
File io/filesystem/stream/BufferedFileReader.class.php

File io/filesystem/stream/BufferedFileReader.class.php

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 * @package     IO
 * @subpackage  Filesystem\stream
 * @copyright   &copy; 2005-2019 PHPBoost
 * @license GNU/GPL-3.0
 * @author      Benoit SAUTEL <>
 * @version     PHPBoost 5.2 - last update: 2016 10 28
 * @since       PHPBoost 3.0 - 2010 05 29
 * @contributor Julien BRISWALTER <>
 * @contributor Arnaud GENET <>

class BufferedFileReader implements FileReader
    const DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE = 100000;

     * @var File
    private $file;
    private $buffer_max_size;
    private $offset_in_file = 0;
    private $reached_end_of_file = false;
    private $lines = array();

    public function __construct(File $file, $buffer_size = self::DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE)
        $this->file = $file;
        $this->buffer_max_size = $buffer_size;

    public function read_all()
        $result = '';
        while (!$this->reached_end_of_file)
            $result .= $this->read_packet();
        return $result;

    private function read_packet()
        $buffer = $this->file->read($this->offset_in_file, $this->buffer_max_size);
        $buffer_size = TextHelper::strlen($buffer);
        $this->offset_in_file += TextHelper::strlen($buffer);
        if ($buffer_size == 0)
            $this->reached_end_of_file = true;
        return $buffer;

    public function read_line()
        if ($this->has_no_more_line())
            return null;
        if ($this->has_buffered_line() || $this->is_last_line())
            return $this->get_oldest_line();
            while (!$this->has_buffered_line() && !$this->reached_end_of_file)
            return $this->get_oldest_line();

    private function has_buffered_line()
        // We must have at least two entries because we don't know if the last one is a full line or a partial one.
        return count($this->lines) > 1;

    private function read_lines_in_new_packet()
        $packet = $this->read_packet();
        $lines = explode("\n", $packet);
        $last_partial_line = array_pop($this->lines);
        if ($last_partial_line == null)
            $last_partial_line = '';
        $last_partial_line .= array_shift($lines);
        array_push($this->lines, $last_partial_line);
        $this->lines = array_merge($this->lines, $lines);

    private function is_last_line()
        return $this->reached_end_of_file && count($this->lines) == 1;

    private function has_no_more_line()
        return $this->reached_end_of_file && count($this->lines) == 0;

    private function get_oldest_line()
        return array_shift($this->lines);