
File content/feed/Feed.class.php

File content/feed/Feed.class.php

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 * This class could be used to export feeds
 * <div classs="message-helper notice">Do not use this class, but one of its children like RSS or ATOM</div>
 * @package     Content
 * @subpackage  Feed
 * @copyright   &copy; 2005-2019 PHPBoost
 * @license GNU/GPL-3.0
 * @author      Loic ROUCHON <>
 * @version     PHPBoost 5.2 - last update: 2018 10 23
 * @since       PHPBoost 2.0 - 2008 04 21
 * @contributor Julien BRISWALTER <>

define('FEEDS_PATH', PATH_TO_ROOT . '/cache/syndication/');
define('ERROR_GETTING_CACHE', 'Error regenerating and / or retrieving the syndication cache of the %s (%s)');

class Feed
    const DEFAULT_FEED_NAME = 'master';

     * @var int Module ID
    private $module_id = '';
     * @var int ID cat
    private $id_cat = 0;
     * @var string Feed Name
    private $name = '';
     * @var string The feed as a string
    private $str = '';
     * @var string The feed Template to use
    protected $tpl = null;
     * @var string The data structure
    private $data = null;

     * Builds a new feed object
     * @param string $module_id its module_id
     * @param string $name the feeds name / type. default is DEFAULT_FEED_NAME
     * @param int $id_cat the feed category id
    public function __construct($module_id, $name = self::DEFAULT_FEED_NAME, $id_cat = 0)
        $this->module_id = $module_id;
        $this->name = $name;
        $this->id_cat = $id_cat;

     * Loads a FeedData element
     * @param FeedData $data the element to load
    public function load_data($data) { $this->data = $data; }
     * Loads a feed by its url
     * @param string $url the feed url
    public function load_file($url) { }

     * Exports the feed as a string parsed by the <$tpl> template
     * @param mixed $template If false, uses de default tpl. If an associative array,
     * uses the default tpl but assigns it the array vars first.
     * It could also be a Template object
     * @param int $number the number of item to display
     * @param int $begin_at the first item to display
     * @return string The exported feed
    public function export($template = false, $number = 10, $begin_at = 0)
        if ($template === false)
        {    // A specific template is used
            $tpl = clone $this->tpl;
            $tpl = clone $template;

        if (!empty($this->data))
                'DATE' => $this->data->get_date(),
                'DATE_RFC822' => $this->data->get_date_rfc2822(),
                'DATE_RFC3339' => $this->data->get_date_iso8601(),
                'DATE_TEXT' => $this->data->get_date_text(),
                'THIS_YEAR' => date('Y'),
                'TITLE' => $this->data->get_title(),
                'RAW_TITLE' => TextHelper::htmlspecialchars($this->data->get_title()),
                'U_LINK' => $this->data->get_link(),
                'HOST' => $this->data->get_host(),
                'DESC' => ContentSecondParser::export_html_text($this->data->get_desc()),
                'RAW_DESC' => TextHelper::htmlspecialchars($this->data->get_desc()),
                'LANG' => $this->data->get_lang()

            $items = $this->data->subitems($number, $begin_at);
            foreach ($items as $item)
                $enclosure = $item->get_enclosure();
                $tpl->assign_block_vars('item', array(
                    'TITLE' => $item->get_title(),
                    'RAW_TITLE' => TextHelper::htmlspecialchars($item->get_title()),
                    'U_LINK' => $item->get_link(),
                    'U_GUID' => $item->get_guid(),
                    'DESC' => ContentSecondParser::export_html_text($item->get_desc()),
                    'RAW_DESC' => TextHelper::htmlspecialchars($item->get_desc()),
                    'DATE' => $item->get_date(),
                    'DATE_RFC822' => $item->get_date_rfc2822(),
                    'DATE_RFC3339' => $item->get_date_iso8601(),
                    'DATE_HOUR' => $item->get_hours(),
                    'DATE_MINUTES' => $item->get_minutes(),
                    'DATE_TEXT' => $item->get_date_text(),
                    'C_IMG' => ($item->get_image_url() != ''),
                    'U_IMG' => $item->get_image_url(),
                    'C_ENCLOSURE' => $enclosure !== null,
                    'ENCLOSURE_LENGHT' => $enclosure !== null ? $enclosure->get_lenght() : '',
                    'ENCLOSURE_TYPE' => $enclosure !== null ? $enclosure->get_type() : '',
                    'ENCLOSURE_URL' => $enclosure !== null ? $enclosure->get_url() : ''

        return $tpl->render();

     * Loads the feed data in cache and export it
     * @return string the exported feed
    public function read()
        if ($this->is_in_cache())
            $include = include($this->get_cache_file_name());
            if ($include && isset($__feed_object) && !empty($__feed_object))
                $this->data = $__feed_object;
                return $this->export();
        return '';

     * Send the feed data in the cache
    public function cache()
        self::update_cache($this->module_id, $this->name, $this->data, $this->id_cat);

     * Returns true if the feed data are in the cache
     * @return bool true if the feed data are in the cache
    public function is_in_cache()
        return file_exists($this->get_cache_file_name());

     * Returns the feed data cache filename
     * @return string the feed data cache filename
    public function get_cache_file_name()
        return FEEDS_PATH . $this->module_id . '_' . $this->name . '_' . $this->id_cat . '.php';

     * Clear the cache of the specified module_id.
     * @param mixed $module_id the module module_id or false. If false,
     * Clear all feeds data from the cache
     * @static
    public static function clear_cache($module_id = false)
        $folder = new Folder(FEEDS_PATH);
        $files = null;
        if ($module_id !== false)
        {   // Clear only this module cache
            $files = $folder->get_files('`' . $module_id . '_.*`');
            foreach ($files as $file)
        {   // Clear the whole cache

     * Update the cache of the $module_id, $name, $idcat feed with $data
     * @param string $module_id the module id
     * @param string $name the feed name / type
     * @param &FeedData $data the data to put in the cache
     * @param int $idcat the feed data category
     * @static
    private static function update_cache($module_id, $name, $data, $idcat = 0)
        if ($data instanceof FeedData)
            $file = new File(FEEDS_PATH . $module_id . '_' . $name . '_' . $idcat . '.php');
            $file->write('<?php $__feed_object = TextHelper::unserialize(' . var_export($data->serialize(), true) . '); ?>');
            return true;
        return false;

     * Export a feed
     * @param string $module_id the module id
     * @param string $name the feed name / type
     * @param int $idcat the feed data category
     * @param mixed $tpl If false, uses de default tpl. If an associative array,
     * uses the default tpl but assigns it the array vars first.
     * It could also be a Template object
     * @param int $number the number of item to display
     * @param int $begin_at the first item to display
     * @return string The exported feed
     * @static
    public static function get_parsed($module_id, $name = self::DEFAULT_FEED_NAME, $idcat = 0, $template = false, $number = 10, $begin_at = 0)
        if (!($template instanceof Template))
            $template = new FileTemplate('framework/content/syndication/feed.tpl');
            if (gettype($template) == 'array')

        $feed_data_cache_file_exists = true;
        // Get the cache content or recreate it if not existing
        $feed_data_cache_file = FEEDS_PATH . $module_id . '_' . $name . '_' . $idcat . '.php';
        if (!file_exists($feed_data_cache_file))
            $extension_provider_service = AppContext::get_extension_provider_service();
            $provider = $extension_provider_service->get_provider($module_id);

            if (!$provider->has_extension_point(FeedProvider::EXTENSION_POINT) )
            {   // If the module is not installed or doesn't have the get_feed_data_struct
                // functionality we break
                return '';
            $feed_provider = $provider->get_extension_point(FeedProvider::EXTENSION_POINT);
            $data = $feed_provider->get_feed_data_struct($idcat);
            $feed_data_cache_file_exists = self::update_cache($module_id, $name, $data, $idcat);

        if ($feed_data_cache_file_exists)
            include $feed_data_cache_file;
            if (isset($__feed_object) && !empty($__feed_object))
                $feed = new Feed($module_id, $name);
                return $feed->export($template, $number, $begin_at);
            return '';
            MessageHelper::display(sprintf(ERROR_GETTING_CACHE, $module_id, $idcat), MessageHelper::WARNING);
            return '';

     * @static
     * Generates the code which shows all the feeds formats.
     * @param string $feed_url Feed URL
     * @return string The HTML code to display.
    public static function get_feed_menu($module_id, $id_cat = 0)
        $feed_menu = new FileTemplate('framework/content/syndication/menu.tpl');

            'U_FEED_RSS' => SyndicationUrlBuilder::rss($module_id, $id_cat)->absolute(),
            'U_FEED_ATOM' => SyndicationUrlBuilder::atom($module_id, $id_cat)->absolute()

        return $feed_menu->render();