
File content/comments/CommentsService.class.php

File content/comments/CommentsService.class.php

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 * This class allows you to use a comments system
 * @package     Content
 * @subpackage  Comments
 * @copyright   &copy; 2005-2019 PHPBoost
 * @license GNU/GPL-3.0
 * @author      Kevin MASSY <>
 * @version     PHPBoost 5.2 - last update: 2018 01 04
 * @since       PHPBoost 3.0 - 2011 03 31
 * @contributor Julien BRISWALTER <>
 * @contributor Arnaud GENET <>

class CommentsService
    private static $user;
    private static $lang;
    private static $common_lang;
    private static $comments_lang;
    private static $comments_cache;
    private static $template;

    public static function __static()
        self::$user = AppContext::get_current_user();
        self::$lang = LangLoader::get('main');
        self::$common_lang = LangLoader::get('common');
        self::$comments_lang = LangLoader::get('comments-common');
        self::$comments_cache = CommentsCache::load();
        self::$template = new FileTemplate('framework/content/comments/comments.tpl');

     * This function display the comments
     * @param class CommentsTopic $topic
     * @return Template is a template object
    public static function display(CommentsTopic $topic)
        $module_id = $topic->get_module_id();
        $id_in_module = $topic->get_id_in_module();
        $topic_identifier = $topic->get_topic_identifier();
        $authorizations = $topic->get_authorizations();

        if (!$authorizations->is_authorized_read())
            self::$template->put('KEEP_MESSAGE', MessageHelper::display(self::$comments_lang[''], MessageHelper::NOTICE));
            $edit_comment_id = AppContext::get_request()->get_getint('edit_comment', 0);
            $delete_comment_id = AppContext::get_request()->get_getint('delete_comment', 0);
            $return_path = AppContext::get_request()->get_getstring('return_path', '');
            $return_path = $return_path ? HOST . Url::to_relative($return_path) : '';

            try {
                $lock = AppContext::get_request()->get_getbool('lock');
                if ($authorizations->is_authorized_moderation())
                    if ($lock)
                        if (!CommentsTopicDAO::topic_exists($module_id, $id_in_module, $topic_identifier))
                            CommentsTopicDAO::create_topic($module_id, $id_in_module, $topic_identifier, $topic->get_path());
                        CommentsManager::lock_topic($module_id, $id_in_module, $topic_identifier);
                        CommentsManager::unlock_topic($module_id, $id_in_module, $topic_identifier);
            } catch (UnexistingHTTPParameterException $e) {

            if (!empty($delete_comment_id))
                self::verificate_authorized_edit_or_delete_comment($authorizations, $delete_comment_id);

                AppContext::get_response()->redirect($return_path ? $return_path : $topic->get_path());
            elseif (!empty($edit_comment_id))
                self::verificate_authorized_edit_or_delete_comment($authorizations, $edit_comment_id);

                $edit_comment_form = EditCommentBuildForm::create($edit_comment_id, $topic->get_path());
                    'C_DISPLAY_FORM' => true,
                    'COMMENT_FORM' => $edit_comment_form->display()
                if ($authorizations->is_authorized_post() && $authorizations->is_authorized_access_module())
                    $comments_topic_locked = CommentsManager::comment_topic_locked($module_id, $id_in_module, $topic_identifier);
                    $user_read_only = self::$user->get_delay_readonly();
                    if (!$authorizations->is_authorized_moderation() && $comments_topic_locked)
                        self::$template->put('KEEP_MESSAGE', MessageHelper::display(self::$comments_lang['comment.locked'], MessageHelper::NOTICE));
                    elseif (!empty($user_read_only) && $user_read_only > time())
                        self::$template->put('KEEP_MESSAGE', MessageHelper::display(self::$comments_lang[''], MessageHelper::NOTICE));
                        $add_comment_form = AddCommentBuildForm::create($topic);
                            'C_DISPLAY_FORM' => true,
                            'COMMENT_FORM' => $add_comment_form->display()
                    self::$template->put('KEEP_MESSAGE', MessageHelper::display(self::$comments_lang[''], MessageHelper::NOTICE));

            $number_comments_display = $topic->get_number_comments_display();
            $number_comments = self::$comments_cache->get_count_comments_by_module($module_id, $id_in_module, $topic_identifier);

                'COMMENTS_LIST' => self::display_comments($module_id, $id_in_module, $topic_identifier, $number_comments_display, $authorizations),
                'MODULE_ID' => $module_id,
                'ID_IN_MODULE' => $id_in_module,
                'TOPIC_IDENTIFIER' => $topic_identifier,
                'C_DISPLAY_VIEW_ALL_COMMENTS' => $number_comments > $number_comments_display,
                'C_MODERATE' => $authorizations->is_authorized_moderation(),
                'C_IS_LOCKED' => CommentsManager::comment_topic_locked($module_id, $id_in_module, $topic_identifier),
                'U_LOCK' => CommentsUrlBuilder::lock_and_unlock($topic->get_path(), true)->rel(),
                'U_UNLOCK' => CommentsUrlBuilder::lock_and_unlock($topic->get_path(), false)->rel(),

        return self::$template;

     * Returns number comments and lang (example : Comments (number_comments)
     * @param string $module_id the module identifier
     * @param integer $id_in_module id in module used in comments system
     * @param string $topic_identifier topic identifier (use if you have several comments system)
     * @return string number comments (example : Comments (number_comments)
    public static function get_number_and_lang_comments($module_id, $id_in_module, $topic_identifier = CommentsTopic::DEFAULT_TOPIC_IDENTIFIER)
        $number_comments = CommentsManager::get_number_comments($module_id, $id_in_module, $topic_identifier);
        $lang = $number_comments > 1 ? self::$lang['com_s'] : self::$lang['com'];

        return !empty($number_comments) ? $lang . ' (' . $number_comments . ')' : self::$lang['post_com'];

     * Returns lang (example : "Comments" for several comments, "comment" for one comment and "No comment" if no comment
     * @param string $module_id the module identifier
     * @param integer $id_in_module id in module used in comments system
     * @param string $topic_identifier topic identifier (use if you have several comments system)
     * @return string
    public static function get_lang_comments($module_id, $id_in_module, $topic_identifier = CommentsTopic::DEFAULT_TOPIC_IDENTIFIER)
        $number_comments = CommentsManager::get_number_comments($module_id, $id_in_module, $topic_identifier);
        $lang = $number_comments > 1 ? self::$comments_lang['comments'] : self::$comments_lang['comment'];

        return !empty($number_comments) ? ' ' .$lang : self::$comments_lang['no_comment'];

     * Delete all comments module
     * @param string $module_id the module identifier
    public static function delete_comments_module($module_id)
        try {
        } catch (RowNotFoundException $e) {

     * Delete comments topic according to module identifier and id in module
     * @param string $module_id the module identifier
     * @param integer $id_in_module id in module used in comments system
    public static function delete_comments_topic_module($module_id, $id_in_module)
        try {
            CommentsManager::delete_comments_topic_module($module_id, $id_in_module);
        } catch (RowNotFoundException $e) {

     * Returns number comments
     * @param string $module_id the module identifier
     * @param integer $id_in_module id in module used in comments system
     * @param string $topic_identifier topic identifier (use if you have several comments system)
     * @return string number comments
    public static function get_number_comments($module_id, $id_in_module, $topic_identifier = CommentsTopic::DEFAULT_TOPIC_IDENTIFIER)
        return CommentsManager::get_number_comments($module_id, $id_in_module, $topic_identifier);

     * Do not use, this is used for ajax display comments
     * @param string $module_id the module identifier
     * @param integer $id_in_module id in module used in comments system
     * @param string $topic_identifier topic identifier (use if you have several comments system)
     * @return object View is a view
    public static function display_comments($module_id, $id_in_module, $topic_identifier, $number_comments_display, $authorizations, $display_from_number_comments = false)
        $template = new FileTemplate('framework/content/comments/comments_list.tpl');

        if ($authorizations->is_authorized_read() && $authorizations->is_authorized_access_module())
            $user_accounts_config = UserAccountsConfig::load();

            $condition = !$display_from_number_comments ? ' LIMIT '. $number_comments_display : ' LIMIT ' . $number_comments_display . ',18446744073709551615';
            $result = PersistenceContext::get_querier()->select("
                SELECT comments.*, comments.timestamp AS comment_timestamp, AS id_comment,
                topic.is_locked, topic.path,
                member.user_id, member.display_name, member.level, member.groups,
                FROM " . DB_TABLE_COMMENTS . " comments
                LEFT JOIN " . DB_TABLE_COMMENTS_TOPIC . " topic ON comments.id_topic = topic.id_topic
                LEFT JOIN " . DB_TABLE_MEMBER . " member ON member.user_id = comments.user_id
                LEFT JOIN " . DB_TABLE_MEMBER_EXTENDED_FIELDS . " ext_field ON ext_field.user_id = comments.user_id
                WHERE topic.module_id = '". $module_id ."' AND topic.id_in_module = '". $id_in_module ."' AND topic.topic_identifier = '". $topic_identifier ."'
                ORDER BY comments.timestamp " . CommentsConfig::load()->get_order_display_comments() . " " . $condition

            while ($row = $result->fetch())
                $id = $row['id_comment'];
                $path = $row['path'];

                $user_avatar = !empty($row['user_avatar']) ? Url::to_rel($row['user_avatar']) : ($user_accounts_config->is_default_avatar_enabled() ? Url::to_rel('/templates/' . AppContext::get_current_user()->get_theme() . '/images/' .  $user_accounts_config->get_default_avatar_name()) : '');

                $timestamp = new Date($row['comment_timestamp'], Timezone::SERVER_TIMEZONE);
                $group_color = User::get_group_color($row['groups'], $row['level']);

                $template->assign_block_vars('comments', array_merge(
                    'C_MODERATOR' => self::is_authorized_edit_or_delete_comment($authorizations, $id),
                    'C_VISITOR' => empty($row['display_name']),
                    'C_GROUP_COLOR' => !empty($group_color),
                    'C_AVATAR' => $row['user_avatar'] || ($user_accounts_config->is_default_avatar_enabled()),
                    'U_EDIT' => CommentsUrlBuilder::edit($path, $id)->rel(),
                    'U_DELETE' => CommentsUrlBuilder::delete($path, $id)->rel(),
                    'U_PROFILE' => UserUrlBuilder::profile($row['user_id'])->rel(),
                    'U_AVATAR' => $user_avatar,
                    'ID_COMMENT' => $id,
                    'MESSAGE' => FormatingHelper::second_parse($row['message']),
                    'USER_ID' => $row['user_id'],
                    'PSEUDO' => empty($row['display_name']) ? $row['pseudo'] : $row['display_name'],
                    'LEVEL_CLASS' => UserService::get_level_class($row['level']),
                    'GROUP_COLOR' => $group_color,
                    'L_LEVEL' => UserService::get_level_lang($row['level'] !== null ? $row['level'] : '-1'),

                    'L_UPDATE' => self::$common_lang['edit'],
                    'L_DELETE' => self::$common_lang['delete'],

            'MODULE_ID' => $module_id,
            'ID_IN_MODULE' => $id_in_module,
            'TOPIC_IDENTIFIER' => $topic_identifier

        return $template;

    private static function verificate_authorized_edit_or_delete_comment($authorizations, $comment_id)
        $is_authorized = self::is_authorized_edit_or_delete_comment($authorizations, $comment_id);

        if (!CommentsManager::comment_exists($comment_id))
            $error_controller = PHPBoostErrors::unexisting_page();
        else if (!$is_authorized)
            $error_controller = PHPBoostErrors::user_not_authorized();

    private static function is_authorized_edit_or_delete_comment($authorizations, $comment_id)
        $user_id_posted_comment = CommentsManager::get_user_id_posted_comment($comment_id);
        if ($user_id_posted_comment !== '-1')
            return ($authorizations->is_authorized_moderation() || $user_id_posted_comment == self::$user->get_id()) && $authorizations->is_authorized_access_module();
        return false;