
File phpboost/module/ModuleConfigurationManager.class.php

File phpboost/module/ModuleConfigurationManager.class.php

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 * @package     PHPBoost
 * @subpackage  Module
 * @copyright   &copy; 2005-2019 PHPBoost
 * @license GNU/GPL-3.0
 * @author      Loic ROUCHON <>
 * @version     PHPBoost 5.2 - last update: 2018 10 26
 * @since       PHPBoost 3.0 - 2009 12 12
 * @contributor Julien BRISWALTER <>

class ModuleConfigurationManager
     * @var DataStore
    private static $cache_manager = null;

     * Returns the <code>$module_id</code> ModuleConfiguration
     * @param string $module_id the module id
     * @return ModuleConfiguration the module configuration
    public static function get($module_id)
        $cache_manager = self::get_cache_manager();
        if (!$cache_manager->contains($module_id))
            $module_configuration = self::get_module_configuration($module_id);
            $cache_manager->store($module_id, $module_configuration);
        return $cache_manager->get($module_id);

     * @return DataStore
    private static function get_cache_manager()
        if (self::$cache_manager === null)
            self::$cache_manager = DataStoreFactory::get_ram_store(__CLASS__);
        return self::$cache_manager;

     * @return ModuleConfiguration
    private static function get_module_configuration($module_id)
        $config_ini_file = PATH_TO_ROOT . '/' . $module_id . '/config.ini';
        $desc_ini_file = self::find_desc_ini_file($module_id);
        return new ModuleConfiguration($config_ini_file, $desc_ini_file);

    private static function find_desc_ini_file($module_id)
        // Module - Langs priority order
        //      /lang/$lang/modules/$module/desc.ini
        //      /$module/lang/$lang/desc.ini
        $desc_ini_file = PATH_TO_ROOT . '/lang/' . AppContext::get_current_user()->get_locale() . '/modules/' . $module_id . '/desc.ini';
        if (file_exists($desc_ini_file))
            return $desc_ini_file;

        $desc_ini_folder = PATH_TO_ROOT . '/' . $module_id . '/lang/';

        $desc_ini_file = $desc_ini_folder . AppContext::get_current_user()->get_locale() . '/desc.ini';
        if (file_exists($desc_ini_file))
            return $desc_ini_file;

        $folder = new Folder($desc_ini_folder);
        $folders = $folder->get_folders();
        foreach ($folders as $lang_folder)
            $desc_ini_file = $lang_folder->get_path() . '/desc.ini';
            if (file_exists($desc_ini_file))
                return $desc_ini_file;
        throw new IOException('Module "' . $module_id . '" description desc.ini not found in' .
                '/' . $module_id . '/lang/');