
File phpboost/menu/Menu.class.php

File phpboost/menu/Menu.class.php

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 * This class represents a menu element and is used to build any kind of menu
 * @package     PHPBoost
 * @subpackage  Menu
 * @copyright   &copy; 2005-2019 PHPBoost
 * @license GNU/GPL-3.0
 * @author      Loic ROUCHON <>
 * @version     PHPBoost 5.2 - last update: 2016 07 26
 * @since       PHPBoost 2.0 - 2008 11 15
 * @contributor Julien BRISWALTER <>

abstract class Menu
    const MENU_AUTH_BIT = 1;
    const MENU_ENABLE_OR_NOT = 42;
    const MENU_ENABLED = true;
    const MENU_NOT_ENABLED = false;

    const BLOCK_POSITION__LEFT = 7;
    const BLOCK_POSITION__RIGHT = 8;
    const BLOCK_POSITION__ALL = 9;

    const MENU__CLASS = 'Menu';

     * @access protected
     * @var int the element identifier, only used by the service
    public $id = 0;
     * @access protected
     * @var string the Menu title
    public $title = '';
     * @access protected
     * @var int[string] Represents the Menu authorisations array
    public $auth = null;
     * @access protected
     * @var bool true if the Menu is used
    public $enabled = self::MENU_NOT_ENABLED;
     * @access protected
     * @var int The Menu block position
    public $block = self::BLOCK_POSITION__NOT_ENABLED;
     * @access protected
     * @var int The Menu position on the website
    public $position = -1;
    * @access protected
    * @var bool menu hidden or not with small screens
    protected $hidden_with_small_screens = false;
     * @access protected
     * @var Array<Filter> The filter list
    public $filters = array();
     * @access protected
     * @var Template the template of the menu
    protected $template = null;

     * Build a Menu element.
     * @param string $title the Menu title
     * @param int $id its id in the database
    public function __construct($title)
        $this->title = TextHelper::strprotect($title, TextHelper::HTML_PROTECT, TextHelper::ADDSLASHES_NONE);
        $this->filters[] = new MenuStringFilter('/');

     * Check if the menu needs to be cached
     * @return bool true if the menu need to be cached
    public function need_cached_string()
        return false;

     * Display the menu
     * @abstract
     * @return string the menu parsed in xHTML
    abstract public function display();

     * Display the menu admin gui
     * @return string the menu parsed in xHTML
    public function admin_display()
        return $this->display();

     * @param int $id Set the Menu database id
    public function id($id) { $this->id = $id; }

     * Assign tpl vars
     * @access protected
     * @param Template $template the template on which we gonna assign vars
    protected function _assign($template)
        MenuService::assign_positions_conditions($template, $this->get_block());

     * Assign default tpl vars
     * @access protected
     * @param Template $template the template on which we gonna assign vars
    protected function assign_common_template_variables(Template $template)
            'C_VERTICAL_BLOCK' => ($this->get_block() == Menu::BLOCK_POSITION__LEFT || $this->get_block() == Menu::BLOCK_POSITION__RIGHT),
            'C_HIDDEN_WITH_SMALL_SCREENS' => $this->hidden_with_small_screens

     * Check the user authorization to see the LinksMenuElement
     * @return bool true if the user is authorised, false otherwise
    public function check_auth()
        return $this->auth === null || AppContext::get_current_user()->check_auth($this->auth, self::MENU_AUTH_BIT);

    ## Setters ##
     * @param string $image the value to set
    public function set_title($title) { $this->title = TextHelper::strprotect($title, TextHelper::HTML_PROTECT, TextHelper::ADDSLASHES_NONE); }
     * @param array $url the authorisation array to set
    public function set_auth($auth) { $this->auth = $auth; }
     * @param bool $enabled Enable or not the Menu
    public function enabled($enabled = self::MENU_ENABLED) { $this->enabled = $enabled; }
     * @return int the Menu $block position
    public function set_block($block) { $this->block = $block; }
     * @param int $position the Menu position to set
    public function set_block_position($position) { $this->position = $position; }
    * @param bool $value true if menu hidden with small screens
    public function set_hidden_with_small_screens($value) { $this->hidden_with_small_screens = $value; }

    ## Getters ##
     * @return string the displayable Menu $title
    public function get_formated_title() { return $this->title; }
     * @return string the Menu $title
    public function get_title() { return $this->title; }
     * @return array the authorization array $auth
    public function get_auth() { return is_array($this->auth) ? $this->auth : array('r-1' => self::MENU_AUTH_BIT, 'r0' => self::MENU_AUTH_BIT, 'r1' => self::MENU_AUTH_BIT); }
     * @return int the $id of the menu in the database
    public function get_id() { return $this->id; }
     * @return int the Menu $block position
    public function get_block() { return $this->block; }
     * @return int the Menu $position
    public function get_block_position() { return $this->position; }
     * @return bool true if the Menu is enabled, false otherwise
    public function is_enabled() { return $this->enabled; }
    * @return bool check if menu is hidden with small screens
    public function is_hidden_with_small_screens() { return $this->hidden_with_small_screens; }
    * @return string the menu filters
    public function get_filters() { return $this->filters; }

    * Sets the filters of the menu
    * @param Array<Filter> $filters Filters of the menu
    public function set_filters($filters) { $this->filters = $filters; }

    * Sets the template of the menu
    * @param Template $template Template of the menu
    public function set_template(Template $template)
        $this->template = $template;

     * @return Template
    protected function get_template_to_use()
        if ($this->template !== null)
            return $this->template;
            return $this->get_default_template();

    * Get the default template of the menu
    * @abstract
    * @return string the default template of the menu
    protected function get_default_template() {}