
File phpboost/member/authorization/ActionAuthorization.class.php

File phpboost/member/authorization/ActionAuthorization.class.php

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 * This class represents the authorizations for an action. It's associated to a label,
 * a description, the bit in which flags are saved, and obviously the authorization array which is
 * encapsulated in the RolesAuthorizations class.
 * The bit which is used to store the authorization is 2^n where n is the number of the place you want
 * to use. It's recommanded to begin with 1 (2^0 = 1) then 2 (2^1 = 2) then 4 (2^2 = 4) etc...
 * @package     PHPBoost
 * @subpackage  Member\authorization
 * @copyright   &copy; 2005-2019 PHPBoost
 * @license GNU/GPL-3.0
 * @author      Benoit SAUTEL <>
 * @version     PHPBoost 5.2 - last update: 2018 11 05
 * @since       PHPBoost 3.0 - 2010 03 01
 * @contributor Julien BRISWALTER <>

class ActionAuthorization
    private $label;
    private $description = '';
    private $bit;
     * @var RolesAuthorizations
    private $roles;

    private $disabled_ranks = array();

     * Builds an ActionAuthorization from its properties
     * @param string $label The label
     * @param int $bit The bit used to store authorizations (2^number)
     * @param string $description The description to use
     * @param RolesAuthorizations $roles The authorization roles
     * @param mixed[] $disabled_ranks The ranks to disable in select
    public function __construct($label, $bit, $description = '', RolesAuthorizations $roles = null, $disabled_ranks = array())
        $this->label = $label;
        $this->bit = $bit;
        $this->description = $description;
        if ($roles != null)
            $this->roles = $roles;
            $this->roles = new RolesAuthorizations();
        $this->disabled_ranks = $disabled_ranks;

     * Returns the label
     * @return string The label
    public function get_label()
        return $this->label;

     * Sets the label
     * @param string $label The label to set
    public function set_label($label)
        $this->label  = $label;

     * Returns the bit which is used to store the authorization flags.
     * @return int The bit (see the {@link #set_bit()} to know how the bit is built
    public function get_bit()
        return $this->bit;

     * Sets the bit corresponding to the autorization flags.
     * @param int $bit The bit to use. It's an integer whose boolean representation is 0 everywhere but 1 where the flag is.
     * In fact it's 2^n where n is the number of the bit to use.
    public function set_bit($bit)
        $this->bit = $bit;

     * Returns the action description
     * @return string the description
    public function get_description()
        return $this->description;

     * Sets the description associated to the action
     * @param string $description The description
    public function set_description($description)
        $this->description = $description;

     * Returns the roles authorizations associated to this action
     * @return RolesAuthorizations
    public function get_roles_auths()
        return $this->roles;

     * Sets the roles authorizations
     * @param RolesAuthorizations $roles The roles
    public function set_roles_auths(RolesAuthorizations $roles)
        $this->roles = $roles;

     * Returns the disabled ranks in select associated to this action
     * @return mixed[] The disabled ranks
    public function get_disabled_ranks()
        return $this->disabled_ranks;

     * Sets the disabled ranks in select
     * @param mixed[] $disabled_ranks The ranks to disable
    public function set_disabled_ranks(Array $disabled_ranks)
        $this->disabled_ranks = $disabled_ranks;

     * Builds the array at the legacy format containing only the action's authorizations.
     * @return mixed[] The array at the legacy format.
    public function build_auth_array()
        $auth_array = $this->roles->build_auth_array();
        foreach ($auth_array as &$profile)
            $profile *= $this->bit;
        return $auth_array;

     * Sets authorizations from a array at the legacy format.
     * @param array $auth_array The array to read
    public function build_from_auth_array(array $auth_array)
        foreach ($auth_array as &$profile)
            $profile &= $this->bit;
        $this->roles = new RolesAuthorizations($auth_array);