
File mvc/dispatcher/DispatchManager.class.php

File mvc/dispatcher/DispatchManager.class.php

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 * @package     MVC
 * @subpackage  Dispatcher
 * @copyright   &copy; 2005-2019 PHPBoost
 * @license GNU/GPL-3.0
 * @author      Loic ROUCHON <>
 * @version     PHPBoost 5.2 - last update: 2016 11 14
 * @since       PHPBoost 3.0 - 2009 12 09
 * @contributor Julien BRISWALTER <>
 * @contributor mipel <>
 * @contributor Arnaud GENET <>

class DispatchManager
     * Redirect the request to the right controller using the url controller mappes list
     * @param UrlControllerMapper[] $url_controller_mappers the url controllers mapper list
    public static function dispatch($url_controller_mappers)
            $dispatcher = new Dispatcher($url_controller_mappers);
        catch (NoUrlMatchException $ex)

     * Cleans the output buffer and execute the given controller before exiting
     * @param Controller $controller the controller to execute
    public static function redirect(Controller $controller)
        $request = AppContext::get_request();
        $response = $controller->execute($request);

     * Returns an url object from the dispatcher path with the $url param
     * dispatcher must be in the index.php file
     * @param string $path the url to apply the rewrite form on
     * @param string $url the url to apply the rewrite form on
     * @param boolean $not_rewriting_url_forced forced to have a non-rewritten url
     * @return Url an url object relative to the current script path
    public static function get_url($path, $url, $not_rewriting_url_forced = false)
        $dispatcher_url = new Url(rtrim($path, '/'));
        $url = ltrim($url, '/');
        if (ServerEnvironmentConfig::load()->is_url_rewriting_enabled() && !$not_rewriting_url_forced)
            return new Url(self::get_dispatcher_path($dispatcher_url->relative()) . '/' . $url);
            $dispatcher = $dispatcher_url->relative();
            if (!preg_match('`(?:\.php)|/$`u', $dispatcher))
                $dispatcher .= '/';
            if (TextHelper::strpos($url, '?') !== false)
                $exploded = explode('?', $url, 2);
                $exploded[1] = str_replace('?', '&', $exploded[1]);
                return new Url($dispatcher . '?' . Dispatcher::URL_PARAM_NAME .
                    '=/' . $exploded[0] . '&' . $exploded[1]);
                return new Url($dispatcher . '?' . Dispatcher::URL_PARAM_NAME .
                    '=/' . $url);

    private static function get_dispatcher_path($dispatcher_name)
        return preg_replace('`(.*/)[a-z0-9]+\.php`u','$1', $dispatcher_name);

    private static function handle_dispatch_exception($exception)
        if (Debug::is_debug_mode_enabled())
            $error_controller = PHPBoostErrors::unexisting_page();

    private static function show_error($exception)