
File core/ClassLoader.class.php

File core/ClassLoader.class.php

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 * @package     Core
 * @copyright   &copy; 2005-2019 PHPBoost
 * @license GNU/GPL-3.0
 * @author      Loic ROUCHON <>
 * @version     PHPBoost 5.2 - last update: 2016 11 15
 * @since       PHPBoost 3.0 - 2009 10 21
 * @contributor mipel <>

class ClassLoader
    private static $cache_file = '/cache/autoload.php';
    private static $autoload;
    private static $already_reloaded = false;
    private static $exclude_paths = array(
        '/cache', '/images', '/lang', '/upload', '/templates',
        '/kernel/data', '/kernel/lib/js', '/kernel/lib/flash', '/kernel/lib/css', '/kernel/lib/php/geshi',
        '/kernel/framework/io/db/dbms/Doctrine', '/test/PHPUnit',

    private static $exclude_folders_names = array('templates', 'lang');

     * initializes the autoload class list
    public static function init_autoload()
        spl_autoload_register(array(get_class(), 'autoload'));
        if (!self::inc(PATH_TO_ROOT . self::$cache_file))

     * tries to autoload the given <code>$classname</code> else, a fatal error is raised
     * @param string $classname the name of the class to load
    public static function autoload($classname)
        if (!isset(self::$autoload[$classname]) || !self::inc(PATH_TO_ROOT . self::$autoload[$classname]))
            if (isset(self::$autoload[$classname]))
                require_once PATH_TO_ROOT . self::$autoload[$classname];

    public static function is_class_registered_and_valid($classname)
        if (!self::is_class_registered($classname))
            return false;
        elseif (!file_exists(PATH_TO_ROOT . self::$autoload[$classname]))
            return self::is_class_registered($classname);
            return true;

     * Generates the autoload cache file by exploring phpboost folders
    public static function generate_classlist()
        if (!self::$already_reloaded)
            self::$already_reloaded = true;
            self::$autoload = array();

            include_once(PATH_TO_ROOT . '/kernel/framework/io/filesystem/FileSystemElement.class.php');
            include_once(PATH_TO_ROOT . '/kernel/framework/io/filesystem/Folder.class.php');
            include_once(PATH_TO_ROOT . '/kernel/framework/io/filesystem/File.class.php');
            include_once(PATH_TO_ROOT . '/kernel/framework/io/IOException.class.php');
            include_once(PATH_TO_ROOT . '/kernel/framework/util/Path.class.php');

            $phpboost_classfile_pattern = '`\.class\.php$`';
            $paths = array('/', '/kernel/framework/core/lang');

            foreach ($paths as $path)
                self::add_classes(Path::phpboost_path() . $path, $phpboost_classfile_pattern);
            self::add_classes(Path::phpboost_path() . '/kernel/framework/io/db/dbms/Doctrine/', '`\.php$`');

    public static function clear_cache()
        $file = new File(PATH_TO_ROOT . self::$cache_file);
        self::$already_reloaded = false;

    private static function is_class_registered($classname)
        return array_key_exists($classname, self::$autoload);

    private static function add_classes($directory, $pattern, $recursive = true)
        $files = array();
        $folder = new Folder($directory);
        $relative_path = Path::get_path_from_root($folder->get_path());
        $files = $folder->get_files($pattern);
        foreach ($files as $file)
            $filename = $file->get_name();
            $classname = $file->get_name_without_extension();
            self::$autoload[$classname] = $relative_path . '/' . $filename;

        if ($recursive)
            $folders = $folder->get_folders('`^[a-z]{1}.*$`iu');
            foreach ($folders as $a_folder)
                if (!in_array($a_folder->get_path_from_root(), self::$exclude_paths)
                && !in_array($a_folder->get_name(), self::$exclude_folders_names))
                    self::add_classes($a_folder->get_path(), $pattern);

    private static function generate_autoload_cache()
        $file = new File(PATH_TO_ROOT . self::$cache_file);
            $file->write('<?php self::$autoload = ' . var_export(self::$autoload, true) . '; ?>');
        catch (IOException $ex)
            die('The cache folder is not writeable, please set CHMOD to 777');

    private static function inc($file)
        return file_exists($file) && @include_once $file;

    private static function call_static_initializer($classname)
        if (method_exists($classname, '__static'))
            call_user_func(array($classname, '__static'));