File io/db/DBQuerier.class.php
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* implements some simple queries
* @package IO
* @subpackage DB
* @copyright © 2005-2019 PHPBoost
* @license GNU/GPL-3.0
* @author Loic ROUCHON <>
* @version PHPBoost 5.2 - last update: 2014 12 22
* @since PHPBoost 3.0 - 2009 10 05
class DBQuerier implements SQLQuerier
* @var SQLQuerier
private $querier;
public function __construct(SQLQuerier $querier)
$this->querier = $querier;
* {@inheritDoc}
public function select($query, $parameters = array(), $fetch_mode = SelectQueryResult::FETCH_ASSOC)
return $this->querier->select($query, $parameters, $fetch_mode);
* {@inheritDoc}
public function inject($query, $parameters = array())
return $this->querier->inject($query, $parameters);
* {@inheritDoc}
public function enable_query_translator()
* {@inheritDoc}
public function disable_query_translator()
* {@inheritDoc}
public function get_executed_requests_count()
return $this->querier->get_executed_requests_count();
* Removes all table rows
* @param string $table_name the table name
public function truncate($table_name)
$query = 'TRUNCATE ' . $table_name . ';';
* insert the values into the <code>$table_name</code> table
* @param string $table_name the name of the table on which work will be done
* @param string[string] $columns the map where columns are keys and values values
* @return InjectQueryResult the query result set
public function insert($table_name, array $columns)
$columns_names = array_keys($columns);
$query = 'INSERT INTO ' . $table_name . ' (' . implode(', ', $columns_names) .
') VALUES (:' . implode(', :', $columns_names) . ');';
return $this->querier->inject($query, $columns);
* update the values of rows matching the <code>$condition</code> into the
* <code>$table_name</code> table
* @param string $table_name the name of the table on which work will be done
* @param string[string] $columns the map where columns are keys and values values
* @param string $condition the update condition beginning just after the where clause.
* For example, <code>"length > 50 and weight < 100"</code>
* @param string[string] $parameters the query_var map
* @return InjectQueryResult the query result set
public function update($table_name, array $columns, $condition, array $parameters = array())
$columns_names = array_keys($columns);
$columns_definition = array();
foreach ($columns_names as $column)
$columns_definition[] = $column . '=:' . $column;
$query = 'UPDATE ' . $table_name . ' SET ' . implode(', ', $columns_definition) .
' ' . $condition . ';';
return $this->querier->inject($query, array_merge($parameters, $columns));
* delete all the row from the <code>$table_name</code> table matching the
* <code>$condition</code> condition
* @param string $table_name the name of the table on which work will be done
* @param string $condition the update condition beginning just after the from clause.
* For example, <code>"length > 50 and weight < 100"</code>
* @param string[string] $parameters the query_var map
public function delete($table_name, $condition, array $parameters = array())
$query = 'DELETE FROM ' . $table_name . ' ' . $condition . ';';
$this->querier->inject($query, $parameters);
* retrieve a single row from the <code>$table_name</code> table matching the
* <code>$condition</code> condition
* @param string $table_name the name of the table on which work will be done
* @param string[] $columns the columns to retrieve.
* @param string $condition the update condition beginning just after the where clause.
* For example, <code>"length > 50 and weight < 100"</code>
* @param string[string] $parameters the query_var map
* @return mixed[string] the row returned
public function select_single_row($table_name, array $columns, $condition, array $parameters = array())
$query_result = self::select_rows($table_name, $columns, $condition, $parameters);
if (!$query_result->valid())
throw new RowNotFoundException();
$result = $query_result->current();
if ($query_result->valid())
throw new NotASingleRowFoundException($query_result);
return $result;
* retrieve a single row for executes the <code>$query</code> sql request and returns row
* @param string $query the query to execute
* @param string[string] $parameters the query_var map
* @return mixed the value of the returned row
public function select_single_row_query($query, $parameters = array())
$query_result = self::select($query, $parameters, SelectQueryResult::FETCH_ASSOC);
if (!$query_result->valid())
throw new RowNotFoundException();
$result = $query_result->current();
if ($query_result->valid())
throw new NotASingleRowFoundException($query_result);
return $result;
* Returns true if a or multiple rows match the given condition.
* @param string $table_name the name of the table on which work will be done
* @param string $condition the condition beginning just after the where clause.
* For example, <code>"WHERE length > 50 and weight < 100"</code>
* @param string[string] $parameters the query_var map
* @return bool true if a or multiple rows match the given condition.
public function row_exists($table_name, $condition, array $parameters = array())
return $this->count($table_name, $condition, $parameters) > 0;
* retrieve a single value of the <code>$column</code> column of a single row from the
* <code>$table_name</code> table matching the <code>$condition</code> condition.
* @param string $table_name the name of the table on which work will be done
* @param string $column the column to retrieve.
* @param string $condition the update condition beginning just after the where clause.
* For example, <code>"length > 50 and weight < 100"</code>
* @param string[string] $parameters the query_var map
* @return mixed the value of the returned row
public function get_column_value($table_name, $column, $condition, array $parameters = array())
$result = $this->select_single_row($table_name, array($column), $condition, $parameters);
return array_shift($result);
* retrieve rows from the <code>$table_name</code> table matching the
* <code>$condition</code> condition
* @param string $table_name the name of the table on which work will be done
* @param string[] $columns the columns to retrieve.
* @param string $condition the update condition beginning just after the where clause.
* For example, <code>"length > 50 and weight < 100"</code>
* @param string[string] $parameters the query_var map
* @return mixed[string] the row returned
public function select_rows($table_name, array $columns, $condition = 'WHERE 1',
$parameters = array())
$query = 'SELECT ' . implode(', ', $columns) . ' FROM ' . $table_name . ' ' . $condition;
return $this->querier->select($query, $parameters);
* count the number of rows from the <code>$table_name</code> table matching the
* <code>$condition</code> condition
* @param string $table_name the name of the table on which work will be done
* @param string $condition the update condition beginning just after the where clause.
* For example, <code>"length > 50 and weight < 100"</code>
* @param string $count_column the column name on which count or * if all
* @param string[string] $parameters the query_var map
* @return int the number of rows returned
public function count($table_name, $condition = 'WHERE 1', $parameters = array(),
$count_column = '*')
$query = 'SELECT COUNT(' . $count_column . ') FROM ' . $table_name;
if (!empty($condition))
$query .= ' ' . $condition;
$row = $this->querier->select($query, $parameters, SelectQueryResult::FETCH_NUM)->fetch();
return (int) $row[0];
public function get_querier()
return $this->querier;