
File phpboost/user/authentication/PHPBoostAuthenticationMethod.class.php

File phpboost/user/authentication/PHPBoostAuthenticationMethod.class.php

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 * The AuthenticationMethod interface could be implemented in different ways to enable specifics
 * authentication mecanisms.
 * PHPBoost comes with a PHPBoostAuthenticationMethod which will be performed on the internal member
 * list. But it is possible to implement external authentication mecanism by providing others
 * implementations of this class to support LDAP authentication, OpenID, Facebook connect and more...
 * @package     PHPBoost
 * @subpackage  User\authentication
 * @copyright   &copy; 2005-2019 PHPBoost
 * @license GNU/GPL-3.0
 * @author      Loic ROUCHON <>
 * @version     PHPBoost 5.2 - last update: 2017 06 08
 * @since       PHPBoost 3.0 - 2010 11 28
 * @contributor Julien BRISWALTER <>

class PHPBoostAuthenticationMethod extends AuthenticationMethod
    const AUTHENTICATION_METHOD = 'internal';

    private static $MAX_AUTHORIZED_ATTEMPTS = 5;
    private static $MAX_AUTHORIZED_ATTEMPTS_RESET_DELAY = 600;

     * @var DBQuerier
    private $querier;

    private $login;
    private $password;

    private $approved = true;
    private $registration_pass = '';

    private $connection_attempts = 0;
    private $last_connection_date;

    public function __construct($login, $password)
        $this->login = $login;
        $this->password = KeyGenerator::string_hash($password);
        $this->querier = PersistenceContext::get_querier();

    public function set_association_parameters($approved = true, $registration_pass = '')
        $this->approved = $approved;
        $this->registration_pass = $registration_pass;

    public function get_remaining_attemps()
        return self::$MAX_AUTHORIZED_ATTEMPTS - $this->connection_attempts;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public function associate($user_id)
        $internal_authentication_columns = array(
            'user_id' => $user_id,
            'login' => $this->login,
            'password' => $this->password,
            'registration_pass' => $this->registration_pass,
            'last_connection' => time(),
            'approved' => (int)$this->approved
        $authentication_method_columns = array(
            'user_id' => $user_id,
            'method' => self::AUTHENTICATION_METHOD,
            'identifier' => $user_id
        try {
            $this->querier->insert(DB_TABLE_INTERNAL_AUTHENTICATION, $internal_authentication_columns);
            $this->querier->insert(DB_TABLE_AUTHENTICATION_METHOD, $authentication_method_columns);
        } catch (SQLQuerierException $ex) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException('User Id ' . $user_id .
                ' is already associated with an authentication method [' . $ex->getMessage() . ']');

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public function dissociate($user_id)
        try {
            $this->querier->delete(DB_TABLE_AUTHENTICATION_METHOD, 'WHERE user_id=:user_id AND method=:method', array(
                'user_id' => $user_id,
                'method' => self::AUTHENTICATION_METHOD
        } catch (SQLQuerierException $ex) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException('User Id ' . $user_id .
                ' is already dissociated with an authentication method [' . $ex->getMessage() . ']');

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public function authenticate()
        if ($this->login)
            return $this->try2authenticate();

        return false;

    private function try2authenticate()
        $user_id = 0;
            $user_id = $this->find_user_id_by_username();
        catch (RowNotFoundException $ex) { }

        if (!empty($user_id))
            $match = $this->check_user_password($user_id);
            $failure_id = 0;
                $failure_id = $this->find_failure_login_tried_id_by_username();
            catch (RowNotFoundException $ex) { }


            $this->last_connection_date = time();


            if (!empty($failure_id))

            $match = false;

        $auth_infos = array();
        try {
            $auth_infos = self::get_auth_infos($user_id);
        } catch (RowNotFoundException $e) {

        if (!empty($auth_infos) && !$auth_infos['approved'])
            $this->error_msg = LangLoader::get_message('registration.not-approved', 'user-common');

        if (!$match)
            $remaining_attempts = $this->get_remaining_attemps();
            if ($remaining_attempts > 0)
                $this->error_msg = StringVars::replace_vars(LangLoader::get_message('user.auth.passwd_flood', 'status-messages-common'), array('remaining_tries' => $remaining_attempts));
                $this->error_msg = LangLoader::get_message('user.auth.passwd_flood_max', 'status-messages-common');


        if ($match && !$this->error_msg)
            return $user_id;

    private function find_user_id_by_username()
        $columns = array('user_id', 'last_connection', 'connection_attemps');
        $condition = 'WHERE login=:login AND approved=1';
        $parameters = array('login' => $this->login);
        $row = $this->querier->select_single_row(DB_TABLE_INTERNAL_AUTHENTICATION, $columns, $condition, $parameters);
        $this->connection_attempts = $row['connection_attemps'];
        $this->last_connection_date = $row['last_connection'];
        return $row['user_id'];

    private function check_max_authorized_attempts()
        $delay_since_last_attempt = time() - $this->last_connection_date;
        if ($delay_since_last_attempt >= self::$MAX_AUTHORIZED_ATTEMPTS_RESET_DELAY)
            $this->connection_attempts = self::$MAX_AUTHORIZED_ATTEMPTS_RESET_ATTEMPS;
        elseif ($delay_since_last_attempt >= self::$MAX_AUTHORIZED_ATTEMPTS_PARTIAL_RESET_DELAY)
            $this->connection_attempts = min($this->connection_attempts, self::$MAX_AUTHORIZED_ATTEMPTS_PARTIAL_RESET_ATTEMPS);
        elseif ($this->connection_attempts >= self::$MAX_AUTHORIZED_ATTEMPTS)
            $controller = new UserErrorController(LangLoader::get_message('error', 'status-messages-common'), LangLoader::get_message('user.auth.passwd_flood_max', 'status-messages-common'));

    private function check_user_password($user_id)
        $condition = 'WHERE user_id=:user_id and password=:password';
        $parameters = array('user_id' => $user_id, 'password' => $this->password);
        $match = $this->querier->row_exists(DB_TABLE_INTERNAL_AUTHENTICATION, $condition, $parameters, '*');
        if ($match)
            $this->connection_attempts = 0;
        return $match;

    private function update_user_info($user_id)
        $this->last_connection_date = time();
        $columns = array(
            'last_connection' => $this->last_connection_date,
            'connection_attemps' => $this->connection_attempts,
        $condition = 'WHERE user_id=:user_id';
        $parameters = array('user_id' => $user_id);
        $this->querier->update(DB_TABLE_INTERNAL_AUTHENTICATION, $columns, $condition, $parameters);

    public static function get_auth_infos($user_id)
        $columns = array('login', 'password', 'approved');
        $condition = 'WHERE user_id=:user_id';
        $parameters = array('user_id' => $user_id);
        return PersistenceContext::get_querier()->select_single_row(DB_TABLE_INTERNAL_AUTHENTICATION, $columns, $condition, $parameters);

    public static function update_auth_infos($user_id, $login = null, $approved = null, $password = null, $registration_pass = null, $change_password_pass = null)
        if (!empty($login))
            $columns['login'] = $login;

        if ($approved !== null)
            $columns['approved'] = (int)$approved;

        if (!empty($password))
            $columns['password'] = $password;

        if ($registration_pass !== null)
            $columns['registration_pass'] = $registration_pass;

        if ($change_password_pass !== null)
            $columns['change_password_pass'] = $change_password_pass;

        $condition = 'WHERE user_id=:user_id';
        $parameters = array('user_id' => $user_id);
        PersistenceContext::get_querier()->update(DB_TABLE_INTERNAL_AUTHENTICATION, $columns, $condition, $parameters);


        if ($approved !== null && !$approved)
            PersistenceContext::get_querier()->delete(DB_TABLE_SESSIONS, $condition, $parameters);

    public static function registration_pass_exists($registration_pass)
        try {
            $condition = 'WHERE registration_pass=:registration_pass';
            $parameters = array('registration_pass' => $registration_pass);
            return PersistenceContext::get_querier()->get_column_value(DB_TABLE_INTERNAL_AUTHENTICATION, 'user_id', $condition, $parameters);
        } catch (RowNotFoundException $e) {
            return false;

    public static function change_password_pass_exists($change_password_pass)
        try {
            $condition = 'WHERE change_password_pass=:change_password_pass';
            $parameters = array('change_password_pass' => $change_password_pass);
            return PersistenceContext::get_querier()->get_column_value(DB_TABLE_INTERNAL_AUTHENTICATION, 'user_id', $condition, $parameters);
        } catch (RowNotFoundException $e) {
            return false;

    private function delete_too_old_failure_attemps()
        $condition = 'WHERE last_connection < :reset_delay';
        $parameters = array('reset_delay' => time() - self::$MAX_AUTHORIZED_ATTEMPTS_RESET_DELAY);
        $this->querier->delete(DB_TABLE_INTERNAL_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURES, $condition, $parameters);

    private function find_failure_login_tried_id_by_username()
        $columns = array('id', 'last_connection', 'connection_attemps');
        $condition = 'WHERE login=:login AND session_id=:session_id';
        $parameters = array('login' => $this->login, 'session_id' => AppContext::get_session()->get_session_id());
        $row = $this->querier->select_single_row(DB_TABLE_INTERNAL_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURES, $columns, $condition, $parameters);
        $this->connection_attempts = $row['connection_attemps'];
        $this->last_connection_date = $row['last_connection'];
        return $row['id'];

    private function insert_failure_info()
        $columns = array(
            'session_id' => AppContext::get_session()->get_session_id(),
            'login' => $this->login,
            'last_connection' => $this->last_connection_date,
            'connection_attemps' => $this->connection_attempts,
        $this->querier->insert(DB_TABLE_INTERNAL_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURES, $columns);

    private function update_failure_info($failure_id)
        $columns = array(
            'last_connection' => $this->last_connection_date,
            'connection_attemps' => $this->connection_attempts
        $condition = 'WHERE id=:id';
        $parameters = array('id' => $failure_id);
        $this->querier->update(DB_TABLE_INTERNAL_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURES, $columns, $condition, $parameters);