
File util/Debug.class.php

File util/Debug.class.php

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 * @package     Util
 * @copyright   &copy; 2005-2019 PHPBoost
 * @license GNU/GPL-3.0
 * @author      Loic ROUCHON <>
 * @version     PHPBoost 5.2 - last update: 2016 04 27
 * @since       PHPBoost 3.0 - 2009 10 03
 * @contributor Julien BRISWALTER <>

class Debug
    const STRICT_MODE = 'strict_mode';
    const DISPLAY_DATABASE_QUERY = 'display_database_query';

    private static $enabled = true;
    private static $options = array();
    private static $html_output = true;

    public static function __static()
        $file = new File(PATH_TO_ROOT . '/cache/debug.php');
        if ($file->exists())
            include $file->get_path();
            self::$enabled = $enabled;
            self::$options = $options;

     * Enables the debug mode for the current script only.
     * @param mixed[string] $options see <code>self::enabled_debug_mode()</code> for information on this parameter
    public static function enabled_current_script_debug(array $options = array())
        self::$enabled = true;
        self::$options = $options;

     * Enables the debug mode
     * @param mixed[string] $options Here is a description of the optional debug parameters that can
     * be passed in the options array
     * <ul>
     *     <li><code>self::STRICT_MODE</code>: boolean - If true, page processing will stop
     *     <li><code>self::DISPLAY_DATABASE_QUERY</code>: boolean - If true, display database query
     *     at the first notice / warning / error encountered</li>
     * </ul>
    public static function enabled_debug_mode(array $options = array())
        self::$enabled = true;
        self::$options = $options;

     * Disables the debug mode
    public static function disable_debug_mode()
        self::$enabled = false;
        self::$options = array();

    private static function write_debug_file()
        $file = new File(PATH_TO_ROOT . '/cache/debug.php');
        $file->write('<?php ' . "\n" .
            '$enabled = ' . var_export(self::$enabled, true) . ';' . "\n" .
            '$options = ' . var_export(self::$options, true) . ';' . "\n" .
            ' ?>');

     * Tells whether the debug mode is enabled
     * @return bool true if enabled, false otherwise
    public static function is_debug_mode_enabled()
        return self::$enabled;

     * Returns true if the strict debug mode is enabled.
     * If true, the page processing will be stopped if any notice, warning or error is encountered.
     * @return bool true if the strict debug mode is enabled
    public static function is_strict_mode_enabled()
        return self::is_debug_mode_enabled() && self::get_option(self::STRICT_MODE, false);

     * Returns true if the display database query is enabled.
     * If true, the page display a database query with the Debug::dump() function and display stacktrace
     * @return bool true if the display database query is enabled.
    public static function is_display_database_query_enabled()
        return self::is_debug_mode_enabled() && self::get_option(self::DISPLAY_DATABASE_QUERY, false);

    private static function get_option($key, $default)
        if (array_key_exists($key, self::$options))
            return self::$options[$key];
        return $default;

     * Returns true if the page is rendered in a browser mode.
     * @return bool true if the page is rendered in a browser mode
    public static function is_output_html()
        return self::$html_output;

     * Inform PHPBoost that the dbug message have to be rendered in a non html (plain text) mode.
    public static function set_plain_text_output_mode()
        self::$html_output = false;

     * Displays information on an exception and exits
     * @param $exception the exception to display information on
    public static function fatal($exception)
        if (!self::$html_output)
            $message = get_class($exception) . ': ' . $exception->getMessage();
            if (empty($message))
                $message .= 'An exception has been thrown';
            echo $message . "\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
            Debug::print_stacktrace(0, $exception);
            $printer = new HTTPFatalExceptionPrinter($exception);
            echo $printer->render();

     * prints the stacktrace and exits
     * @param $object
    public static function stop($object = null)
        if ($object != null)

     * returns the current exception
     * @return Exception the current exception
    public static function get_exception_context()
        return new Exception();

     * returns the current stacktrace
     * @return string the current stacktrace
    public static function get_stacktrace()
        $stack = self::get_exception_context()->getTrace();
        return array_merge($stack, array());

     * print the current stacktrace
    public static function get_stacktrace_as_string($start_trace_index = 0, $exception = null)
        $string_stacktrace = '';
        $stacktrace = null;
        if ($exception === null)
            $stacktrace = self::get_stacktrace();
            $stacktrace = $exception->getTrace();
        $stacktrace_size = count($stacktrace);
        $start_trace_index = $start_trace_index + 1;
        for ($i = $start_trace_index; $i < $stacktrace_size; $i++)
            $trace =& $stacktrace[$i];
            $string_stacktrace .= '[' . ($i - $start_trace_index) . '] ' . ExceptionUtils::get_file($trace) .
                ':' . ExceptionUtils::get_line($trace) . ' - ' . ExceptionUtils::get_method_prototype($trace) . "\n";

        $string_stacktrace .= '[URL] ' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];

        if (self::is_output_html())
            $string_stacktrace = str_replace("\n", '<br />', $string_stacktrace);
        return $string_stacktrace;

     * print the current stacktrace
    public static function print_stacktrace($start_trace_index = 0, Exception $exception = null)
        if ($exception !== null)
        echo self::get_stacktrace_as_string($start_trace_index + 1, $exception);

     * executes a <code>print_r()</code> in an html &lt;pre&gt; block
     * @param mixed $object the object to see using print_r
    public static function dump($object)
        if (self::$html_output)
            echo '<pre>'; print_r($object); echo '</pre>';
            echo "\n"; print_r($object); echo "\n";