
File phpboost/event/Event.class.php

File phpboost/event/Event.class.php

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 * It's the common part between two types of event existing now in PHPBoost:
 * <ul>
 *  <li>User contribution managed into the contribution panel</li>
 *  <li>Administrator alert, triggered for example when a new update is available or when a new member account is to approbate</li>
 * </ul>
 * @package     PHPBoost
 * @subpackage  Event
 * @copyright   &copy; 2005-2019 PHPBoost
 * @license GNU/GPL-3.0
 * @author      Benoit SAUTEL <>
 * @version     PHPBoost 5.2 - last update: 2016 10 24
 * @since       PHPBoost 2.0 - 2008 07 21
 * @contributor Arnaud GENET <>

class Event
    //Those are the different status of events
    //Unread event
    const EVENT_STATUS_UNREAD = 0;
    //Read event and beeing processed, somebody is focusing on it, but it's not processed
    //Read and processed, it is normally not useful anymore

     * @protected int Numerical identifier of the event (in DB).
    protected $id = 0;

     * @protected string Entitled (title or name) of the event.
    protected $entitled = '';

     * @protected string URL where you can process the event (relative from the website root).
    protected $fixing_url = '';

     * @protected int The event status.
    protected $current_status = self::EVENT_STATUS_UNREAD;

     * @protected Date The event creation date.
    protected $creation_date;

    //The following attributes are used by the module developper to recognize his events
     * @protected int Id corresponding to the event in the module (optionnal).
    protected $id_in_module = 0;

     * @protected string Identifier to recognize the entry (optionnal).
    protected $identifier = '';

     * @protected string Event type (optionnal).
    protected $type = '';

     * @protected bool To know if the modifications implies to regenerate the cache (for instance whether the status has been changed).
    protected $must_regenerate_cache = true;

     * Builds an Event object.
    public function __construct()
        $this->current_status = self::EVENT_STATUS_UNREAD;
        $this->creation_date = new Date();

     * Sets the id of the event. The id is the corresponding data base entry one.
     * @param int $id Id of the event.
    public function set_id($id)
        if (is_int($id) && $id > 0)
        $this->id = $id;

     * Sets the entitled of the event. The entitled can be considered as the name, it must be explicit.
     * @param string $entitled The event entitiled.
    public function set_entitled($entitled)
        $this->entitled = $entitled;

     * Sets the URL corresponding to the event. For the contributions and the administrator alerts it's the number URL at which the problem can be solved.
     * @param string $fixing_url Relative URL (the first character must be / for the root of the site).
    public function set_fixing_url($fixing_url)
        $this->fixing_url = $fixing_url;

     * Set the status of the event.
     * @param int $new_current_status One of those elements:
     * <ul>
     *  <li>Event::EVENT_STATUS_UNREAD if it's not read.</li>
     *  <li>Event::EVENT_STATUS_BEING_PROCESSED if the event is beeing processed</li>
     *  <li>Event::EVENT_STATUS_PROCESSED if the event is processed.
     * </ul>
    public function set_status($new_current_status)
        if (in_array($new_current_status, array(self::EVENT_STATUS_UNREAD, self::EVENT_STATUS_BEING_PROCESSED, self::EVENT_STATUS_PROCESSED), TRUE))
            $this->current_status = $new_current_status;
            $this->current_status = self::EVENT_STATUS_UNREAD;

        $this->must_regenerate_cache = true;

     * Sets the creation date of the event.
     * @param Date $date The creation date
    public function set_creation_date($date)
        if (is_object($date) && $date instanceof Date)
        $this->creation_date = $date;

     * Sets the id in module parameter. It corresponds to the id of the element corresponding to the event in your data base tables.
     * For example, il you use the events to allow user to purpose some news in your web site, it will be the id of the news added.
     * @param int $id Id in the module
    public function set_id_in_module($id)
        $this->id_in_module = $id;

     * Sets the event identifier. To retrieve your event, you might need to have a field in which you put some informations, for example a hash or an identifier.
     * It's that identifier which can be used to filter the events. You don't have to use it, you can let it blank.
     * @param string $identifier Identifier of the event.
    public function set_identifier($identifier)
        $this->identifier = $identifier;

     * Sets the type of the event. To retrieve your event, you might need to have a type of event, for example if your module has differents kinds of events. With this field, you can specify it.
     * @param string $type The type of your event.
    public function set_type($type)
        $this->type = $type;

     * Sets a private property indicating if the changes made on this event imply the regeneration of the events cache.
     * @param bool $must true if we must generate the events cache, otherwise false.
    public function set_must_regenerate_cache($must)
        if (is_bool($must))
        $this->must_regenerate_cache = $must;

     * Gets the id of the event (in the event data base).
     * @return int The id.
    public function get_id()
        return $this->id;

     * Returns the entitled of the event.
     * @return string The entitled.
    public function get_entitled()
        return $this->entitled;

     * Returns the URL corresponding to the alert.
     * @return string Relative URL whose first character is / for the website root.
    public function get_fixing_url()
        return $this->fixing_url;

     * Gets the status of the event. The status is one of those elements:
     * ul>
     *  <li>Event::EVENT_STATUS_UNREAD if it's not read.</li>
     *  <li>Event::EVENT_STATUS_BEING_PROCESSED if the event is beeing processed</li>
     *  <li>Event::EVENT_STATUS_PROCESSED if the event is processed.
     * </ul>
     * @return int Status
    public function get_status()
        return $this->current_status;

     * Returns the creation date of the event.
     * @return Date Creation date
    public function get_creation_date()
        return $this->creation_date;

     * Gets the id in the module. This value corresponds to the id of the daba base entry associated to the event.
     * @return int The id in the module.
    public function get_id_in_module()
        return $this->id_in_module;

     * Gets the identifier of the event. To retrieve your event, you might need to have a field in which you put some informations, for example a hash or an identifier.
     * It's that identifier which can be used to filter the events.
     * @return string The identifier of the event.
    public function get_identifier()
        return $this->identifier;

     * Gets the type of the event. To retrieve your event, you might need to have a type of event, for example if your module has differents kinds of events. With this field, you can specify it.
     * @return string The type.
    public function get_type()
        return $this->type;

     * Gets the value indicating if the cache must be generated.
     * @return bool true if the cache has to be generated, false else.
    public function get_must_regenerate_cache()
        return $this->must_regenerate_cache;

     * Gets the event status name. It's automatically translated in the user language.
     * @return The name of the event status, ready to be displayed.
    public function get_status_name()
        switch ($this->current_status)
            case self::EVENT_STATUS_UNREAD:
                return LangLoader::get_message('contribution_status_unread', 'main');
            case self::EVENT_STATUS_BEING_PROCESSED:
                return LangLoader::get_message('contribution_status_being_processed', 'main');
            case self::EVENT_STATUS_PROCESSED:
                return LangLoader::get_message('contribution_status_processed', 'main');

     * Builds an event object from its whole parameters.
     * @param int $id The event id.
     * @param string $entitled The event entitled.
     * @param string $fixing_url The URL corresponding to the event.
     * @param int $current_status The event status.
     * @param Date $creation_date The creation date.
     * @param int $id_in_module The id of the object associated to the event.
     * @param string $identifier The event identifier.
     * @param string $type The event type.
    public function build_event($id, $entitled, $fixing_url, $current_status, $creation_date, $id_in_module, $identifier, $type)
        $this->id = $id;
        $this->entitled = $entitled;
        $this->fixing_url = $fixing_url;
        $this->current_status = $current_status;
        $this->creation_date = $creation_date;
        $this->id_in_module = $id_in_module;
        $this->identifier = $identifier;
        $this->type = $type;
        $this->must_regenerate_cache = false;