
File util/StringInputStream.class.php

File util/StringInputStream.class.php

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 * @package     Util
 * @copyright   &copy; 2005-2019 PHPBoost
 * @license GNU/GPL-3.0
 * @author      Loic ROUCHON <>
 * @version     PHPBoost 5.2 - last update: 2016 11 14
 * @since       PHPBoost 3.0 - 2010 07 08
 * @contributor Julien BRISWALTER <>
 * @contributor Arnaud GENET <>
 * @contributor mipel <>

class StringInputStream
    private $stream;
    private $index = -1;
    private $length;

    public function __construct($string)
        $this->stream = $string;
        $this->length = TextHelper::strlen($this->stream);

    public function has_next()
        return $this->index < ($this->length - 1);

    public function next()
        return $this->get_current();

    public function get_current()
        if ($this->index < 0)
            throw new OutOfBoundsException('out of stream', 0);
        return $this->stream[$this->index];

    public function get_next()
        if (!$this->has_next())
            throw new OutOfBoundsException('end of stream', 0);
        return $this->stream[$this->index + 1];

    public function get_previous()
        if ($this->index <= 0)
            throw new OutOfBoundsException('beginning of stream', 0);
        return $this->stream[$this->index - 1];

    public function assert_next($pattern, $options = '', array &$matches = null)
        $subject = TextHelper::substr($this->stream, $this->index + 1);
        return preg_match('`^(?:' . $pattern . ')`u' . $options, $subject, $matches);

    public function consume_next($pattern, $options = '', array &$matches = null)
        if ($this->assert_next($pattern, $options, $matches))
            return true;
        return false;

    public function move($delta)
        $new_index = $this->index + $delta;

    public function safe_move($delta)
        $new_index = $this->index + $delta;
        $safe_index = max(0, min($new_index, $this->length - 1));

    public function tell()
        return $this->index;

    public function seek($new_index)
        if (!($new_index >= -1 && $new_index < $this->length))
            throw new OutOfBoundsException('new index ' . $new_index .
                ' is out of bounds (size: ' . $this->length . ')', 0);
        $this->index = $new_index;

    public function to_string($delta = 0, $max_length = 50)
        $old_index = $this->index;
        $str = TextHelper::substr($this->stream, $this->index);
        if ($max_length > 0)
            return TextHelper::substr($str, 0, $max_length);
        return $str;

    public function entire_string()
        return $this->stream;