
File builder/form/field/FormFieldRichTextEditor.class.php

File builder/form/field/FormFieldRichTextEditor.class.php

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 * This class represents a rich text editor.
 * @package     Builder
 * @subpackage  Form\field
 * @copyright   &copy; 2005-2019 PHPBoost
 * @license GNU/GPL-3.0
 * @author      Benoit SAUTEL <>
 * @version     PHPBoost 5.2 - last update: 2018 11 16
 * @since       PHPBoost 3.0 - 2010 01 09
 * @contributor Arnaud GENET <>
 * @contributor mipel <>

class FormFieldRichTextEditor extends FormFieldMultiLineTextEditor
     * @var ContentFormattingFactory
    private $formatter = null;

    private $reset_value = null;

     * Constructs a rich text edit field.
     * In addition to the parameters of the FormMultiLineEdit ones, there is the formatter which
     * is an instance of the ContentFormattingFactory which ensures the formatting. The default value
     * corresponds to the user's default configuration and will be the one to use 99% of the time.
     * @param string $id Field id
     * @param string $label Field label
     * @param string $value Default value
     * @param string[] $field_options options
     * @param FormFieldConstraint[] $constraints The constraints
    public function __construct($id, $label, $value, array $field_options = array(), array $constraints = array())
        $this->formatter = AppContext::get_content_formatting_service()->get_default_factory();
        parent::__construct($id, $label, '', $field_options, $constraints);


     * @return string The html code for the textarea.
    public function display()
        $template = parent::display();


        return $template;

    private function assign_editor(Template $template)
        $editor = $this->formatter->get_editor();

            'C_EDITOR_ENABLED' => true,
            'C_RESET_BUTTON_ENABLED' => $this->reset_value !== null,
            'EDITOR' => $editor->display(),
            'EDITOR_NAME' => TextHelper::strtolower($this->formatter->get_name()),
            'VALUE' => $this->get_raw_value(),
            'PREVIEW_BUTTON' => $this->get_preview_button_code(),
            'RESET_BUTTON' => $this->get_reset_button_code()

    private function get_preview_button_code()
        $template = new FileTemplate('framework/builder/form/button/FormButtonPreview.tpl');

        $template->put('HTML_ID', $this->get_html_id());

        return $template->render();

    private function get_reset_button_code()
        $template = new FileTemplate('framework/builder/form/button/FormButtonReset.tpl');

            'C_ONCLICK_FUNCTION' => true,
            'HTML_ID' => $this->get_html_id(),
            'CLASS' => 'small',
            'L_RESET' => LangLoader::get_message('reset', 'main'),
            'ONCLICK_ACTIONS' => (AppContext::get_current_user()->get_editor() == 'TinyMCE' ? 'setTinyMceContent(' . TextHelper::to_js_string($this->unparse_value($this->reset_value)) . ');' :
                'HTMLForms.getField("' . $this->get_id() . '").setValue(' . TextHelper::to_js_string($this->unparse_value($this->reset_value)) . ');')

        return $template->render();

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function get_value()
        return $this->parse_value($this->get_raw_value());

    private function parse_value($value)
        $parser = $this->formatter->get_parser();
        return $parser->get_content();

    private function get_raw_value()
        return parent::get_value();

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function set_value($value)

    private function set_raw_value($value)

    private function unparse_value($value)
        $unparser = $this->formatter->get_unparser();
        return $unparser->get_content();

    public function get_onblur_validations()
        return parent::get_onblur_validations();

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function retrieve_value()
        $request = AppContext::get_request();
        if ($request->has_parameter($this->get_html_id()))

    protected function compute_options(array &$field_options)
        foreach($field_options as $attribute => $value)
            $attribute = TextHelper::strtolower($attribute);
            switch ($attribute)
                case 'formatter':
                    if ($value instanceof ContentFormattingExtensionPoint)
                        $this->formatter = $value;
                        throw new FormBuilderException('The value associated to the formatter attribute must be an instance of the ContentFormattingFactory class');
                case 'reset_value':
                    $this->reset_value = $value;