
File io/db/dbms/MySQLDBMSUtils.class.php

File io/db/dbms/MySQLDBMSUtils.class.php

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 * @package     IO
 * @subpackage  DB\dbms
 * @copyright   &copy; 2005-2019 PHPBoost
 * @license GNU/GPL-3.0
 * @author      Loic ROUCHON <>
 * @version     PHPBoost 5.2 - last update: 2017 04 12
 * @since       PHPBoost 3.0 - 2009 11 03
 * @contributor Julien BRISWALTER <>
 * @contributor Arnaud GENET <>

class MySQLDBMSUtils implements DBMSUtils
     * @var SQLQuerier
    private $querier;

     * @var MySqlPlatform
    private $platform;

    public function __construct(SQLQuerier $querier)
        $this->querier = $querier;

    public function get_dbms_version()
        $result = $this->select('SELECT VERSION();')->fetch();
        return 'MySQL ' . $result['VERSION()'];

    public function list_databases()
        $databases = array();
        $results = $this->select('SHOW DATABASES;', array(), SelectQueryResult::FETCH_NUM);
        foreach ($results as $result)
            $databases[] = $result[0];
        return $databases;

    function create_database($database_name)
        $database_name = str_replace(array('/', '\\', '.', ' ', '"', '\''), '_', $database_name);
        $this->inject('CREATE DATABASE `' . $database_name . '`;');
        return $database_name;

    public function get_database_name()
        $result = $this->select('SELECT DATABASE();')->fetch();
        return $result['DATABASE()'];

    public function list_tables($with_prefix = false)
        $tables = array();
        $like_prefix = $with_prefix ? ' LIKE \'' . PREFIX . '%\'' : '';
        $results = $this->select('SHOW TABLES ' . $like_prefix . ';', array(), SelectQueryResult::FETCH_NUM);
        foreach ($results as $result)
            $tables[] = $result[0];
        return $tables;

    public function list_and_desc_tables($with_prefix = false)
        $tables = array();
        $like_prefix = $with_prefix ? ' LIKE \'' . PREFIX . '%\'' : '';
        $results = $this->select('SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `' . $this->get_database_name() . '`' .
            $like_prefix . ';');
        foreach ($results as $table)
            $tables[$table['Name']] = array(
              'name' => $table['Name'],
              'engine' => $table['Engine'],
              'row_format' => $table['Row_format'],
              'rows' => $table['Rows'],
              'data_length' => $table['Data_length'],
              'index_length' => $table['Index_length'],
              'data_free' => $table['Data_free'],
              'auto_increment' => $table['Auto_increment'],
              'create_time' => $table['Create_time'],
              'update_time' => $table['Update_time'],
              'collation' => $table['Collation'],

        return $tables;

    public function desc_table($table)
        $fields = array();
        $results = $this->select('DESC ' . $table . ';');
        foreach ($results as $result)
            $fields[$result['Field']] = array(
                'name' => $result['Field'],
                'type' => $result['Type'],
                'null' => $result['Null'],
                'key' => $result['Key'],
                'default' => $result['Default'],
                'extra' => $result['Extra'],
        return $fields;

    public function create_table($table_name, array $fields, array $options = array())
        // Force charset to utf8 if not set
        if (!isset($options['charset']) || empty($options['charset']))
            $options['charset'] = 'UTF8';

        // Force collate to utf8_general_ci if not set
        if ((!isset($options['collate']) || empty($options['collate'])) && strtolower($options['charset']) == 'utf8')
            $options['collate'] = 'utf8_general_ci';

        foreach ($this->get_platform()->getCreateTableSql($table_name, $fields, $options) as $query)

    public function drop($tables)

    public function truncate($tables)
        if (!is_array($tables))
            $tables = array($tables);
        foreach ($tables as $table)
            $this->inject('TRUNCATE TABLE `' . $table . '`;');

    public function optimize($tables)
        if (is_array($tables))
            $tables = implode('`, `', $tables);
        $this->inject('OPTIMIZE TABLE`' . $tables . '`;');

    public function repair($tables)
        if (is_array($tables))
            $tables = implode('`, `', $tables);
        $this->inject('REPAIR TABLE `' . $tables . '`;');

    public function add_column($table_name, $column_name, array $column_description)
        $changes = array('add' => array($column_name => $column_description));
        $alter_query = $this->get_platform()->getAlterTableSql($table_name, $changes);

    public function drop_column($table_name, $column_name)
        $result = $this->select('SELECT column_name  FROM `information_schema`.`COLUMNS` C WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA=:schema
            AND TABLE_NAME=:table_name AND COLUMN_NAME=:column_name',
                'schema' => $this->get_database_name(),
                'table_name' => $table_name,
                'column_name' => $column_name
        if ($result->get_rows_count() > 0)
            $this->inject('ALTER TABLE `' . $table_name . '` DROP `' . $column_name . '`');

    public function dump_phpboost(FileWriter $file, $what = self::DUMP_STRUCTURE_AND_DATA)
        $this->dump_tables($file, $this->list_tables(), $what);

    public function dump_tables(FileWriter $file, array $tables, $what = self::DUMP_STRUCTURE_AND_DATA)
        $tables = array_intersect($tables, $this->list_tables());
        foreach ($tables as $table)
            $this->dump_table($file, $table, $what);

    public function dump_table(FileWriter $file, $table, $what = self::DUMP_STRUCTURE_AND_DATA)
        if ($what == self::DUMP_STRUCTURE || $what == self::DUMP_STRUCTURE_AND_DATA)
            $this->write($this->get_drop_table_query($table), $file);
            $this->write($this->get_create_table_query($table), $file);

        if ($what == self::DUMP_DATA || $what == self::DUMP_STRUCTURE_AND_DATA)
            $this->dump_table_rows($table, $file);

    public function dump_table_rows($table, $file = null)
        $results = $this->select('SELECT * FROM `' . $table . '`');
        $field_names = array_keys($this->desc_table($table));
        $query = 'INSERT INTO `' . $table . '` (`' .
        implode('`, `', $field_names) . '`) VALUES ';
        foreach ($results as $result)
            $fields = array();
            foreach ($field_names as $field)
                $fields[] = $this->export_field($result[$field]);
            $this->write($query . '(' . implode(',', $fields) . ');', $file);

    private function export_field($field)
        if (is_numeric($field))
            return $field;
        else if (is_string($field))
            return '\'' .
            str_replace(chr(13), '\r',
            str_replace(chr(10), '\n',
            str_replace('\\', '\\\\',
            str_replace("'", "''", $field)))) . '\'';
            return 'NULL';

    private function write($string, FileWriter $file)
        $file->append($string .  "\n");

    private function get_drop_table_query($tables)
        if (is_array($tables))
            $tables = implode('`, `', $tables);
        return 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `' . $tables . '`;';

    private function get_create_table_query($table)
        $result = $this->select('SHOW CREATE TABLE ' . $table)->fetch();
        return $result['Create Table'] . ';';

    private function select($query, $parameters = array(), $fetch_mode = SelectQueryResult::FETCH_ASSOC)
        $result = $this->querier->select($query, $parameters, $fetch_mode);
        return $result;

    private function inject($query, $parameters = array())
        $result = $this->querier->inject($query, $parameters);
        return $result;

    public function parse_file(File $file, $prefix = '')
        $reader = new BufferedFileReader($file);
        $query = '';
        while (($line = $reader->read_line()) !== null)
            if (!empty($line) && TextHelper::substr($line, 0, 2) !== '--')
                if (TextHelper::substr($line, -1) == ';')
                    if (empty($query))
                        $query = $line;
                        $query .= ' ' . $line;

                    if (!empty($tableprefix))
                        $query = str_replace('phpboost_', $tableprefix, $query);

                    $query = '';
                    $query .= ' ' . $line;

     * @return MySqlPlatform
    private function get_platform()
        if ($this->platform === null)
            $this->platform = new  MySqlPlatform();
        return $this->platform;