
File content/formatting/parser/TemplateHighlighter.class.php

File content/formatting/parser/TemplateHighlighter.class.php

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 * This is a syntax highlighter for the PHPBoost template syntax.
 * @package     Content
 * @subpackage  Formatting\parser
 * @copyright   &copy; 2005-2019 PHPBoost
 * @license GNU/GPL-3.0
 * @author      Benoit SAUTEL <>
 * @version     PHPBoost 5.2 - last update: 2016 11 14
 * @since       PHPBoost 3.0 - 2010 01 03
 * @contributor Arnaud GENET <>
 * @contributor mipel <>

class TemplateHighlighter extends AbstractParser
    const TPL_BRACES_STYLE = 'color:#7F3300;';
    const TPL_VARIABLE_STYLE = 'color:#FF6600; font-weight: bold;';
    const TPL_NESTED_VARIABLE_STYLE = 'color:#8F5211;';
    const TPL_SHARP_STYLE = 'color:#9915AF; font-weight: bold;';
    const TPL_KEYWORD_STYLE = 'color:#000066; font-weight: bold;';

     * Build a TemplateHighlighter object.
    public function __construct()

     * Highlights the code. It uses the geshi HTML syntax highlighter and then it highlights the specific template syntax.
     * @param int $line_number GESHI_NO_LINE_NUMBERS => no line numbers, GESHI_NORMAL_LINE_NUMBERS line numbers.
     * @param bool $inline_code true if it's a sigle line code, otherwise false.
    public function parse($line_number = GESHI_NO_LINE_NUMBERS, $inline_code = false)
        //The template language of PHPBoost contains HTML. We first ask to highlight the html code.
        require_once(PATH_TO_ROOT . '/kernel/lib/php/geshi/geshi.php');

        $geshi = new GeSHi($this->content, 'html');

        if ($line_number) //Affichage des numéros de lignes.

        //GeSHi must not put any div or pre tag before and after the content
        if ($inline_code)

        $this->content = $geshi->parse_code();

        //Now we highlight the specific syntax of PHPBoost templates

        //Conditionnal block
        $this->content = preg_replace('`# IF ( NOT)? ((?:\w+\.)*)(\w+) #`iu', '<span style="' . self::TPL_SHARP_STYLE . '">#</span> <span style="' . self::TPL_KEYWORD_STYLE . '">IF$1</span> <span style="' . self::TPL_NESTED_VARIABLE_STYLE . '">$2</span><span style="' . self::TPL_VARIABLE_STYLE . '">$3</span> <span style="' . self::TPL_SHARP_STYLE . '">#</span>', $this->content);
        $this->content = preg_replace('`# ELSEIF ( NOT)? ((?:\w+\.)*)(\w+) #`iu', '<span style="' . self::TPL_SHARP_STYLE . '">#</span> <span style="' . self::TPL_KEYWORD_STYLE . '">ELSEIF$1</span> <span style="' . self::TPL_NESTED_VARIABLE_STYLE . '">$2</span><span style="' . self::TPL_VARIABLE_STYLE . '">$3</span> <span style="' . self::TPL_SHARP_STYLE . '">#</span>', $this->content);
        $this->content = str_replace('# ELSE #', '<span style="' . self::TPL_SHARP_STYLE . '">#</span> <span style="' . self::TPL_KEYWORD_STYLE . '">ELSE</span> <span style="' . self::TPL_SHARP_STYLE . '">#</span>', $this->content);
        $this->content = str_replace('# ENDIF #', '<span style="' . self::TPL_SHARP_STYLE . '">#</span> <span style="' . self::TPL_KEYWORD_STYLE . '">ENDIF</span> <span style="' . self::TPL_SHARP_STYLE . '">#</span>', $this->content);

        $this->content = preg_replace('`# START ((?:\w+\.)*)(\w+) #`iu', '<span style="' . self::TPL_SHARP_STYLE . '">#</span> <span style="' . self::TPL_KEYWORD_STYLE . '">START</span> <span style="' . self::TPL_NESTED_VARIABLE_STYLE . '">$1</span><span style="' . self::TPL_VARIABLE_STYLE . '">$2</span> <span style="' . self::TPL_SHARP_STYLE . '">#</span>', $this->content);
        $this->content = preg_replace('`# END ((?:\w+\.)*)(\w+) #`iu', '<span style="' . self::TPL_SHARP_STYLE . '">#</span> <span style="' . self::TPL_KEYWORD_STYLE . '">END</span> <span style="' . self::TPL_NESTED_VARIABLE_STYLE . '">$1</span><span style="' . self::TPL_VARIABLE_STYLE . '">$2</span> <span style="' . self::TPL_SHARP_STYLE . '">#</span>', $this->content);

        $this->content = preg_replace('`# INCLUDE ((?:\w+\.)*)([\w]+) #`u', '<span style="' . self::TPL_SHARP_STYLE . '">#</span> <span style="' . self::TPL_KEYWORD_STYLE . '">INCLUDE </span> <span style="' . self::TPL_NESTED_VARIABLE_STYLE . '">$1</span><span style="' . self::TPL_VARIABLE_STYLE . '">$2</span> <span style="' . self::TPL_SHARP_STYLE . '">#</span>', $this->content);

        //Simple variable
        $this->content = preg_replace('`{([\w]+)}`iu', '<span style="' . self::TPL_BRACES_STYLE . '">{</span><span style="' . self::TPL_VARIABLE_STYLE . '">$1</span><span style="' . self::TPL_BRACES_STYLE . '">}</span>', $this->content);
        //Loop variable
        $this->content = preg_replace('`{((?:[\w]+\.)+)([\w]+)}`iu', '<span style="' . self::TPL_BRACES_STYLE . '">{</span><span style="' . self::TPL_NESTED_VARIABLE_STYLE . '">$1</span><span style="' . self::TPL_VARIABLE_STYLE . '">$2</span><span style="' . self::TPL_BRACES_STYLE . '">}</span>', $this->content);

        if ($inline_code)
            $this->content = '<pre style="display:inline; font-color:courier new;">' . $this->content . '</pre>';