\[' . $tag . '(' . $attributes . ')?\](.*)\[/' . $tag . '\](.+)?`su';
            $local_parsed = preg_split($mask, $sub_str, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);

            if (count($local_parsed) == 1)
                // Remplissage des résultats
                $parsed[count($parsed) - 1] .= $local_parsed[0]; // Ce n'est pas un tag
                // Remplissage des résultats
                array_push($parsed, $local_parsed[1]);  // attributs du tag
                array_push($parsed, $local_parsed[2]);  // contenu du tag

            // Chaine après le tag
            if ($i < ($size - 1))
                // On prend la chaine après le tag de fermeture courant jusqu'au prochain tag d'ouverture
                $current_tag_len = TextHelper::strlen('[' . $tag . $local_parsed[1] . ']' . $local_parsed[2] . '[/' . $tag . ']');
                $end_pos = $index_tags[$i + 1] - ($current_index + $current_tag_len);
                array_push($parsed, TextHelper::substr($local_parsed[3], 0, $end_pos ));
            elseif (isset($local_parsed[3]))
            {   // c'est la fin, il n'y a pas d'autre tag ouvrant après
                array_push($parsed, $local_parsed[3]);
        return $parsed;

     * @static
     * Indexes the position of all the tags in the document. Returns the list of the positions of each tag.
     * @param $content string Content into which index the positions.
     * @param $tag string tag name
     * @param $attributes The regular expression matching the parameters of the tag (see the preg_split_safe_recurse method).
     * @return int[] The positions of the opening tags.
    private static function index_tags($content, $tag, $attributes)
        $pos = -1;
        $nb_open_tags = 0;
        $tag_pos = array();

        while (($pos = strpos($content, '[' . $tag, $pos + 1)) !== false)
            // nombre de tags de fermeture déjà rencontrés
            $nb_close_tags = TextHelper::substr_count(TextHelper::substr($content, 0, ($pos + TextHelper::strlen('['.$tag))), '[/'.$tag.']');

            // Si on trouve un tag d'ouverture, on sauvegarde sa position uniquement si il y a autant + 1 de tags fermés avant et on itère sur le suivant
            if ($nb_open_tags == $nb_close_tags)
                $open_tag = TextHelper::substr($content, $pos, (strpos($content, ']', $pos + 1) + 1 - $pos));
                $match = preg_match('`\[' . $tag . '(' . $attributes . ')?\]`u', $open_tag);
                if ($match == 1)
                    $tag_pos[count($tag_pos)] = $pos;
        return $tag_pos;

     * Removes the content of the tag $tag and replaces them by an identifying code. They will be reinserted in the content by the reimplant_tags method.
     * It enables you to treat the whole string enough affecting the interior of some tags.
     * Example: $my_parser contains this content: 'test1[tag=1]test2[/tag]test3'
     * $my_parser->pick_up_tag('tag', '[0-9]'); will replace the content of the parser by 'test1[CODE_TAG_1]test3'
     * @param $tag string The tag to isolate
     * @param $arguments string The regular expression matching the arguments syntax.
    protected function pick_up_tag($tag, $arguments = '')
        //On éclate le contenu selon les tags (avec imbrication bien qu'on ne les gèrera pas => ça permettra de faire [code][code]du code[/code][/code])
        $split_code = $this->preg_split_safe_recurse($this->content, $tag, $arguments);

        $num_codes = count($split_code);
        //Si on a des apparitions de la balise
        if ($num_codes > 1)
            $this->content = '';
            $id_code = 0;
            //On balaye le tableau trouvé
            for ($i = 0; $i < $num_codes; $i++)
                //Contenu inter tags
                if ($i % 3 == 0)
                    $this->content .= $split_code[$i];
                    //Si on n'est pas après la dernière balise fermante, on met une balise de signalement de la position du tag
                    if ($i < $num_codes - 1)
                        $this->content .= '[' . TextHelper::strtoupper($tag) . '_TAG_' . $id_code++ . ']';
                //Contenu des balises
                elseif ($i % 3 == 2)
                    //Enregistrement dans le tableau du contenu des tags à isoler
                    $this->array_tags[$tag][] = '[' . $tag . $split_code[$i - 1] . ']' . str_replace('<br />', "\n", $split_code[$i]) . '[/' . $tag . ']';

     * reimplants the code which has been picked up by the _pick_up method.
     * @param $tag string tag to reimplant.
     * @return bool True if the reimplantation succed, otherwise false.
    protected function reimplant_tag($tag)
        //Si cette balise a  été isolée
        if (!array_key_exists($tag, $this->array_tags))
            return false;

        $num_code = count($this->array_tags[$tag]);

        //On réinjecte tous les contenus des balises
        for ($i = 0; $i < $num_code; $i++)
            $this->content = str_replace('[' . TextHelper::strtoupper($tag) . '_TAG_' . $i . ']', $this->array_tags[$tag][$i], $this->content);

        //On efface tout ce qu'on a prélevé du array
        $this->array_tags[$tag] = array();

        return true;

    protected function parse_feed_tag()
        $this->content = str_replace(array('[[FEED', '[[/FEED]]'), array('\[\[FEED', '\[\[/FEED\]\]'), $this->content);
        $this->content = preg_replace('`\[feed((?: [a-z]+="[^"]+")*)\]([a-z]+)\[/feed\]`uU', '[[FEED$1]]$2[[/FEED]]', $this->content);
        $this->content = str_replace(array('\[\[FEED', '\[\[/FEED\]\]'), array('[[FEED', '[[/FEED]]'), $this->content);