
File core/error/ErrorHandler.class.php

File core/error/ErrorHandler.class.php

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 * @package     Core
 * @subpackage  Error
 * @copyright   &copy; 2005-2019 PHPBoost
 * @license GNU/GPL-3.0
 * @author      Benoit SAUTEL <>
 * @version     PHPBoost 5.2 - last update: 2018 01 31
 * @since       PHPBoost 3.0 - 2009 09 30
 * @contributor Loic ROUCHON <>
 * @contributor Arnaud GENET <>
 * @contributor mipel <>
 * @contributor Julien BRISWALTER <>

class ErrorHandler
    const FATAL_MESSAGE = 'Sorry, we encountered a problem and we cannot complete your request...';

     * @var int the maximum size of the error log file in bytes
    private static $LOG_FILE_MAX_SIZE = 1048576;

    protected $errno;
    protected $errfile;
    protected $errline;
    protected $errdesc;
    protected $errclass;
    protected $fatal;
    protected $stacktrace;
    protected $exception;

     * log the error and displays it in debug mode
     * @param unknown_type $errno contains the level of the error raised, as an integer
     * @param unknown_type $errstr contains the error message, as a string
     * @param unknown_type $errfile the filename that the error was raised in, as a string
     * @param unknown_type $errline the line number the error was raised at, as an integer
     * @return bool always true because we don't want the php default error handler to process the
     * error again
    public function handle($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline)
        if ($this->needs_to_be_processed($errno))
            $this->prepare($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline);
            if ($this->fatal || Debug::is_strict_mode_enabled())
        return true;

    private function prepare($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline)
        $this->exception  = new Exception($errstr);
        $this->errno      = $errno;
        $this->errfile    = $errfile;
        $this->errline    = $errline;
        $this->stacktrace = '';
        $this->errdesc    = '';
        $this->errclass   = '';
        $this->fatal      = false;


     * @return boolean true if the error is not thrown by a functionprefixed with an @ and if the
     * errno is in the ERROR_REPORTING level
    private function needs_to_be_processed($errno)
        return error_reporting() != 0 && ($errno & ERROR_REPORTING);

    private function process()
        switch ($this->errno)
            case E_USER_NOTICE:
            case E_NOTICE:
                $this->errdesc = 'Notice';
                $this->errclass =  'notice';
                //Warning utilisateur.
            case E_USER_WARNING:
            case E_WARNING:
                $this->errdesc = 'Warning';
                $this->errclass =  'warning';
                //Strict standards
            case E_STRICT:
                $this->errdesc = 'Strict Standards';
                $this->errclass =  'notice';
                //Erreur fatale.
            case E_USER_ERROR:
            case E_ERROR:
            case E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR:
                $this->fatal = true;
                $this->errdesc = 'Fatal Error';
                $this->errclass =  'error';
                $this->errdesc = 'Unknown Error';
                $this->errclass =  'question';

    private function display()

        if ($this->fatal)
            if (Debug::is_debug_mode_enabled())
                echo self::FATAL_MESSAGE;
        elseif (Debug::is_debug_mode_enabled())

    protected function get_stackstrace_as_string($start_trace_index) {
        $stack = '[0] ' . Path::get_path_from_root($this->errfile) . ':' . $this->errline;
        if (count($this->exception->getTrace()) > 2)
            $stack .= (Debug::is_output_html() ? '<br />' : "\n");
            $stack .= Debug::get_stacktrace_as_string($start_trace_index);
        return $stack;

    protected function display_debug()
        echo '<div class="message-helper ' . $this->errclass . ' error-handler">
                <strong>' . $this->errdesc . ' : </strong>' . $this->exception->getMessage() . '<br /><br /><br />
                <em>' . $this->get_stackstrace_as_string(6) . '</em>

    protected function display_fatal()

    private function log()
        self::add_error_in_log($this->exception->getMessage(), $this->get_stackstrace_as_string(4), $this->errno);

    public static function add_error_in_log($error_msg, $error_stacktrace, $errno = 0)
        $error_log_file = PATH_TO_ROOT . '/cache/error.log';
        self::add_error_in_log_file($error_log_file, $error_msg, $error_stacktrace, $errno);

    private static function clear_error_log_file($log_file)
        if (file_exists($log_file) && filesize($log_file) > self::$LOG_FILE_MAX_SIZE)
            $handle = @fopen($log_file, 'w+');
            @ftruncate($handle, 0);

    private static function add_error_in_log_file($log_file, $error_msg, $error_stacktrace, $errno = 0)
        $handle = @fopen($log_file, 'a+');
        $write = @fwrite($handle, self::compute_error_log_string($error_msg, $error_stacktrace, $errno));
        $close = @fclose($handle);

        if ($handle === false || $write === false || $close === false)
            echo '<span id="message_handler">Can\'t write error to log file</span>';

    private static function compute_error_log_string($error_msg, $error_stacktrace, $errno = 0)
        return Date::to_format(time(), 'Y-m-d H:i:s', Timezone::SERVER_TIMEZONE) . "\n" .
        $errno . "\n" .
        self::clean_error_string($error_msg) . "\n" .
        self::clean_error_string($error_stacktrace) . "\n";

    private static function clean_error_string($message)
        return preg_replace("`(\n)+`u", '<br />', preg_replace("`\r|\n|\t`u", "\n", $message));

     * Get Error type
    public static function get_errno_class($errno)
        switch ($errno)
                //Notice utilisateur.
            case E_USER_NOTICE:
            case E_NOTICE:
                return 'notice';
                //Warning utilisateur.
            case E_USER_WARNING:
            case E_WARNING:
                return 'warning';
                //Erreur fatale.
            case E_USER_ERROR:
            case E_ERROR:
            case E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR:
                return 'error';
            default: //Erreur inconnue.
                return 'question';